• 4 years ago


01:44Know killing me just pulled up tell the boys
01:51Killing me just pulled up. Okay, Waxey
02:30All right boys, you know the setup
02:42Come on hand that bag over get your dirty hands off
02:58What's the idea you know, this is bull browns territory it was his territory
03:08Those monkeys don't excite me. Oh, no. No
05:58They did where all right, okay
06:05Baron's mob got joy. I thought things were too quiet around here couldn't last
06:09I'm telling you bull ever since me fell for that showgirl Maisie Wofford. He's been hard to handle. You're right
06:16He is getting too aggressive
06:18If he hadn't been so bullheaded
06:20Joy, when I got knocked off
06:22I'm gonna tone me down
06:29Wouldn't be so sure about that
06:33From now on you carry out my orders not yours. What about Joey?
06:37You think I'm gonna let Baron get away with that? Joy's case is my problem. You're wrong
06:41It's our problem and I'm gonna call on the Baron pay my respects with Joey's compliments
06:46If you do that Baron's gang is sure to start trouble and I'll finish it and I've just come to the conclusion
06:51Paul if I can run this racket for you, I can run it for myself
06:55Is that a threat take it any way you like?
07:01I'm sure the boys wouldn't like the idea of you running my business the boys are with me, bro
07:07They want action in a fair percentage. You've never given them that they know I will a small-time guy trying to play big shot
07:14Take him. I
07:28There's only one way to run Harlem
07:30my way
07:32Too bad, you won't be around to see it
07:34Danny yeah
07:37Well looks a little pale I
07:41Think he needs some air you better take him along too
07:47Wait a minute, let's talk this over made after all we have always been pals. So was Joey
07:59Now boys, you'll get a square deal from Bob me that's much better
08:11Too bad we had to do that boss
08:13You and me and boo were all raised in the same neighborhood
08:17Well, I remember when we used to have the tin can telephone from one fire escape to another
08:26Yes, you're going to be a big shot in Harlem now killer
08:31The biggest liquor
10:09Spectators will observe the dignity of the court
10:18Water the court
10:30As jury reached a verdict did you have your honor the defendant will rise and hear the verdict
10:44We did jury find a defendant not guilty
10:59That all right
11:05Excuse me
11:08Hello Maisie the paper said you didn't have a chance, but I knew they couldn't convict you Bob
11:13Whatever else you might do. I know you wouldn't commit murder. It's nice of you to say that. Come on
11:19We're gonna celebrate Bob. I can't George Stevens is waiting for me. Let him wait. Oh, no, Bob
11:25That wouldn't be right. Listen sugar possession is nine points of the law. I've got you now
11:30So but but you're forgetting one thing
11:32What's that George and I were engaged long before I met you and and I couldn't just leave him standing there Oh
11:41Yeah, boss
11:42George Stevens is outside waiting. Suppose you take good care of him until we get back. Got you boss. Okay, that's all right
11:54Ever since the killer drew an acquittal he's going plum baddy
11:58Yeah, can you imagine him having the nerve to spread it around that he's gonna cut in with you
12:03So he's going to get in with me is he well, we'll see about that
12:13Hello a Lou Barron talking
12:16It's me there. What's on your mind there? Now? There's no need in causing any unnecessary trouble
12:22Yeah, why there's plenty of room for both of us that suits me fine
12:28I'll be over
12:29What's that?
12:31in about half an hour
12:39This may be a trick if it is it'll be Barron's last one
12:43Did you really mean what you said about you and me getting together? Sure
12:47As long as he figures he's entitled to a cut in my business, we can't disappoint him
12:52I want you to see that he gets just what's coming to him. It'll be a pleasure
13:05Your hunch was right Danny what hunch look at that
13:23Look like meats car. Let's go
13:41Okay, get going don't try anything
14:29Want you to fix me up two very nice funeral wreaths
14:34Uh-huh some friends of yours
14:38Not mine
14:40Your oh, I see. I'm glad you do now. Let's get down to cases
14:46I want you to figure what I got coming for my half of your business
14:49Did I understand you to say your half of my business?
14:53Those guys were screwy when they told me you couldn't hear good anything the matter with your hearing not a thing
15:03Okay, but get this meat you bumped off bull and you've taken over his territory
15:08But start messing around with me and you're heading for a one-way ride
15:14Say Danny
15:15Didn't Lincoln make some kind of a speech about you can fool all the people some of the time
15:20But you can't fool all the people all the time
15:25That's right. Boss. You ever read that speech burn if you haven't you ought to read it sometime. Let's go fellas
15:32By the way, Farron, I'm sending a man down to look out for my interest. I want you to make him feel right at home
15:40He seemed
15:54You just give me a chance and before I'm through I'll lay hollow and you just give me a chance
15:59You just give me a chance and before I'm through I'll lay Harlem at your feet on a velvet cushion
16:05Nothing can stop me. Watch me from now on
17:40This has got to stop no, I can't go on
17:44What do you mean?
17:46Say I'm telling you you'll ruin us
17:49Why is it feeling us out?
17:55It's your plate
17:58You're not concentrating on the game. What's that? You aren't even trying to play. Oh, I'm sorry sugar
18:04I guess I was thinking the mind if we stop I
18:10Don't know what it is, but every time I come up here it does something to me. What do you mean?
18:15Well, I'm going places in a big way
18:17I'd like to take you with me, but my life is so different than yours. I was wondering if well
18:24That's it
18:25Might be awful tough on you. Now you take George Stevens for instance poor George
18:30He's just about the unhappiest man in Harlem right now
18:33Why you see George and I haven't been getting along so well lately
18:37How come he quite disapproves of my continuing around the stage? He doesn't think it's proper for the future. Mrs. Stevens
18:45Honey, why don't you give Stevens back his ring? I'll give you one. It'll make that one look sick
18:50I'll do anything for you. If you'll only give me a break. I love you Maisie. I want to take you away from here
18:56We'll travel all over the world
18:58Find out how to really live Bob. I don't know what to say. You do care for me, don't you?
19:11If that Stevens I'll talk to you'll do nothing of the kind
19:15Hello, who is it? Just a moment. It's for you. Now. Who'd be calling me here?
19:24Yeah, boss. Lieutenant Holmes is here and says he wants to see you
19:29Is it important tell him I was in the neighborhood and just dropped in for a little friendly visit
19:35Tell him I'll be right over
19:38What did he say
19:40I'll make yourself inconvenient
19:43Guess I got the wrong book
19:47Keeps me busy collecting this publicity. Yes, I guess it does
19:55He's gonna take an awful couple you're right you sure fell hard for Maisie
20:03Sorry sir, but I'm not going to let you down
20:09Sorry sir, but this is strictly private
20:14Must you go? Yes sugar. I've known the lieutenant ever since I was a little kid
20:18He's about the only copper on the force who's an alright guy
20:22But I'll see you later, huh?
20:28Will you join me? No, thanks. I prefer my pipe in the quiet surroundings of my home
20:36Well, what can I do for you? Lieutenant? Nothing at all. That's all alone. Someone thought I'd drop in for a little chat
20:42I've been reading the newspapers about you lately
20:45Kind of brought back memories of the days when I was a cop and used to chase you kids off the corner of the old neighborhood
20:53Yeah, but those days are gone forever yes, so are a lot of the kids I
21:00Had great hopes for some of them
21:02Too bad
21:03Sure is but you seem to be getting places me. Oh, I wouldn't say that
21:07Neither would I what are you driving at lieutenant? Oh, nothing, especially I was just thinking about the future
21:15I'm afraid you're gonna miss a lot of things me
21:18Like smoking your pipe in a nice comfortable home
21:21The missus are sitting across from you in front of the fireplace and a couple of fine kids are playing around the room
21:27See you again sometime mean yeah do that
21:30By the way, how's your flower garden getting along? I'm having a lot of trouble with my carnations lately
21:35It seems the soil is too rich for them. Oh, you'll have to do something about that. Yes, I guess it will
21:41Take a tip son. It's impossible to develop anything successfully when the soils too rich
21:47Anything I can do for you. Not a thing. I'll be seeing you sometime. If you do, I hope it's a social visit
24:09Propose a toast success of Maisie starring in a new show, which will unquestionably be a hit
24:51Think you're about the sweetest girl I ever
24:56Look honey
25:50Look honey
26:04Use the wrong technique about my rich uncle or something
28:57I'll be right back
29:05It looks like trouble we don't want anything to start me on account of the girls this door here leads to the kitchen
29:12Good you go get the car. I'll pick up Maisie and slick them and have Phil take the other girls home
29:17All right
29:25I'm sorry folks. Something just come up. We got to leave right away. Don't ask questions. Let's go. Come on get up
29:53Must be here someplace take a look, right?
30:13Hey Luke, they just scrammed out the back door come on
31:32Turn right at the next corner we'll lose
31:48You're in danger, aren't you Bob nothing serious? I just didn't want you to get mixed up in anything. I'm terribly worried
31:55But get it, please be careful. Sure
31:59Now run along
32:09This business with Baron is going to come to a head quick
32:11What makes you say that killer the guy's desperate if he can't get me out of the way
32:15He's through and he knows it. You're right
32:18Danny yeah, call the boys water. Tell him to be careful
32:21Are you Maisie Walford? Yes, I'd like to talk to you a minute
32:42Maisie Walford. Yes. I'd like to talk to you a minute
32:45What do you want we don't like to inconvenience you like this, but we want you to do us a little favor in what way
32:52We're a couple of friends of Bob needs. We'd like to have you give him a little serenade
32:57If this is a joke not a joke, and we're not asking any favors
33:00Get on that phone and start singing the same song and we're just playing
33:04Well, I can't sing on the phone and play at the same time. That's all right sister
33:10Can't sing on the phone and play at the same time. That's all right sister
33:15Butch knows how to play go on butch do your stuff. Sure
33:21You weren't Bob's friend you're his enemies now sister you're singing can't be as bad as all that
33:29Get on that phone
33:36Give me University for four six two. Oh, I can see you're a smart girl. Miss Walford
33:46Me talking
33:51Bob I I want you to hear the new number. I'm going to do
33:56Well, I'm so wild about it. I just can't wait to try it out on you
34:00If you don't think listen, you've got another thought coming. Wait a minute boys. Maisie's going to sing
34:05I want you to be real quiet here. I got you. Okay
34:10Okay, sugar. I got everything fixed. Go ahead
34:23We made it rich campaign you took my breath away when your
34:35Remember the night
34:37You thought you'd take a chance
34:39And ask me for a dance and we dance
34:44so divine and
34:47Then the night with a week
34:51The year went by
34:54Yeah, we're together
34:59Tonight you thought you take a chance they gave
35:21That was swell sugar that number will be a hit if I ever heard one, what was the name of it?
35:29Go on warble another one, but go on
35:35I'll sing another course Bob. Sure. Go ahead sugar
35:40Something's phony about this. I asked her question. She didn't even answer me
35:48We met at Ritz Cafe
35:59Remember the night you thought you'd take a chance and ask me for a dance
36:08So divine and then the night went by a week
36:15Year went by
36:18Hello. Hello
36:21Thanks sister
36:22They aren't doing anything to him. Didn't I tell you we were just giving him a little free entertainment
36:27He'll get a big kick out of it, too. Maybe you disconnected
36:44Thanks for the help and the cure will thank you too when he sees you again
36:51The line went dead I don't get it neither do I
36:55Something's wrong. I mean her voice didn't even sound the same. Come on. Let's go
37:34Slick them so they got you
37:40Funny ain't it why he wouldn't even hurt a fly
37:45Looked up to me like I was an idol or something
37:55Slept take care of slicker. Come on boys
38:21Amazing amazing
38:33I've got a hunch man frame this whole thing for your special benefit. Yeah
38:38Well my special benefit boys. We got some exterminating to do
38:43Hey you guys, where's the back? Hey you
38:59Amazing are you all right two men forced me to sing that song to you. I figured as much it's something wrong. No
39:07Please don't do anything. You'll be sorry for forget it sugar. Everything's gonna be all right
39:13I knew I could count on you to do the right thing
39:18Tell me the band's in his office now
39:24New bands in his office now good Danny. I'll see you later
39:28Promise me you'll be all right
39:30I'll be all right. I'll be all right
39:32I'll be all right. I'll be all right
39:34I'll be all right. I'll be all right
39:37Promise me you won't try it in the storage barren
39:40I'll promise you anything in the world, but that don't worry about it. Everything will be over this afternoon
39:45Then we'll get married and take that trip
39:48But I'm not gonna let you Bob. Don't get yourself into something. You'll never be able to get out
39:53If you go to bear now, I'm gonna notify the police you wouldn't do that
39:58Wouldn't I you've done a lot of things terrible things perhaps, but don't think for a moment
40:03I'm gonna stand aside and let you really commit murder. Don't get yourself worked up. I'm
40:10Listen Maisie you stay out of my affairs. Go on home and wait until I get there
40:27Yes, yes
40:28He's on his way to Lou Baird's office
40:30Here's more respect for you than anyone in the world. Please go and stop him. Don't let him get into a terrible jam
40:37We'd get over there right away. Miss Wofford. Thanks for calling
41:09Wait here fill and keep the motor running. Come on Danny in the meantime, they might figure out a way to get rid of
41:14Yeah, that guy's blowing his top. Come on
41:30Ain't going anywhere. Are you burn?
41:37Well, I was just going to get
41:55This is my party day
42:41This place is sold outside in the drunk we got to get out of here some way killer. Yeah
42:47I got it, Danny
43:26Stick around
45:05Surprised to see ain't you I kind of thought you would be come on. I want to talk to you
45:11So you turn me over to the coppers. I told you I would oh you told me you would so that makes it
45:16All right, you little double-crosser Bob. You don't know what you're saying. I don't know what I'm saying
45:20I suppose I don't know Phil and Danny are dead. Oh, no, that's what you wanted
45:26No, it ain't you wanted those coppers to get me
45:30What a sap I've been I'm not a knowing you turn out to be a cheap little stool pigeon wife, but two cents I
45:39Come on over here
45:42Answer that telephone be careful how you talk
45:48Yes, this is she lieutenant home speaking. We followed me to your apartment. Is he there?
45:56Who is that lieutenant Holmes, but please have the place surrounded he said you haven't got a chance of getting out alive
46:04All right, lieutenant. I'll tell him
46:06He's coming up here to have a talk with you he won't do much talking if I see him first
46:13How could you do a thing like this to me? I was only trying to help. Don't you understand Bob?
46:18I did it because because I love you
46:22That's a good one a lot, you know about love
46:26Won't you believe me Bob? I even gave George's ring back
46:30Why didn't you tell me this afternoon?
46:32But but you couldn't think of anything but killing Baron
46:36It's too late now, isn't it Bob?
46:39Yeah, maybe it's too late now. We had happiness almost at our fingertips. Yeah, that's it
46:47We had happiness almost at our fingertips
46:52Lieutenant Holmes, what's this a trick? You have my word. I'm all alone
47:01What do you want I
47:03Want to prevent a lot of shooting and save somebody from useless for getting hurt. I want you to come along with me quietly
47:14Want to prevent a lot of shooting and save somebody from useless for getting hurt. I want you to come along with me quietly
47:20Please Bob, okay. Sure. I'll come along with you
47:28Keep your chin up sugar
47:30I'll beat this rap and I'll come back and fix everything up just like the plan
47:35I'm afraid you won't beat this rap son. I feel sorry for you, too
47:39You don't live planted your seed where the soil wasn't quite so rich. I need no moodle kind of to hear about your flowers
47:46Let's get this thing over quick
47:54Hate to do it son, but I got to put the handcuffs on you. Yeah, I understand
50:18When they break the law that's the way they all go
50:22sooner or later