Man Creates Customised Urn For Grieving Parents And Prays For Them

  • 3 years ago
This man created a customized urn for grieving parents. They lost their young son to cancer and, they wanted a special vase with his favorite cartoon characters. The man made a beautiful urn and prayed for the family.
00:00like life is fragile as f**k and you can't take it for granted if you have kids
00:08to take care of them because you never know so I'm gonna dip this real quick
00:20and hopefully they like it
00:30I don't know if I'm gonna post this video I'm just doing it so
00:37at least you guys see that it's not my baby thank God it's somebody else's kid
00:43but it hurts because you know I'm saying it's a kid and at the end of the day
00:49like I don't know it just it's weird I never thought I would do anything like
00:56this you know but if this helps bring a little bit of closure or happiness to
01:04the family so they can see this and know that their kid has something that they
01:08love on it like it's a little bit better for me so once again it has nothing to
01:13do with money this was not charged for this is nothing to do with anything it's
01:16just more of anything just bringing a little bit of happiness to a family and
01:20that's all we can do you know so let's just let's do it
02:20so I hope this brings a little bit of happiness to this family hopefully it
02:36well you know
