• 4 years ago


01:30Yes? What can I do for you?
01:31Sorry to bust in. There was no girl out there.
01:33She's out to lunch.
01:34Just as well.
01:37Skip it.
01:38Would you mind telling me what you want here, Mr...?
01:40Blake. Steve Blake.
01:41You have got a good view of police headquarters from here.
01:43I'm aware of that.
01:46There's a possibility that you'll have to defend me on a murder charge, Mr. Bennett.
01:51You mean you've actually killed someone?
01:53No, not yet.
01:54But if the police let him go...
01:56Mr. Blake, are you quite sure you know what you're doing?
01:59Across the street in the police station are two people.
02:01One of them is Mark Harper.
02:03Mark Harper?
02:04The owner of the Harper diamond mine?
02:07The other is a girl.
02:10She means a lot to me.
02:12I love her and I intend to marry her.
02:15Right now, both she and Harper are being held for murder.
02:18They're different murders, but each hinges on the other.
02:20But I don't understand.
02:21You will.
02:22Why did you come here?
02:23Why did you select me as your attorney?
02:25You don't know me.
02:27But that window is very handy, Mr. Bennett.
02:30I can get a perfect shot at Harper from it.
02:32But, Mr. Blake, I cannot allow you to do this.
02:34You can't take the law into your own hands.
02:36I might have to.
02:37And I might not.
02:39Depending on whether Harper or Mr. Street.
02:41Mr. Blake.
02:42It's not a lawyer, but a doctor you need.
02:44You are out of your mind now.
02:46Relax, Mr. Bennett.
02:48Maybe you better hear the whole story since you may have to defend me.
02:50I will not defend you, Mr. Blake.
02:52Maybe the story will change your mind.
02:54You better listen.
02:56It all started when I had my first date with a girl named Clarissa.
03:00A stranger in town.
03:02Well, she was lonely and I was obliging.
03:06And she was getting less lonely every minute.
03:08And she was getting less lonely every minute.
03:10But, uh, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
03:13Knock, knock, knock, knock.
03:15Anyone knocking?
03:17Must be a woodpecker.
03:20Knock, knock, knock, knock.
03:29Knock, knock, knock, knock.
03:32Knock, knock, knock, knock.
03:38You didn't learn to kiss like that in Africa.
03:41I used to play trombone in the school band.
03:43I was just giving her the first 32 bars of the William Tell Overture.
03:46Well, play the next 32, baby.
03:48Now I know what made William Tell.
03:57I could go on like this forever.
03:59It's heaven, darling. I can almost hear the angels.
04:01What's the idea of not answering the door?
04:03You almost sound like a friend of mine.
04:05Look, Steve, we got a job.
04:06Finding a girl like you in Africa is a miracle.
04:08We gotta go up to the Kenya country.
04:10Do you really love me, Steve?
04:11Honey, there just aren't any other women in the world.
04:14The smell of your hair, those sweet lips.
04:17We're gonna get 2,500 bucks.
04:19Sure, so what?
04:21That's all, baby. Continue it next week.
04:23But I thought you loved me.
04:25Hold everything, baby.
04:26Then we get back and then we'll make up for lost time.
04:28Hey, what's the deal?
04:29Where do we go and when do we collect?
04:30Well, I don't know what the deal is,
04:31but we go to the Harper Diamond Mine up near the Kowali Ranch.
04:34There's cash on the line when we deliver our bodies in prison.
04:37This is a fine date.
04:39Don't be sore, babe.
04:41I'll bring you back a shrunken head from one of the cannibal tribes.
04:43A shrunken head?
04:46So you'll have somebody to talk to when we get around.
04:51The next morning, Coastal Air Transport Incorporated,
04:53that's Hoppy and myself, was airborne.
04:56We'd flown over plenty of strange places,
04:58but this was our maiden voyage into the deep interior
05:01where the Kowali Ranch shot up into the sky.
05:04The Congo's bad enough,
05:06but the reports were that the Kowali District
05:08made it look like a children's playground.
05:10It was way off the route of regular business traffic
05:13and not many white men had ever penetrated that far.
05:16I don't think they missed much either.
05:20What do you know about this guy, Hopper?
05:21A lot of things.
05:22The first is he's got a million bucks.
05:24That's enough. I don't have to know any more.
05:26Hey, what are we supposed to do with this 2,500 bucks?
05:28Since when are you particular?
05:30Okay, forget it.
05:32Hey, where do we land?
05:33On the plane near the mine.
05:35There'll be a car waiting to take us to Harper's house.
05:38Let me see the map, will you?
05:40Here it is.
05:41This is gonna be like a vacation.
05:43Maybe this job will keep your mind on your work for a while.
05:49There's the mine.
05:55Well, hold on to your store teeth.
05:57Here we go.
06:00Let's go.
06:30Let's go.
06:48Here we are.
06:54What's the idea of the armed guard?
06:55You got a war going on down here?
06:57There's still plenty of wild natives back in the hills.
06:59We have to take precautions.
07:00Don't they like Harper and his mine?
07:02Look, if you like, you won't ask too many questions.
07:04Just do as you're told.
07:06Wait on the terrace.
07:10Vacation, huh?
07:14Well, the trip was nice.
07:20Like what you see?
07:23Wearing your rubbish old shoes again, Mark?
07:26Next time I'll end up with a fanfare of trumpets.
07:29Smart, aren't you?
07:30Yes, I'm smart enough to keep my eye on my wife
07:32when there's a handsome stranger about.
07:34Oh, I'd hate to be in your booth.
07:36You can't trust anyone.
07:37You love me and you don't trust me.
07:40That's right.
07:42I don't think Blake will be here long enough to worry me.
07:44It might be best if you'd leave us alone after you meet Blake.
07:48As you wish, Mark.
07:52Don't mean to butt in, Harper.
07:54They're on site.
07:55Yes, I know.
07:56Send them in.
08:00All right.
08:01This way.
08:08Steve, darling, so good to see you again.
08:10Hello, Connie.
08:11Oh, no.
08:12Not out here in the middle of darkest Africa.
08:14You old friends?
08:15Oh, we met.
08:16That was years ago.
08:19Why didn't you tell me that you'd met Blake?
08:21You didn't ask me, darling.
08:23How long has it been, Steve?
08:25Oh, I don't know.
08:27Five years, I guess.
08:29That should make it all right, then, dear.
08:31We've only been married four.
08:33I hope you don't mind, Harper, but I'd like to get down to business.
08:36We didn't come out here for the joy ride.
08:38Well, that suits me admirably.
08:39I'm glad we see eye to eye.
08:41Apparently, I must leave.
08:42We'll have a long talk about old times, Steve.
08:44Oh, I don't think you'll be here that long, Mrs. Harper.
08:46Well, I'm certainly glad to have met you.
08:48I wasn't aware that we had met.
08:52Well, only goes to show how much I love you.
08:56Well, only goes to show you.
08:58Certainly a small world, huh?
09:02I won't waste time on preliminaries, Blake.
09:07I have a map here that shows about 200 square miles of the territory surrounding Kuala Range.
09:12Most of it's dense jungle.
09:14It's too dense.
09:15There's a native tribe in there.
09:16We can't locate them.
09:17Are they giving you trouble?
09:19Oh, minor attacks, but they constitute a nuisance.
09:21They hamper our operations here.
09:23Have you notified the district commissioner?
09:24Yes, I've thought of that, but I don't want war with the natives.
09:27I feel that if I could locate them, I might make peace for them.
09:31I don't know what they've got against me.
09:32I've never done anything to them.
09:34Natives get funny ideas sometimes.
09:36You want us to locate the village for you, is that it?
09:39Yes, we've tried and failed.
09:40I think you can do it from the air.
09:41It shouldn't take you more than a day or two.
09:43Sounds all right to me, Steve.
09:44When do we get paid?
09:46You get half now on the balance when you bring me the information that I want.
09:49A deal?
09:50Oh, that's fine.
09:51You can start first thing in the morning.
09:52Oh, what about gas?
09:53Plenty. One of the...
09:54One of them.
10:01Looks like we're on the right track now, Berger.
10:03I only hope Blake doesn't get too curious.
10:05Why should he?
10:06You find the village, get his money, and leave.
10:09What about your wife?
10:10What about her?
10:11She knows about us.
10:12She seems to have been pretty friendly with Blake.
10:14Don't you worry about Connie.
10:15She'd be afraid to tell Blake anything.
10:17I hope so.
10:20Ah, brother.
10:23What a meal.
10:24The only thing missing was the finger bowl.
10:26But I don't mind.
10:27I'm a lousy bowler anyway.
10:30Hey, what's eating you?
10:32Did you lose a telephone number or something?
10:34Oh, no, no.
10:36I was just thinking.
10:37Yeah, you're thinking.
10:38You're thinking about that Mrs. Harper.
10:40You know, she paid more attention to you at dinner tonight than she did the food.
10:44And I don't think that Mr. Harper liked it for a minute.
10:48Stevie Boyd.
10:50Please remember the 2,500 beautiful pieces of lettuce are almost ours.
10:55Nobody knows that any better than I do.
10:57Or needs it more either.
11:00Do you ever recall an incident where a white man didn't report a native uprising to the district commissioner?
11:05Can't say that I did.
11:07Well, I don't get around much, you know.
11:09Harper, with a snap of his fingers, could have a whole contingent of colonials down here right away.
11:15He's senseless.
11:16Ah, brother.
11:18Well, then, why don't you forget about it?
11:20You know, Harper might have wanted to look at an heir.
11:24Maybe he just plain don't like the colonials.
11:26Don't get excited, Junior.
11:28We'll both get a good night's sleep and then tomorrow we'll be off about our business.
11:31That's for me. I'm ready.
11:34Well, you coming?
11:36Oh, yeah. I'll be up in a minute.
11:39I'm going over to the mine, Connie. I'll be back as soon as I can.
11:42I'm going to bed as soon as I can.
11:44Please don't make any noise if you get back late.
11:47I have some questions I'd like to ask you, but I guess they'll keep.
11:51Pleasant dreams, dear.
11:55You must tell me about all of your old friends sometime.
11:58You must tell me about all of your old friends sometime.
12:28All right, Connie, what's the idea?
12:48Trying to get your husband jealous enough to blow my brains off?
12:51He had to go over to the mine.
12:53He'll be gone for a hour.
12:55Well, it was fun while it lasted, wasn't it, Steve?
12:57It always is.
12:59Sure, it always is.
13:02I've often thought about us.
13:04We clicked.
13:06You're married now, and not bad either.
13:09He must be worth millions.
13:11And not even a five and ten cent store around has spended him.
13:14You know how much I'll be worth when he pays me the 2,500 bucks?
13:192,500 bucks and 47 cents.
13:22And a million dollars worth of freedom.
13:24Oh, Steve, I want to get out of here.
13:26I've got to get out of here.
13:28I don't love him, and I hate this house and the mine and the jungle.
13:32Oh, Steve, get me out of here.
13:35You can do it.
13:36You got me wrong, Connie.
13:37I'll do almost anything, but I won't take another man's wife.
13:40Forget it.
13:42Oh, Steve.
13:43I said forget it.
13:51Do you know why my husband wants you to find that village?
13:57Oh, nothing.
14:00Say, wait a minute.
14:03I'm married now, and not bad either.
14:08Good night.
14:25What's the matter with you?
14:26You haven't said a word all morning.
14:27What do you expect me to say?
14:29Oh, we could talk about the weather or the money we haven't got or women.
14:34Hey, that's a dance.
14:36You got that Connie on your mind.
14:37I got nothing on my mind but collecting that dough,
14:39locating that village, and getting back to Sonobie.
14:41Whatever else is going through that alleged brain of yours is...
14:52Hey, what cooks?
14:54I don't know.
14:55Looks like the mag's a shot.
14:57The mag?
14:58Are you kidding?
14:59If I'd have known you were going to crack this crate up,
15:01I'd have worn my old clothes.
15:03I can't reach that plateau we just passed.
15:05You better do some fast practice and then a hop.
15:14From here on in, we're practically a glider.
15:16Don't bother me.
15:17Just pray we don't go into a spin.
15:19You better pray a little harder and a little faster.
15:25Oh, that was close.
15:34Any sign of that plateau yet?
15:38No, not yet.
15:40Well, I don't know if this air enough in Africa to hold this thing up.
15:43It doesn't look like it.
15:45Well, let's hope it doesn't.
15:47Let's hope it doesn't.
15:49Let's hope it doesn't.
15:51Well, I don't know if this air enough in Africa to hold this thing up.
15:53It doesn't.
15:59Hey, Hoppy, look.
16:00There it is.
16:04There's only a few trays around.
16:06That looks like a piece of real estate I ever saw.
16:08Hold on to your hat, Hoppy.
16:09We're going to try it.
16:22Well, if I'm dead, I don't feel any different than I did before.
16:27What's the matter?
16:28Did you break something?
16:29No, I was just feeling to see if I had wings.
16:31How about you?
16:32I don't think I'd get wings in any case.
16:34Come on.
16:35Let's see what the damage is.
16:40I don't think I'd get wings in any case.
16:42Come on.
16:43Let's see what the damage is.
16:45I don't think I'd get wings in any case.
16:47Come on.
16:48Let's see what the damage is.
16:51Come on.
17:07What did you find?
17:08It's the mags, all right.
17:15Have a buck, Hartman?
17:16What, is that the way you get rid of lions?
17:18No, I...
17:19Just don't make a noise like something to eat.
17:21They go away and leave us alone.
17:22They may go away.
17:23Aren't you sure?
17:25No, I guarantee you just ran out.
17:26Look, you better get the rifle, though, just in case.
17:50Well, I don't hear that lion anymore, Steve.
17:52No, he probably found a meal somewhere else.
17:54Well, let's hope he doesn't come around here looking for dessert.
18:11That lion's back and he's throwing spears.
18:13Hey, Hoppy, easy.
18:16That's just the jungle calling.
18:18That's just the jungle calling card.
18:19Well, let's get out of here.
18:21I don't want to accept the invitation.
18:22It wouldn't do any good to run.
18:23They're probably watching every move we make.
18:25We may as well stay right here in the open.
18:27Now I know how a dummy feels in a store window.
18:29Stay close.
18:30Don't worry.
18:37Like I said, our first customer.
18:49Drop the rifle.
18:50I'm going to feel awful undressed without it.
18:52They wouldn't have a chance.
18:54Maybe they won't get rough if we don't even drop it.
19:01I don't think he likes us, Steve.
19:08I thought I knew most of these tribal languages.
19:10This is a new one on me.
19:19Come here.
19:25They tied us up and pushed us around as if we were nothing more than cattle.
19:28It wouldn't have done any good to get sore.
19:30Those spears are plenty deadly when they're used right.
19:33Then they led us off into the jungle.
19:36It didn't dawn on me until we reached the village how much of a spot we were in.
19:40Then I suddenly realized that this must be the place that Farpa was looking for.
19:46If Farpa was having trouble with this tribe,
19:48they weren't going to like any other white men who might be snooping around.
19:52The natives looked like they meant business.
19:54But apparently they never did anything rash until they talked it over with the chief first.
19:59They knew that this must be his hut.
20:04Apparently this Milo was the chief.
20:07We waited for a minute that seemed like a year.
20:10And then, the grass door of that big hut opened.
20:16I don't believe it.
20:17That makes two of us.
20:19This is fantastic.
20:21What can a white girl be doing here?
20:23It's amazing.
20:24No matter where you go, there's dames.
20:31Towel and butter!
20:34If that's one word I know, it means kill.
20:37If that's one word I know, it means kill.
20:47Call him Eli.
20:51He thinks you're Harper.
20:53I'm not Harper, bud.
21:07Now I get it.
21:08You must be a marrier.
21:17The Chinese always say,
21:19one picture is worth a thousand words.
21:22I doubt if the old boy ever got to China,
21:24but he had plenty of good common sense.
21:27Well, I was supposed to draw a picture showing who we were
21:30and where we were going.
21:32Well, I was supposed to draw a picture showing who we were
21:35and where we came from.
21:37Now, I'm no Rembrandt, but that much I could do.
21:41He also seemed to have control over that blonde package at TNT,
21:44which was okay with me.
21:46Oh, that baby was dangerous.
21:53And the best way I could,
21:54I tried to explain that we had flown the plane
21:57from a coast town, the Sonobis,
21:59and that we were on our way south when we had to land.
22:02Now, I couldn't take a chance on telling them
22:04that we were working for Harper,
22:06because that would probably mean our necks.
22:12Something tells me you should have gone to high school, Junior.
22:29I don't like that fire, Steve.
22:54We're likely to end up on the wrong end of a barbecue.
22:56No, no, that's not for us.
22:58That's war paint on those men.
23:00What I'm trying to figure out, though, is that girl.
23:02Now, what's she doing here?
23:03Where'd she come from?
23:04What's she got to do with Harper?
23:05There's me.
23:06You saw that locker she was wearing?
23:08Yeah, that's another thing.
23:09The locker.
23:10Could have swiped it.
23:13Oh, I doubt it.
23:14There's something strange going on here, Hoppy.
23:16Harper knows a lot when he talks.
25:54Hey, mugman!
25:55Let's go, rumman!
26:01Why stay quiet in the open?
26:04Somewhere down there you must look.
26:05Laki, don't shout like that.
26:06Hear me?!
26:12I say somewhere.
26:19Yes, house.
26:20Yes, Sumune!
26:21Yes, house.
26:22seven, all that Joe has hoped for has come true. Just a little more, and we'll be there,
26:30the place where the diamond mine will be. There will be a fortune someday for Lita.
26:35I should be happy, but something isn't right. I don't know what. Perhaps it's Joe's partner,
26:43Harper. I don't trust him. Or maybe it's just as he says, a case of nerves. Anyway, I'm praying.
27:08I'm just guessing, Happy, but these people have something to do with Mila.
27:12How did Harper get... Harper! Harper! Harper! The old boy's blown his tap. He's trying to tell us
27:17something about Harper. I've got to find out what. Better make her the pretty pictures, pal.
27:23No, not this time. It'll take more than pictures to explain this one. Got any ideas? No. But the
27:30first thing you're going to do is get that plane fixed. What are you going to be doing? Trying to
27:34put two and two together. Tonga and Mila here doing the editing. The next 10 days were probably
27:39as exciting and exasperating as any idea was spent. I didn't see a great deal of Hoppy, but I don't
27:45think he was having much fun working his head off getting the plane into shape. But the job had to
27:50be done, and if there wasn't sufficient diversion for him, it was just too bad. Strangely enough,
27:56though, he didn't complain. Maybe that was because I was too engrossed in my own labors to take
28:01notice. My job also took a bit of doing. Teaching English to Mila and Tonga could be a tough job for
28:07an expert, but for me, it was practically a career. I tried to think how my fifth grade teacher would
28:14do it, and then went full steam ahead. Teaching Mila could hardly be considered work, but within
28:21limitations, I really kept my mind on my business, thinking of the English words for flower or beauty
28:27she was, and what a weird combination of circumstances must have brought her here to this
28:32place. As a matter of fact, I wasn't here because I saw it advertised in a travel folder either.
28:40Tonga was a wise old man, and he grasped everything I tried to teach him pretty quick.
28:46He was still slightly wary of me, but that was probably shyness. As we proceeded with our work,
28:51I would teach him words of violence such as kill, hurt, wound, because I thought that would make it
28:58easier for him to fill me in on the story of Harper and Mila and the people in the locket. Only a few
29:04more lessons, and I figured Tonga would be ready to clear up the mystery. I was with Mila most of the
29:10time, and when she wasn't around, I began to miss her. That was a strange feeling for me.
29:18I'd never really missed any woman before. I'd search until I found her.
29:43Mila! Mila! Mila! Come, Noble! Big snake!
29:58Come, Noble!
30:26Help me!
30:56He's coming for us now.
31:07Vaga! I'm dead, honey, dead. Not Vaga. Not Vaga. No. Dead. Kill snake.
31:17Thank you. Don't thank me, baby. We're just a good team. I'm not the hero type.
31:23A hero? No, honey, not me. Look, heroes are born, not made. Me, I'm just an airplane driver.
31:31Oh, Mila, that's very pretty. Yeah, pretty. Oh, now wait a minute, cutie pie. I don't even
31:37like to wear neckties. Mila like good. Blake good. Oh, no, no, honey. Anybody from Tangier to
31:44Cape Town will tell you that I'm... Cornerous amoy. Blake good. Blake very good for Mila.
31:52Look, honey, I can't take it. I can see you. I can smell these flowers and, oh, Mila, for the love of
32:13Well, that was it. Up to now, I'd been strictly a kiss and run character, but here I was falling
32:21in love with a girl who couldn't even tell me in English that she was crazy about me.
32:25It was as simple as that. And then Hoppy told me that he was getting near the end of his job
32:31on a plane, so I had to speed up my lessons. You really taught those people English? Well,
32:35just enough to find out what I wanted to know about Mila and Harper. So there was a connection.
32:40Yeah, enough to make your hair stand on end. Twenty years ago, Joe Comstock, that's Mila's
32:45father, had staked a claim on the spot where the mine is now. Well, he needed an engineer,
32:50so Harper seemed to be the best man for the job. Well, that was a mistake,
32:54but he took him in as a partner. Who is this Berger? Berger? I don't think he knew anything
32:58about engineering, but Harper knew that Berger could be tough in handling the native labor,
33:02so he brought him along as sort of a, well, a foreman. But this girl, now, where does she...
33:06I'm coming to that. Joe Comstock had decided to settle in the area near the mine,
33:11so he took his wife Mary and their year-old daughter with him on the trip to the mine site.
33:16How are you feeling, dear? Oh, I'll be all right. Another four hours and we'll be there.
33:22Mary, you've been swell. You better take care of that matter, Berger. No, just make it short.
33:47No, no!
33:55Go ahead. Hurry up!
34:05Into the brush, before they surround us.
34:16And there it was. Murder. Plain murder. It didn't take much to figure out that Harper and Berger
34:34had killed the girl's parents so that Harper could get full possession of the diamond mine.
34:37Well, why didn't you have the beast bring him in? Well, figure it out for yourself.
34:41It was the word of an old native against that of Harper, a millionaire with plenty of power. Now,
34:45that's why I needed more proof. When I told Hoppy we were going to get that proof, he was almost
34:49ready to resign from the firm. Steve, for the love of Pete, have you lost all your morals? How do you
34:54expect to pin a murder rap on Harper? Oh, through Connie, maybe. Yeah, but you told me you were in
35:00love with Blonde Dynamite. Don't strain your ethics, Hoppy. Now, what I mean is, I might be
35:05able to trade a little plane ride for a little information, see? Is the crate ready? Yeah,
35:09it's ready, but I still don't see what that's got to do... You will. Come on. We've got to see a man
35:14about a murder. Let's get out of here. Now, don't you worry about a thing, honey. We'll fix Harper
35:19once and for all, then I'll be back for you. You'll come back? Nothing to keep me away, baby, nothing.
35:35You'll come back? What kind of a heel do you think I am? I love you, Mia.
35:38This time, it's for keeps. I'll be back, I promise. Goodbye, honey.
36:08It was a very touching farewell scene you just played, Steve. You improved with age.
36:22I meant that, Hoppy. I wasn't kidding. You mean, quote, you lost your heart in the jungle, unquote?
36:29What I mean is, Hoppy, that I'm really in love with Mila. Now, if you laugh, I'll chop off your
36:33arm and hit you over the head with it. Take me back to the department store, Mother, because now
36:37I believe in Santa Claus. Three weeks gone. Valuable time and all wasted. Those natives
36:48attacked again while you were away? I hired you men because I want a quick action. I'm sorry,
36:52Harper. We couldn't figure on engine trouble. It's a tough break. Yeah, yeah, yes. I suppose so.
36:58You didn't see anything in the village at all, huh? Nothing but a bunch of trees, Mr. Harper.
37:01Of course, we didn't have much of a chance to look around, but we'll rest up a couple of days
37:04and we'll take another stab. A couple of days? Look, Jim, we're tired. It ain't no fun sitting
37:09in the jungle for three weeks with nothing but wild animals around. Have you ever had snake
37:13meat for lunch? Snake meat? The snake attacked Hoppy. We killed it. That was all the food we
37:17had to eat that day. Well, you don't look as though you haven't eaten regularly. Okay, I'm
37:22going up to the mine for a couple of days. There's been some trouble up there. When I come back,
37:26you can make another search. Just make sure that nothing happens to your plane this time.
37:30Snake meat, you hear that?
38:00I must say, you're acting almost human. Is it because Mark's out at the mine? No, it's the
38:15evening, Gar. I haven't seen him in five years. Besides, I have to be nice to the boss's wife.
38:21Then let's see how nice you can be.
38:53what's the matter? Something wrong? Oh, everything. Steve, I've got to get away
38:58from here. I want to get back to the coast. This is the first time I've worn my party clothes since
39:02I came to live here. There's just no reason for evening gowns. Meaning, I suppose, that I'm a
39:07reason, huh? Yes. And just what do you think your husband would do if you cleared out? I don't know.
39:13He'd have to catch me first. You'd give anything to get out of here, wouldn't you, Connie?
39:22You're not going to bargain with me about money. No. No, I'd like to get paid off in a little
39:27different way. And what's that? Information. Am I supposed to know what that means? You give me the
39:34dope I want, we fly to the coast together. Is it a deal? Steve, I don't know what you think you
39:40found out, but whatever it is, I don't know a thing. Okay, Connie. I'll see you in the morning.
39:48Just don't start kicking yourself when you realize that you're throwing away your only chance to get
39:52out of here. Steve, wait. I knew you were smart, Connie. You never were a girl to pass the bargain sale.
40:00Sometimes I wonder if you are a bargain.
40:14And there was enough evidence for me, Connie. There was the locket, the diary, and Tonga's
40:19word. But it still wasn't enough evidence for the courts. And you think I can supply proof that
40:23Mark killed this jungle girl's parents? That's about the size of it. Sorry, I can't. The official
40:29story is that the Comstocks were killed by the natives. You don't believe that, Connie? Steve,
40:34you're out of your mind. This thing can't be proved. Mark's too smart not to burn his bridges
40:38behind him. Then you admit there were bridges to burn. You know that Harper did kill the Comstocks.
40:43Steve, for heaven's sake, stop questioning me. I tell you it can't be proved. Why stir up trouble?
40:48This jungle savage can't mean anything to you. Wait a minute. You're doing this for her. I made a
40:54deal with you and I'll stick to it if you don't like it. Oh, Steve, don't go. I can't stay here. I want to go with you.
41:05Leela. What? No good. No good. By all odds. Leela, you fool, you shouldn't have come here. Blake, no good. Me kill.
41:14Blake, he don't love me.
41:33The jungle girl. She must escape here across the grounds. Get her. I wouldn't try it,
41:37otherwise you wouldn't get very far. If you can't get away with this, Blake's one of your best.
41:40What's going on here? Meela was here. She's safe by now. She saw Connie and me together in her
41:47gillette. Meela came all the way here? Yeah. Brother, she must have a case on you.
41:53That's the way I figure it, Steve. You are just stringing me along trying to find out what I know.
41:59You don't like me now any more than you did five years ago. Should he, my dear? Don't move, Blake.
42:06All right, Bergen, take his gun.
42:10I heard a shot. I just got back from the mine. What's happened? Jungle girl was here. I could
42:16have got her, but Blake helped her get away. Oh, so that's it. Take them both inside. I want
42:21to work with my wife. All right, hero. It's my turn now. Inside. Mark, you don't... I heard what
42:28you said to Blake. You better make your explanations in private. Get about your business.
42:35Anything you may say is going to sound rather stupid, Connie. Oh, Mark, please,
42:38listen to me. You're still in love with Blake. No. You love Blake and you married me. Mark, please.
42:45You still want to make an explanation? No. I don't love Steve, Blake, but I hate you.
42:51I want to get away from here and I thought he'd take me. Yeah?
42:54Well, maybe you'd like to take this with you. Easy, Blake.
42:57So you had nothing to eat but snake meat? I wouldn't get too tough if I were you.
43:09Not with two murders already on your hands. It seems to me you made rather good use of the
43:12three weeks you're away. Yeah, and we're gonna see that you hang if it's the last thing we ever do.
43:17Keep your mouth shut unless you want me to close it for you. I can do it myself, but
43:21I've been doing it ever since the day I was born. Hoppy's right. We got enough information
43:26of that village to have you tried for murder. So? Then perhaps the information in the village
43:31should be destroyed. Hey, I get it. That's why they wanted us to find the place. They wanted
43:36to knock off the white girl. She might be evidence. Sure. And that's why we're not going
43:40to tell them where the village is. I think you will. I'll keep him covered, Burger.
43:47See if you can persuade our unwilling friends to talk. There's nothing I'd like better.
43:53Looks like our willing friend getting ready for a little exercise.
43:56Whatever happens, Hoppy, don't tell them where that village is. I repeat, Blake,
44:01I'll give you one more chance to talk before Burger goes to work.
44:04That gun doesn't give me much of a chance to fight back, Harper. That's right, Blake.
44:08It's going to be a very uneven contest. I advise you not to resist. I'm really quite a good shot.
44:15At this distance, I could give you numerous painful wounds without actually killing you.
44:19Oh, now, wait a minute, Harper. For the love of Pete, you can't do this.
44:23On the contrary, I shall enjoy it very much until Blake gets some sense. Burger?
44:34Don't be a sapoen. Now's a good time to change your mind, Blake.
44:39Burger's only getting warmed up. Keep pitching, Burger. You're doing fine.
44:49Come on, laughing boy. Have fun.
45:03Wait a minute. That's enough. Leave him alone. I'll tell you where the village is.
45:07Just leave him alone. Yes, you show better sense than your friend, Owens.
45:10All right. Draw the route to the village. Well, I ain't much good at maps, but I'll try.
45:23How do I know you won't bump us off after I finish this?
45:25You don't. But if you want to save your friend from further beating, start drawing.
46:10Well, when are you leaving? I'm not. I've changed my mind.
46:29Oh, you're overpowering love for me, I suppose. No, just getting sensible, perhaps. Here,
46:34I'm the boss's wife. If it's an Obie with Blake or anyone else, I'd be nothing.
46:38Yes, you don't like the idea of going back and being nothing.
46:41That's right. Now you know how I feel. If you want me to stay on those terms, I'll stay.
46:47Well, I suppose I'm a fool, but I want you even on those terms.
46:51What about him? He's my concern from here in.
46:54Let her go now, Connie.
47:01Listen, Harper, I don't trust her. She's been nothing but trouble since you arrived.
47:09She's my wife. If you don't like things the way they are, get out.
47:13Take it easy. I'm just telling you. You take care of your business. I'll take care of mine.
47:18You finished? Well, it isn't much, but I guess it'll get you there.
47:21Okay, Owens. I hope for your sake it's all right.
47:25Take him downstairs. What do you mean, downstairs?
47:28Where are you taking us? In this part of the country, I'm the law.
47:31I'm prepared for all emergencies, such as rebellious workmen.
47:35Oh, a jail, huh? You don't miss any bets, do you, Mr. Harper?
47:38No, I try not to. You better give Blake a hand.
47:41Come on, Blake. They're giving us a private room with a bar. In fact, lots of bars.
47:49Well, a nice, cozy little rat hole. I bet your workmen love it down here.
47:53They don't usually break the law again after having been here, if that's what you mean.
47:56Break the law? Something like asking for a raise, maybe.
47:59You know, but you talk too much. I found out that's the only way I can say anything.
48:09Special customers, Stone.
48:11Just see to it that they don't pull any fast ones.
48:12Don't worry. They won't try anything.
48:17But according to Owens' map, the trip should take two days going, two days coming.
48:21Have you got enough food for six days? Precision ammunition?
48:24You're really going to do a thorough job of it, aren't you, Mark?
48:27Well, why not? I have every right to protect my interests.
48:30Yes. I suppose you'll feel much safer without it.
48:33I'm sure you will.
48:35I'm sure you will.
48:36I'm sure you will.
48:38Yes. I suppose you'll feel much safer with that jungle girl dead.
48:43You're drinking too much, Connie.
48:44Am I?
48:45Just celebrating our reunion.
48:47To the Harper Millions, may they rest easy on your conscience.
48:50You be smart and watch your tongue.
48:54If you're ready, let's go.
49:07Hey, Steve, you ain't had a bit of sleep.
49:37Worrying about me ain't going to do any good.
49:39I've got to warn her somehow, Hoppy. I can't just let Harper kill her.
49:42Yeah, there don't seem like there's much we can do about it.
50:01Oh, it's you, Mrs. Harper.
50:04Hi, Stoney. I got a long time upstairs.
50:07Oh, talk to Stoney. Stoney's my pal.
50:09You ain't never said more than ten words to me, Mrs. Harper.
50:11But that doesn't mean I haven't noticed you, Stoney.
50:14As a matter of fact, I think you're cute.
50:16I've always thought you were cute.
50:18But you didn't even know I was around.
50:20Oh, it's not for anybody. Quiet, I'll be quiet.
50:23Hey, look, my two pals. How are they doing, Stoney?
50:26You better take it easy, Mrs. Harper. You've been hitting the bottle.
50:29Oh, it's a vicious circle, Stoney.
50:31My husband hits me, and I hit the bottle.
50:34Gotta get a little fun someplace, huh, Stoney?
50:41Here, Steve.
50:44One sound and you'll minus your head.
50:47Don't kill me!
50:48Get the key, Connie.
50:52You'll see I get back to the coast, Steve.
50:53I'll see you get there if I have to carry on my back.
50:57I'm going back to the good old USA,
50:59where the only diamonds I want to see will be in the store windows.
51:03Now you're talking.
51:05All right, you can let go of him. I got him covered.
51:09I'll take care of this character, Hoppy.
51:10You warm up the plane. We've got to get to Amelia in a hurry.
51:14You better come along, Connie. This may mean trouble for you.
51:17You finish your job and come back for me.
51:18I'll be able to handle things until then.
51:20You're sure?
51:22In you go, Stoney.
51:29What is it, Connie?
51:29Well, Mark and Burgett have always been worried about what happened to the Comstock bodies.
51:33According to their story, they ran off after the natives attacked.
51:36But I've overheard them many times discussing where the bodies could be.
51:40And I know they've searched.
51:42The bodies, huh?
51:48So long, wonderful.
51:50Oh, Connie, you sure you'll be all right here?
51:53Sure. Stone can yell his head off and nobody'll hear him.
51:56Good. I'll see you later.
51:57Good luck.
52:03What are we going to do when we get there, Steve?
52:11That's the $2,500 question.
52:13Yeah, and you can bet it all that Mila won't be waiting with open arms or a home-cooked meal.
52:18And after we get that little matter wrapped up,
52:20we're going to have to start planning a little entertainment for Harper and company.
52:23They're expected, you know.
52:24Everything is nicely arranged for them.
52:26You know, we're going to have a rough time with that arsenal Harper's got.
52:30Strategy, Hoppy, strategy.
52:32Use your brains.
52:34What good are our brains going to do with a couple of bullets in them?
52:37Well, you just keep your brains out of the way.
52:47Do you hear a plane?
52:52You don't suppose that's Blake?
52:53Stone's pretty handy with that gun.
52:55This might be Army planes.
53:00I guess you're right.
53:17Blake, come back.
53:21Blake, talk.
53:22Say much.
53:31No good.
53:48Better make for the pictures, pal.
53:50They don't seem so glad to see us.
53:51Mila, I've got a lot to explain.
53:53Blake, no good.
53:54Now you gotta explain what explain means.
53:56Tonga, much trouble.
53:58Harper, many men, guns.
53:59They come kill Mila.
54:05Blake, come help.
54:07Blake, help.
54:08I've got a few ideas.
54:11Please come, pal.
54:12We've got a lot to talk over, honey.
54:32It's all right.
54:40Looks like it's deserted.
54:42Altogether, two deserts.
54:44You suppose it could be a trap?
54:45What trap?
54:47What could they do against our guns?
54:50They should know better by this time.
54:52They've probably spotted us and taken to the hills.
54:54Let's take a look.
54:59This is giving me the creeps.
55:00Well, it's certain they can't be here.
55:02But we hear a kid cry or a dog bark or something.
55:05Take a look at those huts.
55:13There's no one there.
55:13Not even their belongings.
55:15Same over here.
55:16Well, just as I thought.
55:17They've all cleared out.
55:18You thought wrong, Harper.
55:22You're completely surrounded, Harper.
55:24The first man who tries something gets it.
55:26Now, don't be a fool, Blake.
55:27You can't do anything against our guns.
55:30I'm sorry that happened, Harper.
55:34But these natives mean business.
55:35I'll drop your guns.
55:36Hold on to your guns, man.
55:37You'll all be murdered if you don't.
55:39I ain't gonna fight something I can't see.
55:45I've got this gun aimed right at your head, Harper.
55:48I'll give you three.
55:55That's better.
55:57You boys can sit back and relax now.
55:58Our business is with Harper and Berger, not you.
56:00You keep your heads and nobody will get hurt.
56:10Nice seeing you at this end of a gun, Harper.
56:13Do you mind telling me how you got out of that cell?
56:16We played gin rummy with a guy and won the keys.
56:19I'll find out sooner or later.
56:20It'll have to be a lot later.
56:22I'm taking you two to Sanobi.
56:25What for?
56:26The murder of this girl's parents.
56:27Joe and Mary Karmstein.
56:29No, you don't.
56:29You ain't hanging that on us.
56:32They've got no proof.
56:33We'll let the Sanobi police decide that.
56:35They ain't decide nothing.
56:35Not for me, they ain't.
56:37Well, what if there's proof?
56:38What if they find our guns or something?
56:39Hang on!
56:41They're not taking me!
56:49Well, there it is.
56:50Harper had enough influence to switch the troop
56:52and have Mila arrested for killing Berger.
56:54I see.
56:55So you laid charges against Harper
56:57and had him held for questioning on the murder of the Karmsteins.
56:59There's only one thing that'll get Mila free, Mr. Bennett,
57:02and that's the proof of Harper's guilt.
57:04Is there such proof?
57:05We'll know pretty soon.
57:07The police should be back in the interior by now.
57:10If they found what I sent them for, Mila will go free.
57:13If they don't, Harper will walk out of that door across the street.
57:17Good heavens, Mr. Blake, you can't settle things this way.
57:19One murder won't solve another.
57:21Don't try to stop me, Bennett.
57:23The door's open.
57:23Be careful, Mr. Blake.
57:24It might be a stranger.
57:27It's Harper!
57:32Good heavens, what happened?
57:34You didn't shoot.
57:42I guess your boy's got him, Inspector.
57:43He knew he'd never beat a trial.
57:45No one's ever escaped this place yet.
57:47Perhaps someone should have told him.
57:48What's happened?
57:49Your plan worked, Blake.
57:51We found the graves of the Comstocks with these slugs and their skulls.
57:54You were smart not to have opened those graves yourself.
57:57You'd have ruined the only evidence we have.
57:59I'm afraid I don't understand, Mr. Blake.
58:01It's very simple, Mr. Bennett.
58:02Harper claimed that the Comstocks were killed by the natives.
58:05Well, savages in the jungle don't carry .38s.
58:08Quite a story.
58:09Quite a story.
58:10But I'm afraid my wife will never believe it.
58:12Well, goodbye, sir.
58:15Good luck.
58:21You can't.
58:23Oh, Mila, honey.
58:27I'm sorry.
58:35Break it up, will you, Steve?
58:36My arms are getting tired.
58:39Thanks, Steve.
58:40That's one of the best goodbyes I've ever tasted.
58:41Well, lots of luck, honey.
58:42You're a real pal.
58:45Keep a sharp eye on him, honey.
58:47Steve may be okay.
58:49But no man should be trusted any further than he can throw a dime in mine.
58:52Me no trust.
58:54Me love.
58:55Come here.
58:57Okay, if you won't, Wally, let's go.
58:59At your service, milady.
59:03Honey, someday when you're a real lady, we'll visit Connie in Brooklyn.
59:08Me lady now?
59:10Yes, Mrs. Blake.
59:12I guess you are.