Korona: An Animated Reminder of the Real Indian Lockdown I The Wire I Covid 19

  • 3 years ago
Debjyoti Saha, an animation filmmaker from Kolkata, now based in Mumbai, created this video as part of his Korona Series of animated shorts ('Korona' meaning 'Don't') on the deeply rooted problems exposed by this pandemic.

He writes: "While we hoard more 'essentials' for our family and sip on our Dalgona coffee, they share a roti among three. While we miss social gatherings, even with friends a video call away, they cry on the streets unable to reach their loved ones. We crib about running out of things to do in the comfort of our homes, while they are walking barefoot for miles and days to reach theirs. The list is neverending. India is witnessing one of the worst migrant crises in history. Storms always hit the lowest of the low. Acknowledge the privilege and do all you can to help."

Follow the creator on Instagram at:
