#Covid-19 #Coronavirus #Hospitals #Delhi-NCR
Hospitals across the country especially across within Delhi- NCR are in the grip of an oxygen emergency. Patients struggling and suffering with COVID literally cannot breathe. What has brought things to this crisis point ? In conversation with Mitali Mukherjee, Dr. Devlina Chakravarty, Managing Director, Artemis Medicare Services Limited explained that the current outbreak of COVID has been huge in terms of numbers affected, patients are also desaturating faster and need oxygen support. She also said the hospital does not expect the current Oxygen crisis to turn overnight. Dr Chakravarty said the hospital was currently getting one-third of their supply while demand is up between 3 to 4 times.
The Managing Director, Artemis Medicare Services Limited also warned that numbers were likely to increase in the coming days, and hospitals urgently needed greater national and state coordination in assuring a smooth flow of oxygen supply to hospitals.
In response to a question on the criticism being directed at hospitals for ‘creating panic’ and ‘wasting oxygen’ Dr Chakravarty said “ Criticism is not my priority, saving the lives of our patients is.”
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Hospitals across the country especially across within Delhi- NCR are in the grip of an oxygen emergency. Patients struggling and suffering with COVID literally cannot breathe. What has brought things to this crisis point ? In conversation with Mitali Mukherjee, Dr. Devlina Chakravarty, Managing Director, Artemis Medicare Services Limited explained that the current outbreak of COVID has been huge in terms of numbers affected, patients are also desaturating faster and need oxygen support. She also said the hospital does not expect the current Oxygen crisis to turn overnight. Dr Chakravarty said the hospital was currently getting one-third of their supply while demand is up between 3 to 4 times.
The Managing Director, Artemis Medicare Services Limited also warned that numbers were likely to increase in the coming days, and hospitals urgently needed greater national and state coordination in assuring a smooth flow of oxygen supply to hospitals.
In response to a question on the criticism being directed at hospitals for ‘creating panic’ and ‘wasting oxygen’ Dr Chakravarty said “ Criticism is not my priority, saving the lives of our patients is.”
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The founding premise of The Wire is this: if good journalism is to survive and thrive, it can only do so by being both editorially and financially independent. This means relying principally on contributions from readers and concerned citizens who have no interest other than to sustain a space for quality journalism. As a publication, The Wire will be firmly committed to the public interest and democratic values.
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