Actor Ankita Lokhande and Late Actor Sushant Singh Rajput met on the sets of their Show 'Pavitra Rishta' in the year 2009, it was during the run time of this show the duo fell in love. They dated for six years before calling it quits in the year 2016 while SSR was awaiting the release of Raabta. Ankita Lokhande and SSR were inseparable and had lived through many memories together, let's take a ride down memory lane with these memorable pictures of the popular couple that we will cherish forever.Though the couple seemed much in love, it was much later into the relationship, the couple laughed it off agreeing to there being a friction between them initially and they would often argue on set.Pavitra Rishta aired on Zee Tv in 2009, for almost 5 years, the biggest reason for this long run time was Ankita and Sushant's Onscreen Chemistry as Manav and Archana.Since Sushant was a wallflower who never really opened up about his personal life, their fans never came to know about their relationship, it was on a reality dance show, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, the couple declared that they have been seeing each other for the past two years and SSR had cutely proposed to Ankita.There were rumors that Ankita and Sushant married in Ujjain before moving in together to their apartment, in Malad, owing to parental pressure. But, the couple rubbished this news later.While Ankita Lokhande finished the shooting of Pavitra Rishta, Sushant rose to fame with his Bollywood debut, Kai Po Che. SSR never looked back after that he delivered back-to-back hits
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#ankitalokhande #sushantsinghrajput #ssr #pavitrarishta #rheachakraborty #bollywood #justiceforsushantsinghrajput #kritisanon #dilbechara #kanganaranaut #shraddhakapoor #lokhandeankita #ankuholics #dishapatani #salmankhan #supportankitalokhande #sushant #saraalikhan #sushantsinghrajputfans #love #aliabhatt #justiceforssr #mumbai #mouniroy #rashamidesai #archana #SushantSinghRajput #SSR #Ankitalokhande #Bollywood