15 Macbeth Act 3 Scene 5 and 6 Full Commentary and Analysis

  • 3 years ago
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This video is a line-by-line walkthrough guide for William Shakespeare’s Macbeth: Act 3, Scene 5 and 6.

I provide a close reading of the entire scene, including:
— Detailed explication
— Commentary
— Literary analysis

All commentary is supplemented by in-text, line-by-line study notes designed to help students:
— Prepare for GCSE, A-Level, IB, and AP evaluation
— Prepare for general high school and college quizzes, exams, and essays
— Generate ideas for analysis essays
— Participate knowledgeably in class discussions
Click here to download the annotated text of Macbeth: https://sites.google.com/view/shakespeare-walkthrough/home

This video discusses :

PLOT scene 5:
— Hecate, queen of the witches, chastises the 3 witches for not inviting her to help torment Macbeth.
— She lays out her plan to fill Macbeth with over-confidence.

CHARACTER scene 5:
— Hecate: not very nice.

— Hubris summons Nemesis

PLOT scene 6:
— Plot recap scene
— Lennox sarcastically/cynically relates recent murders
— Lennox repeats rumour that Macbeth is angry with MacDuff because he skipped Macbeth’s feast
— A random Lord tells Lennox that MacDuff has gone to meet Malcolm in England where they have gained the support of Northumberland and Siward — War’s a-brewin’!

CHARACTER scene 6:
— Lennox: cynical; deeply concerned for Scotland; aligned with good
— Random Lord: same

THEME scene 6:
— Equivocation; in corrupt state, everyone must lie; lords here use sarcasm to say the truth without saying it
— Moral Dualism; England as holy/good, Scotland as evil
