05:11Hiya, Ryan.
05:19Man, I want to talk to you.
05:20What's up, Tommy?
05:21Your mother's waiting for you at home.
05:24Gee, I can't go now.
05:26What do you mean you can't?
05:27Do you know what day this is?
05:29It's your birthday, you lug.
05:30And she's baked a nice big cake for you.
05:32Come on, let's go.
05:33Yeah, but I can't.
05:34I got a job to do tonight.
05:38You mean you're working for Hernd?
05:39Well, yeah.
05:40He wants me to do something for him.
05:42Oh, why don't you be smart, Eddie?
05:43Hernd will get you into nothing but trouble.
05:45Let's go.
05:46Come on, Eddie.
05:47It's your shot.
05:48Hey, what is he, your nursemaid?
05:50Why don't you keep your trap shut?
05:51Well, now, why don't you try and make me?
05:55I don't fight in joints like this.
05:56Oh, yellow, huh?
06:00Oh, come on, Tommy.
06:01Cut it out.
06:02Hey, come on.
06:03Leave him alone.
06:04Leave him alone.
06:05Come on, man.
06:10Come on.
06:22Stop that fight.
06:23Get out of here, you.
06:24Go on.
06:25All right, let me get my hat.
06:30Coming, Eddie?
06:40How many times have I got to tell you to stop this rough stuff in here?
06:44Hey, I'd like to see you a minute, Hernd.
06:46Come on out.
06:53Well, what's on your mind?
06:54Say, how about getting a couple bucks?
06:56Why come to me?
06:57I'm working for you, ain't I?
07:00Four old tires off some college boy's flipper?
07:02If I make a buck on them, I'm lucky.
07:04Well, that's the kind of junk you wanted.
07:06Not anymore.
07:08Say, what do you want?
07:12Well, a good fair coat might make you 50 bucks.
07:16Where do I get the coat?
07:20Al, Knuckles is going on the job tonight.
07:22Tell him about the skylight.
07:25Eddie's going with him.
07:28Look, Knuckles, I want to show you something.
07:31You know that warehouse on 8th Street?
07:34Well, look, here's that stairway in the back, see?
08:26Eddie isn't home yet.
08:28I can't understand what's keeping him.
08:30Well, I just ran into him down at the corner.
08:32What's the matter with him?
08:33Nothing at all.
08:35He, uh...
08:36He got a job.
08:38Well, can't it keep till morning?
08:41He said that it was very important and he had to work tonight.
08:47Well, of course, I...
08:48I couldn't wish for a better birthday present than a good job for Eddie.
09:04I'll tell you what.
09:05We'll play like it's my birthday.
09:07Then we can celebrate Eddie's tomorrow, huh?
09:10Then there'll be two parties instead of one.
09:12Well, that'll be fine.
09:13Then, look, after dinner, I'll treat and I'll take you to the movies, huh, Mom?
09:18That's the first time you've ever called me mother.
09:22It just slipped.
09:23I wasn't thinking.
09:24Then don't be thinking any other way, Tommy.
09:28After all, you know, I have been a mother to you for a good many years.
09:33I guess that makes me about the luckiest guy in the world.
09:36Awfully nice of you to say that, Tommy.
09:42You know, sometimes...
09:44Sometimes I think you're more of a son to me than my own Eddie.
09:50Ah, now.
09:51Yes, ma'am.
09:52Be seated.
09:53Very, very best ringside table.
09:54You can see the floor's showing everything here.
09:55Sit right there.
09:56That's fine.
09:57Now, what can I get for you, madam?
09:59What can I get for you, madam?
10:01Go on, Mickey.
10:02Stop your talking.
10:03Let me take up the dinner.
10:04Oh, no, you don't.
10:05Tonight is your night out.
10:07I'll take care of it.
10:11Oh, look out there.
10:29Oh, no.
12:22Tommy, turn off those lights.
12:23Hey, what's up?
12:24What are you doing?
12:25Turn off the lights.
12:26I'm in a jam.
12:27What kind of a jam?
12:29Whose car is that?
12:30Where'd you get it?
12:31What's in it?
12:32Oh, I didn't know it would be this way.
12:34They talked me into it.
12:35Talked you into what?
12:37We broke into a furlough tonight.
12:38This stuff's out there in that car.
12:41You get that car out of here.
12:42But I can't.
12:43The cops are after me.
12:44Oh, that's fine.
12:45Then you want them to trace it to your mother's house, huh?
12:47Oh, I don't know what to do.
12:51What are you going to do?
12:52I don't want them tracing that car here to your mother's house.
12:54I'll take it out of town and ditch it someplace.
12:56Give me the keys.
12:57But I can't.
12:58Herd wants that stuff.
13:02Now give me those keys.
13:04Give me them.
13:05Come on.
13:09You're crazy.
13:10You're sticking your neck out.
13:11That car is hot.
13:12I know it.
13:13But do you think I want your mother to find out about this thing?
13:27Come on.
13:58Mr. Hearn.
13:59Mr. Hearn, they grabbed Knuckles.
14:00They got him.
14:01Where's the stuff?
14:02Eddie's got it in the car we picked up over on 8th Street.
14:04Well, where is he?
14:05I don't know.
14:06You boys will have to get out of town for a while.
14:08But gee, we...
14:09Get out of town.
14:10What will our folks say?
14:11Never mind.
14:12But how do we go?
14:13Can we take the sedan?
14:15Have it traced to me?
14:16Go down to the yards and grab a freight.
14:18Get off at your first stop.
14:19Pick up a car.
14:20And drive to the next town.
14:21Then pick up another car.
14:22Let me know where you are.
14:23I'll tell you when to come back.
14:25Here, take this and get going.
14:26Al, find out where that American is.
16:52Step forward.
16:59What about you, Ryan?
17:00You got anything to say?
17:02Sure have.
17:03Now's the time to talk.
17:15What is it, young man?
17:17Are you mixed up in this case?
17:19Well, no, sir.
17:20I'm just here with my mother.
17:22Oh, yes.
17:23Ryan lived with you, didn't he?
17:24Yes, and a finer lad never...
17:27You may talk later, if you wish.
17:31Ryan, I had hopes that you were going to assist the law.
17:35That you'd realize what you've done, that you were sorry,
17:37and that you were going to do everything to help us
17:39by telling us who the other boys were.
17:43You've never been in trouble before.
17:45You've got a good record.
17:47You're not helping these boys by your silence.
17:49They got away with this, and they'll keep on.
17:51They'll become criminals.
17:53You will have helped them to become so.
18:00This persistent silence on your part leaves me no alternative.
18:04There's nothing to justify any leniency.
18:07I'm forced to let the law take its course.
18:10You will have to pay for the crime that you've committed.
18:12Oh, Tommy.
18:14You may talk to the boy now, if you wish.
18:16This is not a regular court of law.
18:19Tommy, there's nothing to be afraid of, darling.
18:24The judge only wants to help you.
18:26We all want to help you.
18:29I don't know how you ever got into this,
18:32but I know it wasn't all your fault.
18:36You must talk, Tommy.
18:38You must.
18:40For your own sake.
18:43For all our sakes.
18:47Oh, Tommy.
18:48Please, Tommy.
18:53Then I have no choice.
18:56I'm going to send you both to the state industrial school
18:59until you're 21.
19:12It's all right, Mom.
19:16It's all right.
19:27Hello, Eddie.
19:30Hello, Tommy.
19:32Mom said you wanted to see me.
19:36How is she?
19:37Well, she's all right.
19:39She feels kind of bad, of course.
19:43But not half as bad as you would if it was you.
19:46Now, look, Eddie, I want you to get this.
19:49I don't remember my mother.
19:51The only mother I know is yours.
19:54And I'm not going to let anybody break her heart.
20:00Now, look.
20:01I'm not doing this for you.
20:02I'm doing it for her.
20:04And you better treat her nice.
20:06Or else I'll talk.
20:07I'll tell them everything.
20:09I'll tell them who was driving the car.
20:10I'll tell them about her.
20:12And you know what will happen to you.
20:14Now, look, you go out and find yourself a job.
20:16And bring your dough home to her and stay home at night.
20:19Take her to a movie once in a while.
20:21You get that, Eddie?
20:22Yeah, Tommy.
20:23That's right.
20:24I'll do that.
20:25You better.
20:26And the most important thing is stay away from her.
20:28Stay out of that pool hall.
20:32What happened to the other two?
20:34I don't know.
20:41You remember what I told you.
20:49How about the Ryan kid?
20:50He hasn't squawked yet.
20:52I don't get it.
20:55Hello, Lucky.
20:57That's right, Hearn.
20:58I am Lucky.
20:59That's why I'm getting out.
21:02What do you mean?
21:03Just what I said.
21:04I'm getting out.
21:05I got a job in a gas station.
21:09You're walking out on me.
21:10Leaving me flat.
21:11Well, I've got to take care of my mother.
21:13Tommy ain't here anymore.
21:14What about me?
21:16Spike and Peter have run out of me.
21:17Knuckle's going up to a reform school.
21:20Listen, what am I going to do?
21:21I don't know, but I'm quitting.
21:23Oh, no, you're not.
21:25You're not quitting.
21:26You're in and you're going to stay.
21:28I'm quitting, I tell you.
21:31We'll see about that.
21:44Oh, shut up.
21:47Take it easy, kid.
21:48Things aren't going to be as bad as you think.
21:50Unless you want to make it so.
21:52Boy, I wish you were traveling in style.
21:54Think they'll have the brass band out to meet us?
21:57See, I told you.
21:58It's a swell joint.
22:00Well, I'll see you later.
22:13You been in before?
22:16Where you going?
22:17Going to drink a water.
22:18Sit down.
22:19I'll get it for you.
22:26Listen, listen, you guys.
22:27I'm only going up there to get out as fast as I can, see?
22:30You're not going to keep me locked up in a joint like that for three years.
22:32Smart, huh?
22:34Hey, wait a minute.
22:35Wait a minute.
22:42Better save it until you meet Barnes.
22:43You'll need it.
22:45Who's he?
22:46You'll find out.
22:47Go on, sit down.
22:48Take it easy.
22:49Sit down.
23:12Sit down.
23:13Sit down.
23:14Sit down.
23:15Sit down.
23:16Sit down.
23:17Sit down.
23:18Sit down.
23:19Sit down.
23:20Sit down.
23:21Sit down.
23:22Sit down.
23:23Sit down.
23:24Sit down.
23:25Sit down.
23:26Sit down.
23:27Sit down.
23:28Sit down.
23:29Sit down.
23:30Sit down.
23:31Sit down.
23:32Sit down.
23:33Sit down.
23:34Sit down.
23:35Sit down.
23:36Sit down.
23:37Sit down.
23:38Sit down.
23:39Sit down.
23:40Sit down.
23:41Sit down.
23:47If you behave yourself and obey the rules, you'll get along all right here.
23:51We don't make it any harder than we have to.
23:53Is that correct, Mr. Barnes?
23:55Yes, sir.
23:56And you, get rid of that gun.
23:59You'll have regular study periods, and we'll assign you to the work we think you're best
24:03fitted for.
24:04You can learn a trade here.
24:06We want to help you all we can, but we expect you to help yourselves.
24:09Is that clear. I think we understand each other.
24:16Take over Mr. Barnes.
24:18Come along.
24:22Wait outside.
24:28Yes sir.
24:30That Ryan boy and Malone, they're pals.
24:33Keep them out of the same dormitory.
24:35We've had trouble enough here without having two of their kinds stirring up more.
24:40There won't be any trouble, Mr. Keene, if you just let me handle them my way.
24:52I ain't had a chance to talk to you yet, Tommy, but you're okay.
24:56You know, Hurley ain't gonna forget this.
24:58Skip it.
25:05Come on, buck up, kid.
25:07Things aren't gonna be as tough as you thought.
25:09Not for him.
25:11Hey, what do I have to do to rate that job?
25:14I'm afraid we've known him longer than we have you.
25:17Big shot stooge, huh?
25:19I don't like his face.
25:21You don't, eh? Well, that's just too bad.
25:24You're gonna see a lot of my face before you get out of here.
25:27And another thing, you're not starting out to make it any too easy for yourself.
25:31But he wasn't talking about you.
25:33Who asked you?
25:35Cocky kid, aren't you, Ryan?
25:37No sir, but he was talking about...
25:39You, take these kids over to the doctor.
25:41Yes, sir.
25:43Come on, get going.
25:47Fine bunch of hoodlums.
25:49All of a kind.
25:51That must be disappointing to you, Mr. Barnes.
25:55That there aren't five of them.
25:57That would be one more for you to reform.
26:09Anything wrong, Doc?
26:13Malnut... gee, I wonder how I caught that.
26:16I imagine from missing three squares a day.
26:18But we'll fix that.
26:20All right, Ryan.
26:23Well, according to your charts, you were quite an athlete in school.
26:26No wonder you're in good shape.
26:28Did you ever play ball?
26:30Not with cops, eh, Tommy?
26:32You speaking for yourself?
26:34Yeah, he's speaking for himself, Doc.
26:36Listen, Knuckles.
26:38I can do my own talking.
26:40Now get that straight from the start, see?
26:43Yeah, sure, Doc.
26:45I played ball.
26:47So did I.
26:49Might not be a bad idea for Knuckles to try it sometime.
26:51Something else I want you to get straight, Knuckles.
26:53And all of you.
26:56I'm not your jailer.
26:58I'm here to help you.
27:00Any way that I can.
27:02Save the oil, Doc.
27:04The only kind of oil we dish out around here comes in bottles.
27:06Would you like some?
27:08Gee, Doc, I was only kidding.
27:10I used to play ball myself.
27:12I thought you'd remember.
27:14Well, you through with the ball game?
27:18Take these boys over to the storeroom, Johnny.
27:20Yes, sir.
27:22All right, hurry it up.
27:24Come on, you guys.
27:26Come on, step on it.
27:28You know, Doc?
27:30You got the wrong idea, babying these kids.
27:31They're in here because they got it coming to them.
27:33Yeah, and you're the one that sees that they get it, aren't you, Barnes?
27:36That's my job, Owens.
27:38None of these kids are having anything that can't be cured.
27:41That Miller kid, for instance.
27:44No wonder he's in trouble.
27:46He's half starved.
27:48Now check that Johnson boy's lungs again today.
27:50He's got to get to a sanitarium.
27:52Yeah, sure.
27:54I'll tell the superintendent.
27:56Never mind, I'll tell him.
27:58You're new here, Doc.
28:00I like to learn.
28:02That's right.
28:13Oh, hello, Doctor.
28:15Well, how are you this morning?
28:17Fine, Miss Cole.
28:19Well, you don't look it.
28:21You sure you don't need one of your own pills?
28:23I hope I'm not beginning to look like everybody else around here.
28:25Is the superintendent in?
28:27No, he went to see the governor.
28:29Am I taking a notation to him?
28:31Tell him that in my opinion, that Johnson boy should be sent to the sanitarium immediately.
28:36And the other four boys that were just brought in, they all belong on the farm.
28:40They need fresh air and plenty of it.
28:43You take this job around here pretty seriously, don't you, Doctor?
28:46No, I just feel kind of sorry for some of these kids.
28:49I don't see any of them sprouting wings or a halo yet.
28:52You've been around here too long.
28:54You're acting as tough as Barnes.
28:56You know down deep in your heart,
28:58you don't like the way things are run around here any more than I do.
29:01Well, I don't let that interfere with holding down my job.
29:04And that might be a tip to you, Doctor.
29:08But I'd sure like to give some of these little beggars a break.
29:11Take it easy, Doctor. You'll be running a temperature.
29:14Miss Caldwell, you're a hopeless cynic.
29:16But I like you.
29:18Oh, Doctor.
29:23How are you, Jenny?
29:25How are you?
29:27I'm fine.
29:29I'm fine.
29:31I'm fine.
29:33I'm fine.
29:35I'm fine.
29:37I'm fine.
29:39I'm fine.
29:41I'm fine.
29:43I'm fine.
29:45I'm fine.
29:47I'm fine.
29:49I'm fine.
29:51I'm fine.
29:53I'm fine.
29:55I'm fine.
29:57I'm fine.
29:59I'm fine.
30:01I'm fine.
30:03I'm fine.
30:05I'm fine.
30:07I'm fine.
30:09I'm fine.
30:11I'm fine.
30:13I'm fine.
30:15I'm fine.
30:17I'm fine.
30:19I'm fine.
30:21I'm fine.
30:23I'm fine.
30:25I'm fine.
30:27I'm fine.
30:30I'm fine.
30:32I'm fine.
30:34I'm fine.
30:36I'm fine.
30:38I'm fine.
30:40I'm fine.
30:42I'm fine.
30:44I'm fine.
30:46I'm fine.
30:48I'm fine.
30:50I'm fine.
30:52I'm fine.
30:53I'm fine.
30:55I'm fine.
30:57I'm fine.
30:59I'm fine.
31:01I'm fine.
31:03I'm fine.
31:05I'm fine.
31:07I'm fine.
31:09I'm fine.
31:11I'm fine.
31:13I'm fine.
31:15I'm fine.
31:17I'm fine.
31:19I'm fine.
31:21I'm fine.
31:23I guess I got kind of a fatherly interest in this stuff myself.
31:27Hey, you kids.
31:29Break it up and get some work done.
31:34Get some of these weeds out.
31:35Yes, sir.
31:51Hey, what's your big idea?
31:54Gee, I'm sorry.
31:56I was just tossing them over my shoulder and I guess I wasn't thinking where they were going.
32:00I hope I didn't hurt you.
32:02Gosh, I got you all dirty, didn't I?
32:04Well, that's okay.
32:06Hey, I didn't know there was any girls around here.
32:09There aren't.
32:11I'm on a vacation from school, staying with my uncle.
32:13Your uncle?
32:15Yeah, he's the superintendent.
32:17Say, what are you in here for?
32:19What do you want to know for?
32:21Was it something exciting?
32:23Are you a gangster?
32:24Did you rob a bank?
32:25Hey, what do you think I am?
32:27Well, you're in here, aren't you?
32:29Well, I didn't do anything.
32:31Oh, I see. You're innocent, huh?
32:33Hey, you know, you're kind of fresh.
32:35No, I'm not.
32:36But when somebody does something, I like them to turn up and admit they were wrong.
32:39Just like my uncle says.
32:40They always say they were framed.
32:42You know, I'm beginning to be glad that I hit you with those weeds.
32:45I can't either.
32:53Dr. Owens wants to see you in his office.
33:02Come in.
33:05Do you want to see me?
33:07You bet. How's the farmer?
33:08Great, Doc.
33:09You look it. Try the scale.
33:17Boy, 128.
33:19That's four pounds better than when you came in.
33:20Gosh, I guess working out there on the farm kind of builds you up, huh?
33:23Sure it does. That's why I sent for you.
33:25Freddy, drop in on Bill and see what his temperature is.
33:28Yes, sir.
33:30You know, Tommy, you've been making things grow out there.
33:33In the meantime, you've been growing yourself.
33:35Pretty soon, you'll be ready to leave here.
33:38You kind of got to make up your mind what you want to do.
33:41Like, a little like farming, maybe.
33:43Oh, no, Doc. I got a swell job.
33:45I drive a truck.
33:46And I was just going to get a raise and...
33:47Well, you know, this thing happened.
33:49You want to be a truck driver all your life?
33:51Well, why not? What's the matter with driving a truck?
33:53Oh, nothing.
33:55Only sometimes it takes us quite a while to make up our minds
33:58what we really want to do.
34:00That's the way it was with Freddy when he came.
34:02And Freddy's leaving here tomorrow with the idea
34:05that someday he's coming back to get my job.
34:09You mean me?
34:11Me be a doctor?
34:13By chance of that.
34:15You know, Tommy,
34:17I was like you.
34:19I came from the wrong side of the tracks.
34:22I even spent two years in a reform school
34:24when I was a kid.
34:26You did?
34:28And then you grew up to be a doctor.
34:33Freddy's leaving here tomorrow.
34:35And I've got to get some boy to take his place.
34:37Yeah, Doc?
34:38Some boy that isn't just looking for a soft job.
34:40Oh, I wouldn't be looking for a soft job.
34:42Honest, I wouldn't.
34:44I don't think you would.
34:45Don't be so soft, Tommy.
34:47A doctor's job can be just as tough as they come.
34:50I think I can arrange for a transfer.
34:53At least it'll give you a chance to find out
34:55whether it's to be farming or trucking or medicine
34:57or whatever you want it to be.
34:59Gee, Doc, I don't know what to say, but...
35:01Well, we'll see how it works out.
35:03Gee, thanks.
35:05Got another one for you, Doc.
35:11Hello, Tommy.
35:13Oh, two of a kind, eh?
35:15Is the airplane sick?
35:17No, I sent for him.
35:19That's all, Tommy.
35:21Get back to work.
35:23I said get back to work!
35:25Go on!
35:40Fight the new fish.
35:42Let's give him the words.
35:43You know him?
35:47I want to talk to him alone.
35:51Go on, you heard what he said.
35:58Start talking.
36:00Honest, Tommy, it wasn't my fault.
36:02That's what I get for taking a rap for you.
36:04I ought to let you get what you had coming to you.
36:06At least there'd been somebody to look after your mother.
36:08Well, who's going to do it now?
36:10I did what you told me to, Tommy, I did.
36:11I didn't do anything wrong.
36:13After what you did for me and Mom,
36:15I got a job working on a gas station.
36:17Everything was going swell.
36:19And then one night, Hearn stuck it up
36:21and the police said it was an inside job.
36:23They wouldn't believe me, Tommy.
36:25Why didn't you tell them it was Hearn?
36:27Why didn't you?
36:29Oh, I didn't dare, I was afraid.
36:31When I told Hearn I was quitting,
36:33he said he'd take care of me.
36:35Well, he did.
36:37I wish I was out of here.
36:39Oh, Hearn would make a sucker out of you.
36:41He'd make a sucker out of everybody.
36:43Still wish I was out of here.
36:48Tell him we've got to spring those kids.
36:50I'm scared of that Eddie, he can't take it.
36:52If they start cuffing him around, he's going to stop talking.
36:56Whose bright idea put him up there?
36:58Never mind that.
37:00I need Knuckles. I want you to spring him.
37:02What are you telling me for? You're the big brain.
37:04You're going up to that school,
37:06see Knuckles and frame him.
37:08I've got to stick my neck on, eh?
37:09I can tell him you're Knuckles' cousin or something.
37:11Look, Eddie went up there without squawking.
37:14Can't you figure out what's going to happen
37:16when that Ryan kid finds a mirror
37:18up in that reformatory with him?
37:20He took the rap to keep Eddie out of here.
37:22Now he's going to squawk his head off.
37:24I want those two kids out of there one way or another
37:26and it's up to you to fix it.
37:28Get a hold of Spike and Pete.
37:30They're back in town.
37:32Oh, that way.
37:36Where's the road, man?
37:44Take those blankets back to stock room
37:46and meet me in the infirmary.
37:48Yes, sir.
38:02Tommy, you've got to believe me.
38:05What I told you was true.
38:07Wait a minute.
38:10I didn't get a chance to tell you before.
38:12When Hearn framed me, he said if I squawked,
38:14he'd do something to my mother.
38:17He'd better not.
38:22Now listen, you keep your mouth shut.
38:24Don't talk to anybody, understand?
38:27I've got to figure this thing out.
38:40Listen, I just saw Al.
38:42They're springing us tonight.
38:44Hearn's sending a car to pick us up.
38:47You're with us, ain't you?
38:50I don't know yet.
38:52I'll have to let you know.
38:56I'll be back.
38:58I'll be back.
39:00I'll be back.
39:02I'll be back.
39:04I'll be back.
39:05I'll be back.
39:24We're making a break tonight, Eddie.
39:26You're going with us.
39:30Not me.
39:32Count me out.
39:33Hearn was here this morning.
39:34He was talking to me.
39:35There's going to be a car in the lane
39:36behind the tool shed tonight waiting for us.
39:38Hearn wants us out.
39:43Look for us so we can be done with cops
39:44for the rest of our lives?
39:46Look, if you do what Hearn says,
39:47you're smart.
39:49What Hearn says?
39:50It's not like they'll take us.
40:03Yes, what is it you want?
40:05They sent me over from the farm
40:06to get this fixed.
40:07It's broke.
40:08You wait here.
40:09Say, it's a great place you got here.
40:11And I thought I wanted to be a farmer.
40:13You wait over there by the door.
40:24Tape this handle down to fit.
40:34Don't fit.
40:35A little more off the top edge.
40:37Joey, Eddie's going with us tonight.
40:38Ain't you, Eddie?
40:42Interesting, ain't it?
40:44Sure learned a lot of things.
40:46Yes, so am I.
40:49Pick it up.
40:51Who, me?
40:52Pick it up.
40:57What do you know about this, Amira?
41:00I never saw it before.
41:01I suppose you never saw it before either, Malone.
41:03No, sir.
41:06I don't know anything about it.
41:08I work on the farm.
41:10Well, so you won't be lonely.
41:11You can come along, too.
41:13The three of you.
41:14Go on.
41:31Come on.
42:02Oh, sit down.
42:08You're not being smart, Amira.
42:10You know we make things pretty easy here for the right guys.
42:14Give yourself a break.
42:16Who was the ringleader?
42:17I tell you, I don't know.
42:19Tommy Ryan?
42:22Don't give me that stuff.
42:23You're all from the same gang.
42:25That key was made for the farm gate.
42:27Ryan put you up to it, didn't he?
42:29Come on, answer me!
42:32I told you we don't know anything about it.
42:36All right, Amira.
42:44You're only making it tough for yourself.
42:49Boy, this dump sure ain't improved none since last time I was here.
42:55I've still got my initials on the wall.
42:58All I want is the initials of the guy that snitched on us.
43:02Maybe someday I could carve them.
43:09Well, you don't have to stand there looking at me like that.
43:12I didn't tell him anything.
43:16Wouldn't be smart if you did.
43:18You know what I mean, don't you, Eddie?
43:19Well, let's not get missed out of here.
43:23Boy, that car you said was waiting for us.
43:25Sure gonna have a long wait.
43:31Back up that Ryan kid all you want to, Doc.
43:33I tell you, he was in on a plane.
43:35I'll stake my life, Tommy. Had nothing to do with it.
43:37All right, that little stooge of yours probably planned the whole thing.
43:42That's all, Tommy. Put everything away.
43:44Yes, sir.
43:46Well, I suppose you won't want me hanging around anymore.
43:49What makes you think that?
43:51I heard what Barnes said.
43:53Oh, then you knew about it.
43:55You were going with him.
43:57You knew about it all the time.
43:59You were going to let those kids stick their necks out.
44:01Not tell a soul.
44:02None of your mean.
44:04I'm not going to tell a soul.
44:06I'm not going to tell a soul.
44:08I'm not going to tell a soul.
44:10I'm not going to tell a soul.
44:12I'm not going to tell a soul.
44:13None of your mean.
44:15You didn't have enough decency, enough heart,
44:17to protect your little pal Eddie,
44:19the kid you used to live with.
44:21I didn't know he was in on it. I told him to stay out of it.
44:23I had a lot of hopes for you, Tommy.
44:25I thought you really wanted to make something out of yourself,
44:27and I was going to help you all I could.
44:29Oh, what do you want me to be, a stool pigeon?
44:31No, not a stool pigeon.
44:33But I thought you cared enough about those kids to help them,
44:35to protect them against themselves.
44:37But I guess you're all alike.
44:44Now, give me the infirmary.
44:46I guess that washes us up, huh, Doc?
44:48Yeah, that washes us up.
44:54Hello, Doc?
44:56You'd better come over right away.
44:58Romero's feeling pretty bad.
45:01I'll be right over.
45:03Get my bag.
45:07Seems your pal Eddie needs a little help.
45:09Yeah, he does.
45:11Seems your pal Eddie needs a little medical attention.
45:13I guess Barnes tried to get the truth out of him, too.
45:16And it'll probably do you a lot of good to get a look at him.
45:21He's in here, Doc.
45:31What's the matter, Eddie? Where does it hurt?
45:33My back, Doc.
45:36Give me that flash. I can't see a thing.
45:39All right, cut it!
45:42Nice going, Tommy.
45:44Oh, no you don't, Doc.
45:46You two, get over there.
45:48Don't be a fool!
45:49Shut up!
45:51Come on, Knuckles, what are we waiting for?
45:53You two.
46:08Come on.
46:39See anything?
47:08Come on.
47:30There comes somebody. Flash your lights.
47:38Come on.
47:54Go on, get going.
48:08Go on, get going.
48:38Go on, get going.
48:55That's them prison uniforms.
48:56There's some clothes there in the seat.
49:00Come on, step on it, will you?
49:04All cars, be on the lookout for two boys from State Reformatory
49:07headed south in black sedans.
49:32Say, won't this crib go any faster?
49:34What do you think I'm doing?
49:37What do you think I'm doing?
50:08It's that break for Joey, huh?
50:11Yeah, it might have been you.
50:13Hi, Al.
50:14Hello, kid. Say, the boss would be glad to see you.
50:22Hey, look who's here.
50:24Hiya, boss.
50:25Hiya, Knuckles.
50:37Surprise, huh?
50:38You said it.
50:39We got in a jam.
50:41Ryan stepped in here and helped make the getaway.
50:42What happened to Eddie?
50:44What do you want with that double-crossing little rat, huh?
50:46I did a stretch for him.
50:48To keep him out of trouble?
50:50Not let him get what he's got coming to him.
50:51So you figure he's getting what he's got coming to him, eh?
50:54What did he tell you about that?
50:56The guy played me for a sap.
50:58Said he was taking a rap for you.
51:04That's a laugh, Eddie taking a rap for anybody.
51:07You changed your mind about a lot of things all of a sudden, didn't you, kid?
51:11Why not?
51:12You said yourself you weren't getting any younger up in that dump.
51:15All right, so what if I wasn't in on the break with Knuckles?
51:17They tried to sweat it out of him that I was.
51:19So what?
51:21So what's the percentage playing on a level with guys that won't let you?
51:25There's a lot of percentage for guys who play on a level with me.
51:31That's the way I see it.
51:36You should have seen it a long time ago, kid.
51:39Now, look.
51:40You boys are going to stay here tonight.
51:42We're going to pull off a couple of quick jobs.
51:44Then you beat it to Kansas City and lay low until the heat's off.
51:47I'll take care of that.
51:48Thanks, son.
51:49You won't need that rod till tomorrow.
51:51What rod?
51:52The one you took from the guard.
51:55You're doing all right for a beginner.
51:57Let's have a look.
52:02You got what it takes, son.
52:04You and me are going to get along all right.
52:05You bet we are.
52:06I'll take care of this until tomorrow.
52:08You'll have plenty of time to handle it.
52:11Get going.
52:31Nice kid you vouch for, Doc.
52:34He'd have plugged you in a flash if you'd have made a move.
52:38Where's the superintendent?
52:40He's gone north to try to explain to the prison board.
52:43If you'd have let me lock him up as I wanted to with the rest of them, this wouldn't have happened.
52:56There's a long-distance telephone call for you, Doctor, but they won't give their name.
52:59Do you want to talk?
53:02All right.
53:03I'll connect you.
53:05Go ahead.
53:07Is that you, Doc?
53:09Can you talk?
53:11I've got a line on the whole gang that framed Eddie and the ones that got me into my jam.
53:14Yes, yes.
53:15Go on, kid.
53:16They're going to pull a job tonight and I'm supposed to beat it.
53:18I'll meet you in the filling station at 87th and Norton.
53:22You tell Eddie that I said he was to talk.
53:24No, no, stupid.
53:25You got the wrong number.
53:26Hi, kid.
53:28Boys, this is Tommy Ryan.
53:30I'm going to drive one of the cars for you.
53:33Long distance.
53:34Where'd that call come from?
53:35Yes, yes.
53:40Don't you see, Doc?
53:41I had to do it.
53:42I know you thought I was a rat, but it's the only way I could ever square things.
53:45Eddie got into a jam and I took the rap for him.
53:47Then when he tried to go straight, well, they framed him.
53:49Oh, don't you understand, Doc?
53:51I had to do it.
53:52I think I understand, kid.
53:53It's the only way Eddie and I could ever get clear.
53:56Now, look, Doc.
53:57You know the layout.
53:58Well, I'll be seeing you.
53:59Right, Tommy.
54:10What are you so jittery about, Ryan?
54:12Oh, nothing.
54:13It's my first job, ain't it?
54:18Hey, there she is.
54:22Okay, the road's all clear.
54:23Step on it, kid.
54:25Well, what are you waiting for, Ryan?
54:28Then step on it.
54:29Come on.
55:15Come on, step on it.
55:22Come on, faster.
55:29This is the place.
55:30You two men go up and down.
55:32Mike, come with me.
55:50Keep your hands up, buddy.
55:53Where's Hearn?
55:56Out by it.
55:57Where is he?
55:58Oh, tough, eh?
55:59All right, boys.
56:15Come on, get out.
56:19Hey, what's the matter with you?
56:20Just being smart.
56:22Go on, get in there.
56:30Yeah, Coppers.
56:31They were laying for us.
56:32Go on, ask him who framed it.
56:34Better stop talking, kid.
56:39Come on, talk.
56:40Come on, Hearn.
56:41We got to get out of here.
56:42Did you hear what I said?
56:51You said you were going to get us out of here.
56:53I said I was going to get us out of here.
56:55I said I was going to get us out of here.
56:56I said I was going to get us out of here.
56:58You stay there, Doc.
56:59If Hearn's in there, we've got him.
57:05The cops are all over the place.
57:06We haven't got a chance.
57:07Come on out or we're coming after you.
57:09Take it easy, Copper.
57:11We got your stool pigeon in here.
57:14I'll give you just one minute, Hearn.
57:16Wait a minute.
57:17He's got Tommy in there.
57:19Go on, open up.
57:21Take it easy, it's Tommy.
57:23All right, hold it, boys.
57:26All right, kid, make for that car.
57:51That's all for you, Hearn.
57:52Come on, get up.
57:58How are we doing, Doc?
58:00Just well, kid.
58:15What's that?
58:16Nothing, nothing at all.
58:17Oh, come on now, Mom.
58:18Let me see.
58:20Nothing at all.
58:21Oh, boy.
58:25Oh, gee, Mom, you're sweet.
58:27Well, I'd die before I'd forget you, darling.
58:30If only Eddie were here now.
58:32Now, don't you worry about him.
58:33He's fine.
58:34He'll be here any day now.
58:35Wait till you see the fine dinner I've got for the two of us.
58:40Two birthdays in one year.
58:41Boy, that's something.
58:42Remember last time I had Eddie's for him.
58:44That's right.
58:45Now, you set the table
58:46and I'll take up the dinner.
58:58What are we having, Mom?
59:00Well, I was going to have corned beef and cabbage.
59:03But then I thought that'd be kind of commonplace for a birthday.
59:06Oh, sure.
59:07This is a special occasion.
59:08So what are we having?
59:09Corned beef and cabbage.
59:11Corned beef and cabbage?
59:13Oh, Eddie!
59:14Oh, Eddie!
59:17Here's a birthday present for you.
59:18An OK, too, Doc.
59:19We got to the parole board this morning.
59:23Hey, wait a minute, you two.
59:24Whose birthday is this, anyhow?
59:26Happy birthday, Tommy.
59:28Oh, gee.
59:29Gee, thanks, Eddie.
59:30That's one of those double duty ties.
59:32See, it matches my shirt, too.
59:34Yeah, well, just let me catch you wearing it.
59:37Oh, Doctor, I don't know how I could ever thank you
59:39for bringing my two boys back to me.
59:41It's all right.
59:42Hey, Doc, it's his birthday.
59:44Oh, no, fellas, no.
59:45Wait a minute.
59:46One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.