Wheel of Fortune: Fifth $100,000 Winner on 38th Season (5/17/21)

  • 3 years ago
Good Evening Everyone, WOW that was an insane episode again folks. We have another $100,000 winner that we did not know it’s coming, folks. What a Fantastic Episode Folks.

Today Bonus Round that Victoria Select for the Category is What are you doing? And she probably figures it out after they found two words (Chatting With) on the letters board. And she does come up with “Chatting With Mom” for the Correct Bonus Round.

And ending up with ANOTHER $100,000 winner for the Bonus Round. 5th time Winning $100,000 prize on the Bonus Round this Season (38th Season).

That brings her up to $123,600 cash & prize. Congratulation Victoria another Confetti Winner on the Bonus Round. And you deserve it.

I will be doing the Review of Wheel Of Fortune 4 weeks from now. This is the BEST MODERN SEASON so far this year & also this Season.

Until then folks we will see you next time on Wheel Of Fortune. Good Night.
