Cicada Molts its Exoskeleton on Emerging Above the Ground After Years

  • 3 years ago
This cicada emerged after staying underground for 17 years in Washington DC, USA. It entered the molting stage and shed its exoskeleton slowly.
00:00 [Indistinct chatter]
00:21 This is the best life ever!
00:25 Can you, can you...
00:26 Look, he's really moving.
00:28 Oh my gosh. Um, guys, guys, let me show you something.
00:32 Right here, look.
00:34 Mommy is too much into the fence.
00:37 Go to the tree.
00:38 No, this one's molting though.
00:40 This one is molting.
00:42 Look at this.
00:43 Is it male?
00:44 I don't know yet.
00:45 I don't know if it's a male.
00:47 Oh my gosh!
00:48 Oh my gosh, that's not natural!
