Camper Updates 4-17-21 - Assorted hiccups along the way

  • 3 years ago
So today is a 2 week video with a lot of small changes. A lot of stuff seems to be one step forward followed by 2 steps back. Hurry up and wait seems to be the theme is all I'm saying, but when it busts loose, it'll take off like a rocket.

Weekly cost is as follows...

$0 for original peel and stick plus veneer, $91 was refunded to me for returns despite keeping the veneer and 1 roll. So that balances back out to $0
$25 for a sheet of glass cut to fit.
$122 for wallpaper and wallpaper glue.
$69 spent for 10 new pairs of drawer slides which will be delivered next week.

Total for the past 2 weeks - $216

This holds the project total to $2490.50 Total so far, including the $300 initial cost of the camper itself.

So far the remodel total is now $2190.50, which is $190.50 over the targeted budget.

This means I can spend $309 more dollars on the remainder of the project if I plan to stay within my new budget. We shall see how that holds up.

As mentioned I have a store on redbubble, but I recently learned that posting the link is against dailymotion policy, therefore it has been removed from all my videos. My name is RainingCrow if you are interested, but I am not allowed to post a direct link through this site.

Look forward to new videos soon.
