• 4 years ago
Main YouTube: https://bit.ly/3j5BxGr

Jesus said, "If you give a cup of cold water in my name to one of my disciples, you will receive a reward." Now, this channel is all about the teachings of Jesus Christ, but something about this teaching always clanged, even though it is something Jesus said. But it's not the teaching itself that is the problem; it's how people use it to say that you can do the bare minimum and still get a spot in heaven. It doesn't seem to line up with the idea that the way to heaven is narrow. In this video, I debunk the myth that has arisen from this "cup of water" teaching of Jesus.

TO CONTACT: Email avidmoderator1@gmail.com

Produced by: US Jude
Narrated by: Felipe
Written by: Dave

What is "A Voice in the Desert"?

A Voice in the Desert is anonymous. Its purpose is to point people to the message, rather than the messenger. Most modern day prophets promote themselves more than the teachings of Jesus and the true message of Revelation. A Voice in the Desert challenges that error and more. Some of the things you hear on this channel may be difficult to understand, and may offend you. The goal, however, is to sweep away dogmas and traditions to reveal what Jesus actually taught.

If the message in this video had an impact on you, then please subscribe to stay up to date with more videos [https://goo.gl/EFxRCR].


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Creative Commons (reuse allowed)

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