• 4 years ago
#DeependerHooda #COVID

Deepender Hooda calls for a nationwide lockdown and control rooms to address the COVID crisis, says remarks of leaders are deeply insensitive

In a deeply emotional conversation, Deepender Hooda spoke extensively with Mitali Mukherjee on the COVID crisis in NCR. Mr Hooda said numbers in Haryana for both deaths and active cases were being hugely under-reported. The threat of COVID has now spread beyond larger cities and areas like Gurgaon, Hisar, Panipat into smaller villages, he said.

The 4 term MP also talked about the efforts of Team Deepender in providing relief and assistance to those battling the pandemic. Team Deepender is an almost 8 year old group of supporters and friends of Deepender Hooda that receives SOS calls on Twitter and their helpline and most requests are for Hospital Beds, Critical Medicines/Injections and Oxygen. Mr Hooda also pointed to the deeply inequitable nature of SOS cries on social media, where not everyone was getting the help they needed, because they lacked the access and the reach.

Mr Hooda said the two stand-out examples of COVID crisis management were the BMC in Mumbai and Kerala. He urged the Prime Minister to announce a nationwide lockdown for two weeks and for states to follow the same example as Mumbai and Kerala and set up war-rooms in every district to coordinate relief efforts.

He also pointed to the lack of sensitivity in communication by several leaders including the Haryana Chief Minister ( https://indianexpress.com/article/india/useless-to-debate-over-number-of-covid-deaths-now-says-haryana-cm-khattar-7291245/) and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister (https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/action-against-private-hospitals-if-they-lie-about-oxygen-shortage-warns-cm-yogi-adityanath-7289165/)

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