The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has launched an investigation into a case of 161 passengers on board a chartered SpiceJet flight flouting onboard Covid-19 norms while attending a mid-air wedding ceremony on May 23. The bride, groom & their families may face action as SpiceJet says passengers did not follow rules despite repeated requests. The young couple from Madurai in Tamil Nadu - the state is under lockdown- booked a flight to Bengaluru & their wedding was held mid-air. Their families, relatives & guests were all on the Boeing 737 plane, reveal photos & videos that have gone viral online. In one video, the groom is seen tying the mangalsutra on the bride as cameras capture the moment with a crowd on the aisle behind them. The bride is decked with flowers & jewellery & the groom is in traditional south Indian attire. There are more visuals that show people sitting & enjoying the function inside the aircraft. Most of them are without face masks & there is no social distancing in what seems to be a packed flight. Regulator DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) has launched an inquiry into the mid-air ceremony. It has asked for a full report from the airline & the Airport Authority and says the crew has been removed from the roster. Watch the video to know more.