top 10 ugly paintings that are now worth millions

  • vor 3 Jahren
Top 10 hässliche Ölgemälde

"In life, one complements the other. Ugliness often makes people think and feel, which is the main role of art. Here are top 10 ugly paintings that are now worth millions
I/ An Old Woman, Quinten Massys :
An Old Woman ('The Ugly Duchess')-16th century-
A portrait satirizes a woman who wants to look much younger than she is. The flabby breast is tightened in a corset, and her hand holds a ripped fresh rose, a symbol of youth II/ Three Studies of Lucian Freud, Francis Bacon :
Three Studies of Lucian Freud-142.4 million dollars-
Bacon realistically showed how the person looks in a full emotional ""exasperation"".If we are at odds with ourselves, we break into pieces and cause irritation to everyone around. The only rescue is to gather up again
III/ Saturn Devouring One of His Sons, Francisco Goya :
The painting is sickening. It gets even more strange because Goya created it for his mansion in Madrid. The Baron wanted to sell the paintings at the exhibition in Paris
IV/ The Beggars, Pieter Bruegel the Elder :
The Beggars (also The Cripples)-1566-
On 5 April, 1566, 200 Calvinist nobles — united by the cry ""Vive le gueux"" (long live the beggar!) and therefore dubbed ‘the Beggars'
V/ Sailor and Girl, Otto Dix:
In one single painting he could reveal the whole character and display the tragicomedy of its life, as in case of the ""Sailor and Girl"".
VI/ My Birth, Frida Kahlo :
The painting by Frida Kahlo is in a collection of Madonna. The pop singer claims that, ""If somebody doesn’t like this painting, then I know they can’t be my friend.""
VII/ The Red Egg, Oskar Kokoschka :

The Red Egg, Oskar Kokoschka -1938-
""The Red Egg"" is an antifascist manifesto and even more. It’s an indictment of all the powers, not just the fascist, that had caused suffering in World War II
VIII/ Woman III, Willem de Kooning :
Woman III, Willem de Kooning-$137.5 million-
""Woman III"" by Willem Kooning is the fourth most expensive painting ever sold. The painting depicting naked woman could not be shown to public any more.
IX/ Magdalena Ventura with Her Husband and Son, José de Ribera :
Magdalena Ventura was a woman with hormonal disorders who lived at the court of the Duke of Alcalá. Back in those times it was fashionable and prestigious among nobles to patronize people with deviations
X/ Benefits Supervisor Sleeping, Lucian Freud :
he saw that the bodies and souls somehow became obese. Some from laziness, others to close from everyone in an
encasement of one’s body.
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