Pentagon's UFO Report and the Oumuamua Alien Theory

  • 3 years ago
WASHINGTON — There's been a lot of talk about UFOs being treated as a reality lately. Congress even ordered a special Pentagon team to deliver an unclassified report on UFOs before the end of June.

A classified version of this report was provided to lawmakers earlier this month, and the BBC says that unnamed officials told U.S. media that the report found no evidence of alien activity, but also did not rule it out.

This did not stop the controversial writer, professor Avi Loeb, from publishing his opinion in the Scientific American, saying that the soon-to-be-revealed U.F.O. report shows that people should buy his new book about "Oumuamua" being an alien spacecraft.

Here are the details:

Professor Avi Loeb published his opinion about the Pentagon's soon-to-be-released U.F.O. report on the Scientific American website on Tuesday 22 June.

He made use of the opportunity to say that the new focus on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena shows that there is growing evidence that alien spacecraft could exist, and that his book about it should be taken more seriously.

Professor Avi Loeb published an article on the Scientific American website on 22 June, saying the Pentagon's recent UFO report shows his theory should be taken more seriously.

His theory is that the interstellar object dubbed "Oumumua" that passed near the sun recently, is actually an alien probe.

He based his theory on the fact that grainy images of the object suggest it is a flat object that seems to tumble once every eight hours. It also seemed to accelerate, as if it was pushed away from the sun like a lightsail.

He also claims that, for Oumuamua to be a random natural object, the number of objects like it would have to be many times more than previously calculated by himself.

Critics of Loeb's theory say the interstellar object is most likely a shard of rock or a loose cloud of dust grains, and its acceleration in the outer solar system was caused by bursts of evaporating ice.

And regarding the U.F.O. report that has to be presented to Congress before the end of this month.

Although no earth-shattering revelations are expected, the existence of a government report on an much-ridiculed issue shows how U.F.O.s have beamed out of the realm of purely science fiction pop culture, and into the world of U.S. national security.


