• 3 years ago
Arc Movie (2021) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Based on a short story by Ken Liu, Arc is a story about a woman, Rina (Kyoko Yoshine), who has obtained immortality but struggles to find her place in the world and instead finds it crumbling around her.

After being separated from her new-born son when she was 17, Rina fell into a life wandering about. Rina meets Ema (Shinobu Terajima), who becomes her mentor, after getting a job doing plastination of bodies for display. While working at this job Rina meets Ema's younger brother, Amane (Masaki Okada), who developed the treatment used by Ema. However, Amane is actually attempting to create a way to attain immortality. Rina, at 30 years old, becomes the first woman to receive Amane's treatment once perfected and becomes the first woman in history to gain immortality.