• 3 years ago
"What We're Gonna Talk About Now Ya Ikhwani Is: From The Matters Of The Unseen, From The Ilul Qaib, That Nobody Knows The Complete Nature Of It Except Allah SWT, The Jinn Were Created From A Smokeless Fire And That Fire Remains A Part Of Their Nature But We Know From The Hadis Of The Prophet SAW That They Right Now Are Not Actual Fire Or Something Like That, Ok They Live Amongst Us, They Have Families, There Are Muslims Jinns, Buddhist Jinns, Hindu Jinns, There Are Good Jinns, Bad Jinns, Not Every Shaytaan Or Not Every Jinn Is A Shaytaan And Not Every Shaytann Is A Jinn Because We Have Shayateen From The Humans And We Have Shayateens From The Jinns, And We Have Believers From The Jinns And Disbelievers From The Jinn, Most Of Them Live Inhabit And Far Away Places, Place Like Deserted Places Or Places Which Are Particularly Not Cleans, Toilets, Bathrooms..."


