Superman and Lois - Scene Snatches of Memory Episode 8 part (1\3)

  • 3 года назад
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-What happens in this scene?
Earlier that day, the Kent's gather outside and Lois tells the boys that she and Clark just wanted to check on them to see how they were doing with everything that happened recently. Clark says that he talked to Coach Gaines about how the three of them are taking a break from football, while he bends the front of the truck back into shape. Lois says that if they're stressed or worried, they need to tell them, and the teenagers agree.

Clark hears Sam signal that they're ready to interrogate Irons at the DoD, and before he leaves Lois tells him that she'll let him know what she finds in the RV. After Clark flies off, Jonathan asks Lois if he can come with her. He figures that he can help her. They go to the RV in the barn and go inside, and Irons' AI tells them to identify themselves. Lois does so, and the AI identifies and greets her, and tells Lois that Lois is one of her authorized users.

When Lois asks the AI what it can tell her about Irons, a bed swings up to reveal a control panel. It has monitors showing Irons.

John pilots his ship into the dimensional breach, while Dark Superman tries to beat his way through the hull.

John tells Superman that he'll end him, and that he's already seen how Superman turns dark. He then says that he's not saying another word until they bring him Lois. Sam is in the next room watching through a one-way mirror.

As she goes through the monitor, Lois tells Jonathan about the multiverse and how John comes from another Earth. She finds photos of John and Lois together as husband and wife.

Superman asks John why he wants to see Lois, and John refuses to answer the question until he talks to Lois. John says that Superman is the one who killed Lois, and he won't let Superman do it again.

Credits © 2021: CWTV, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television, Berlanti Productions

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