• 3 years ago
"Dogecoin to the Moon" - Episode 3, Season 2

Background "conversation" is really just: Safemoon Dogecoin Bitcoin Ethereum Pink Coin HBar Cardano ADA Cosmo Atom ...

In this funny animation...
The entire Secret Moon Base is all a buzz over cryptocurrency. Kylac is trying to explain it to Voltmayer.

Kylac: Voltmayer! I'm glad you accepted my lunch invitation. I didn't think you'd show up.
Voltmayer: Ya, well, this is the only seat left in the cafe, anyways.
Kylac: Well, I have some en-crypto-ed information for ya.
Voltmayer: Let's hear your super secret secret squirrel news flash, what's it this time? You got bit by a t-rex (bittrex) in the bi nancy (binance)?
Kylac: No... The humans are coming to the Secret Moon Base.
Voltmayer: Are you serious?
Kylac: Yes!
Voltmayer: That's awesome. I love their boop noses and tickley wiskers.
Kylac: What are you talking about?
Voltmayer: The meowy things?
Kylac: Voltmayer, those are not humans.
Voltmayer: Did you or did you not say the rulers of this planet are humans?
Kylac: I'm talking about the bipedal beings.
Voltmayer: Oh, you mean doggies?
Kylac: No. Oh for... Well, the name of the ship is Doge-1.
Voltmayer: hahahaha! That's a spaceship? It's a canon fired backwards at best. It'll never get here!
Kylac: It'll get here. It just might take awhile because of the panic sellers.
Voltmayer: DOGGY, Kylac. It clearly says DOG plus E, DOGGY. You know. They are always pee-daling by things. When they get here we can give them some green goop soup, they'll love it.
Kylac: DOGE. Not Doggy, Doge.
Voltmayer: The little bark bark thingies, I know. They make it difficult to abduct primatoids, though.
Kylac: The what?
Voltmayer: You know, they hairless monkey thingies.
Kylac: That's the ones I'm talking about!
Voltmayer: Oh, no. They can't come here. We have a taco shortage as it is. They'll have to trade for them if they want our tacos.
Kylac: They're bringing some money with them. Dogecoin.
Voltmayer: Didn't know doggys had money. As long as it's better than that stuff those tailess monkeys make out of trees and rocks.
Kylac: Anyway... Well your job is to make sure they make a safemoon landing.
Voltmayer: Oh, I'll welcome them. But they ain't getting my tacos, unless, of course, they put something in the secret moon coin base. Then, we'll talk about the tacos.

Voltmayer: What if DOGE-1 does get here? I guess I could use a new roommate. Who knows? I could be Living with Luci. I mean, if she was a little more teal, she might be kinda cute.

Ollopa: Incoming call from Andromeda, sir.

Voltmayer: Ahkna, hey baby. You look mad.


