• 4 years ago
Growing up in America I always identified myself as “Half Polish”, this was a normal part of my identity as my Great Grandmother sent packages containing my childhood clothing to relatives in Poland. When she passed away the contact stopped and I wondered desperately who she had been in touch with on the other side, what family members I might have. So I composed a family tree and did as much research as I could before finally having the amazing opportunity of flying from Newark NJ to Rzeszów on LOT Polish airlines to visit the part of Poland where my living relatives still live. The beautiful village located in the Podkarpackie region is my family’s history, the place responsible for the existence of everyone I love. This was the most meaningful trip of my life and for anyone of Polish heritage, I’d insist you take the time to discover your own ancestry in the same way.

★★★ CONTACT ★★★

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Email: kultamerica@mediakraft.tv
Brands: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv
Merchandise: https://shop.spreadshirt.pl/KultAmerica


