• 4 years ago
Naked Sordid Reality Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In DEL SHORES NAKED.SORDID.REALITY, he shares more sordid stories about his Texas family, reads letters he’s written to the haters (including Newt and Kirk Cameron), acts out scenes from your favorite reality shows (including Hoarders and The Real Housewives) and yes, he will address his new, unexpected, single life.

“Del says what most people think. He has no censor — on or offstage. Audiences love him because of his ‘bless-their-hearts’ Texas charm,” explains Caroline Rhea. “Look, I’ve had a rough few months, okay. I’m bitter and mean and don’t give a shit, so no telling what I’ll say this time!” Shores warns.

Director: Emerson Collins
Writer: Del Shores
Stars: Del Shores, Joe Patrick Ward(voice)

Genre: Comedy, LGBT, Arts & Entertainment
Language: English
Production Country: US
Street date: 6/22/2021