• 4 years ago
Visual Basic was initially introduced in 1991 as the first programming language that
directly supported programmable graphical user interfaces using language-supplied
objects. From that time until 2002, there were five other versions released, each version
having features that increased the power of the language. In 2001, Microsoft released
the .NET (pronounced “dot net”) platform. Visual Basic .NET, or VB.NET, is an upgrade
to the last version of VB (version 6.0) that conforms to the .NET platform. As you will
see in subsequent chapters, the changes in VB.NET allow programmers to write Web or
desk-top applications within the same language. In addition, VB.NET is fully object-oriented as opposed to prior versions that had many, but not all, of the elements of an
object-oriented language. This book is based on VB.NET. In the balance of the book we
will sometimes refer to Visual Basic as VB, omitting .NET.
From a programming viewpoint, Visual Basic is an object-oriented language that consists of two fundamental parts: a visual part and a language part. The visual part of the
language consists of a set of objects, while the language part consists of a high-level procedural programming language. These two elements of the language are used together to
create applications. An application is simply a Visual Basic program that can be run under
the Windows operating system. The term application is preferred to the term program for
two reasons: one, it is the term selected by Microsoft to designate any program that can be
run under its Windows Operating System (all versions), and two, it is used to avoid confusion with older procedural programs that consisted entirely of only a language element.

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