Avengers: Infinity War is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to The Avengers (2012) and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), and the 19th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the film features an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Don Cheadle, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Danai Gurira, Letitia Wright, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Josh Brolin, and Chris Pratt. In the film, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy attempt to prevent Thanos from collecting the six all-powerful Infinity Stones as part of his quest to kill half of all life in the universe.
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''Suchis Entertainment'' keeps the whole rights of this video clip. If any person/authority/channel/community try to copy or imitate or infringe upon or violate our intellectual property rights; will be charged with hard legal action against the unlawful activists. All the contents being distributed here for entertaining purposes only for the passionate viewers. If anyone has any issue with any image or video clip please email us on sucharitamaam@gmail.com. ''Suchis Entertainment'' definitely will take prompt action.
Avengers: Infinity War is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to The Avengers (2012) and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), and the 19th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the film features an ensemble cast including Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Don Cheadle, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Danai Gurira, Letitia Wright, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Josh Brolin, and Chris Pratt. In the film, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy attempt to prevent Thanos from collecting the six all-powerful Infinity Stones as part of his quest to kill half of all life in the universe.
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*Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
*DISCLAIMER: As per 3rd section of Fair Use Guidelines borrowing small bits of material from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use.
''Suchis Entertainment'' keeps the whole rights of this video clip. If any person/authority/channel/community try to copy or imitate or infringe upon or violate our intellectual property rights; will be charged with hard legal action against the unlawful activists. All the contents being distributed here for entertaining purposes only for the passionate viewers. If anyone has any issue with any image or video clip please email us on sucharitamaam@gmail.com. ''Suchis Entertainment'' definitely will take prompt action.
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