• 4 years ago


00:00:30Dr. Gulliver poor men have become ill. What are we to do? Is there medicine for this? They need food
00:00:38not medicines
00:00:40Unfortunately, the captain isn't even a real pirate. No real pirate captain would sacrifice his crew
00:00:46This medicine should put you to sleep for some time. Just hang on for one more night
00:00:53Incompetent fools
00:00:56The ships of Chinese gold are here
00:01:00Why have we not found them?
00:01:03Why have you dogs not found them sir, the sailors are starving you expect these men to spy galleons
00:01:11To fight they can barely stand on their watches
00:01:14Someone near death. How dare you speak to me like that. The only things they can see are the crumbs
00:01:19They've been fighting the rats for we need to put into the nearest port get food and fresh water
00:01:26Immediately, dr. Gulliver you forget your place
00:01:30I'm the captain I give the orders here hired me to see after the health of your crew, which is what I am doing
00:01:37Your greed is endangering the whole expedition and everyone on it doctor. Stop. Someone must speak up
00:01:45You all want to die to enrich this man's purse one more word and I won't bother with the plank
00:01:50I'll have you keel all all of you how utterly exuberant of you captain
00:01:56I must make a note of your generosity in my diary
00:02:26Look at the sky. What is this thing?
00:02:36Have you ever seen anything like this? It does not seem like a natural part of the earth or the heavens
00:02:45We need to get everyone to safety the storm is upon us
00:04:19The butter the butter the butter
00:04:26The butter
00:04:41Tanya Tanya, where have you been? I've been so worried
00:04:53Don't worry you'll find him
00:04:56You'll find him soon
00:05:06Earth is this
00:05:12I got my mother. What am I gonna do now? I can't carry them both
00:05:19Perhaps it's safest to hide them
00:05:31Giddyup we must bring the news of this giant. It'll be the first to tell everyone
00:05:42Everyone listen, I have news for you
00:05:53Little podiums we are being invaded a giant has landed ashore
00:05:59Please fellow people hear me my wife and my daughter Tamyana
00:06:03They're back at the beach. They fainted there and I can't carry them. Please good citizens. I need your help
00:06:09Oh, that's a great story. Oh, perhaps we should see if what this man says is true
00:06:14Who will join me we will see if there is a giant or just a giant tail
00:06:21We must disable him while he's tired or our town will surely be destroyed
00:06:26And you you are not utter a word to the Emperor's mayor about any of this
00:06:51Wish all hangovers looked this beautiful
00:06:56Best enjoy this stage of things while I can
00:07:15You must be quiet, huh step quietly the giant must not hear our approach
00:07:26Can't you hear that Bell
00:07:28Thank you. I have eaten very well
00:07:32No, not that your cap. It's making noise
00:07:35Can't you hear butter bridges complain my brain? Oh, my brains quite good. I'll sit first in my class
00:07:41But shouldn't you be quiet right now giant might hear
00:08:10Mother wake up Tamiyana. Where are we? Where's your father?
00:08:21Well, that's not scary that's funny look at the size of that human
00:08:28Lovely you were not lying. Who is this?
00:08:40Citizens you must be quiet
00:08:45Right you there keep coming. Yes. Now. Let's bring the crane over here
00:09:42I'll tell you the whole story. If you free me you think you're in a position to parlay with us
00:09:51Be still and answer our questions or we will be forced to disable you further. Yeah, you're like mice
00:09:58Soldiers be alert
00:10:04You come yeah you to get on Yana, this is not a safe place we should get back to the village no mama
00:10:11I'm staying so many are wounded. I want to stay and help we begin this fight in earnest
00:10:22Stop moving or we will have to paralyze you complete
00:10:27Think you can we can kill you before the next blink of your eyes
00:10:32archers make ready one two, don't shoot I
00:10:37Won't move now. That's a much better show of manners
00:10:40Perhaps we shall not have to kill you giant
00:10:44Finnegan come here, please
00:10:48Until we figure out a system to dispose of his hideously large body, but cannot kill him figure out something quickly
00:10:56That's a brown bottom
00:10:58Bring my horse. I'm off to see the Emperor you watch this sleeping monstrosity
00:13:49This is not the time for a celebration a
00:13:54Giant has landed ashore
00:13:57May I ask everyone except flim nap my chief astrologer and redressal most able public administrator to kindly withdraw
00:14:04from the platform
00:14:12Majesty it's huge vast humongous, but I have secured it on the beach must be a curse by our rivals from Bluff
00:14:22Sage flim nap, why was the Giants arrival not predicted sire?
00:14:27These matters are most vexing
00:14:31Difficult to explain I was busy calculating the influence of the planet Saturn and no more explanations
00:14:39Figure out how to best get rid of this this giant this curse. Yes majesty, but these things are most
00:14:47Difficult we cannot let this feud go on
00:14:49It's obviously gotten out of hand even past the eyes of my chief astrologer the time has come for me to take revenge
00:14:57Ergo make the armies ready. We must go to war with Bluff Esco majesty our armies are not ready
00:15:06Immobilizing the giant took all of our strength
00:15:08We need to build a stronger force to win against Bluff Esco well start building the force and my leash
00:15:15Now is not the time for a war the Treasury is low
00:15:20Instead let us finally make peace with the kingdom of Bluff Esco that can happen only after my death
00:15:33More of your childish dreams of peace
00:15:37regressor and
00:15:39They say that astrologers walk about with their heads in the clouds
00:16:16Excuse me, can I get some food?
00:16:22Something to eat
00:16:27If you don't feed me you won't have to bother with these ropes for much longer
00:16:31I'll just starve to death. I believe he wants some food. Thanks
00:16:37What a relief
00:16:50Will you tell us about yourself Lemuel Gulliver
00:16:54first surgeon on her majesty's ship Antelope from England
00:17:01Completely destroyed in a great unnatural storm so there was a storm we saw strange clouds
00:17:09Do you know Sepultura I have no idea miss is he one of your people or mine
00:17:42Hey, hey
00:17:44Stop that. Tell your elders to untie me. I'm no animal for your zoo. Margot. They'll go for knack
00:17:52Calm down. Will you I promise I don't want to hurt anyone else. Come on salon
00:17:59Hey, you don't have to do that
00:18:02I'll keep
00:18:12Please do you eat something?
00:18:15Not eating will not bring soup. I can't eat. I can't live without him and I can't bear to see you this way
00:18:23We'll see there must be something I can do
00:18:35Know my son Sepultura is alive. I will find him. I will find him soon. You are my only hope
00:18:45Now stop crying my daughter-in-law should look like a princess for a wedding not like a waterfall
00:19:54Want these four men executed
00:20:21Lefescu Amoria connect you aren't out of a dumb who had my first asses executed
00:20:28I want a giant kill right away. This giant has upset all of our plans
00:20:35The Emperor of Lilliput is preparing for war with your kingdom. I don't bribe you to give me
00:20:43Delayed the attack
00:20:46Otherwise you will find your these things are quite vexing quite difficult to explain
00:20:54I'll do something
00:21:15You don't
00:21:17Why didn't you order the Giants death instead of trying to impress that Tomoyana girl?
00:21:23Now everyone is angry and our plans are in peril I didn't know it's idiots like you that make life
00:21:32vexing and hard to explain
00:21:34If you don't influence the Emperor and have this stupid giant killed
00:21:40I myself will see that Tomoyana and Suputra are married
00:21:45Suputra is still alive. No questions
00:21:48If you want to win the favor of the girl
00:21:52Do what I say
00:21:56And come back with good news
00:22:16This place looks just like
00:22:21This might burn a little
00:22:23After what I went through this is nothing. Please do not try to escape
00:22:29Your fate will be decided by the Emperor soon enough. It feels so good to be able to stand
00:22:40You are in perfect health except for some bruises here and there
00:22:45Thanks. It's my duty. I'm the local doctor here
00:22:49Sir could I possibly show him around this temple?
00:22:52It would be good for him to move about get his blood circulating again
00:22:56You can as long as he still wears his chains
00:22:59We do not want him moving about too easily
00:23:03This cave is where the entire town of Lilliput gathers on special occasions
00:23:09On your way here. Did you meet anyone by the name of Suputra?
00:23:13Before I tell you is there some way I can escape from this island?
00:23:18I feel sorry for you
00:23:20But I've never known anyone who left Lilliput or even wanted to leave
00:23:25Too bad
00:23:27I think if you knew how I could get off the island, I might be able to remember something about
00:23:35What was his name? Oh, yeah Suputra
00:23:38Um, maybe you could ask our Emperor about a ship
00:23:55Good and mighty Emperor may I suggest that we may engage some scholars to teach him more languages
00:24:01He may have valuable information for the advancement of industry even diplomacy
00:24:07At least you could say your final prayers in our language
00:24:13The king of Bluffescu send you here to kill us sir
00:24:16I was sent here by no one except this giant storm which left me beached upon your shores. I
00:24:24Wish no harm to you or your people and do not know of this King Bluffescu or his kingdom. I
00:24:32Need a ship to get back to England
00:24:35Something's not right
00:24:36Majesty this creature is obviously dangerous. Why would an outsider tell us of such a plot? Let's get him out of the way
00:24:43We can worry about disposing of the remains later. Skyrush. Sometimes I'm reminded of how young and impulsive you are
00:24:51Please help me
00:24:56I'm innocent
00:24:59Build me a ship immediately otherwise
00:25:07His last meal
00:25:19I think you can get rid of me so easily, huh?
00:25:23Log your ears little men and women
00:25:28Unless you want to hear bodies being crushed
00:25:32Oh giant
00:25:35True power comes from one's heart
00:25:38Not one's muscles. Haven't you read Shakespeare?
00:25:42Here's another question for you. Big man. How tall do you think you are?
00:25:47What I'm six feet tall
00:25:52The giant I
00:25:54Am six feet tall. I too am six feet tall. What do you mean?
00:26:00Neither of you are taller than my head. What is to you an inch we call a foot
00:26:06Here you are. 72 feet tall
00:26:09Lilliputians are excellent mountaineers and
00:26:15See how you do with this one if sister Susie stitched sweaters selling 77 and
00:26:2166 shops sold the sweaters at seven shillings. How much did sister Susie sell?
00:26:29I'm no match for you little folks
00:26:35You have all been unable to help me
00:26:37Saputra my one true love has disappeared into the cold cruel sea. I cannot live without him
00:26:43Come on, giant. Kill me
00:26:48Stop crying. I'm I'm sorry
00:27:00Lefescu's curse
00:27:02Planet Saturn will soon move into our orbit
00:27:06This is a highly inauspicious time
00:27:10Horrible things are more likely to happen to our people bad luck abounds
00:27:15If we are going to keep him any longer just kill him my lord
00:27:20There is nothing in the legal code protecting Giants
00:27:23And then his dead body begins to rot who knows what kind of pestilence this creature carries with him an
00:27:29Epidemic of plague will kill all of us and then no one will have to worry about the planet Saturn
00:27:38Enough so I have a suggestion. Is it a good one? If so, please speak
00:27:43Why don't we use gulver to attack Lefescu either they will kill him or he will destroy
00:27:50Lefescu both of our problems will be soon. We do not need a giant to destroy our rivals
00:27:57Lilliputians are brave
00:27:58strong and resourceful
00:28:00We ourselves shall destroy Lefescu with you as general leading the charge
00:28:06Can you wield a spear with that crystal ball?
00:28:14Enough let me talk to this man mountain
00:28:18Perhaps a deal can be struck sire. I still feel that if we can come to some kind of a peaceful settlement
00:28:53Mighty Emperor here he is Gulliver the giant
00:28:59Good morning, Gulliver
00:29:02Thank you, thank you. I
00:29:05Am willing to keep this man as an official guest provide him with good food and even one new suit of clothes
00:29:17Thank you for your hospitality and a new suit of clothes would be welcome
00:29:21It'll keep your tent makers in good business at least but I am NOT of this place
00:29:27Please build me a ship and let me go home
00:29:35If we can make you a suit we can build you a ship
00:29:39But we have a favor to ask of you in return. What is it that I can do for you first?
00:29:44You must swear a peace with me and my kingdom. I swear
00:29:49Emperor Gulbaston to you and your people that I will not harm you or your kingdom
00:29:55Next could you empty your pockets and surrender your belongings?
00:30:10Gulliver what is this strange tube with a loop?
00:30:20Perhaps I should inspect this
00:30:23Apparatus have you never seen a pistol? It's a dangerous weapon. You're strolling next to you
00:30:29We'll soon learn that we have Lilliput are not the type to be frightened
00:30:56Gulliver your pistol tube has brought some joy to our people except perhaps to our police chief
00:31:03It's it's my pleasure Emperor
00:31:06But you still have to tell me, what can I do for you?
00:31:12Simply be ready, Gilbert.
00:31:14The Emperor will tell you what he needs when the time is right.
00:31:17There is much to be consulted before any action can occur.
00:31:31And when will my ship be ready?
00:31:33We have a saying here, Gilbert.
00:31:36Patience is a virtue.
00:31:38Perhaps you have a similar saying where you come from.
00:31:41Our Emperor is an honorable man. Soon you'll be set free.
00:31:45This will be very complex. Very difficult to explain.
00:32:04If the giant fights for the Lilliputs, Blefescu will be completely destroyed.
00:32:10How can I face the Emperor of Blefescu with this horrible development?
00:32:14I'll kill Gulliver before midnight.
00:32:17Absolutely not! Our Emperor is not stupid. He will get suspicious.
00:32:23No, you have to make Gulliver commit a serious offense, and then...
00:32:31And then we pull the knot tight.
00:32:33I will train all my magic upon the giant. I will subdue him utterly.
00:32:40After that, no one in the kingdom will dare dispute my power.
00:32:45Then shall I finally get to marry Tamayana, your gardener's daughter?
00:32:49Her father could not possibly refuse your suggestion.
00:32:52Yes, yes, you will have your reward. But before that, you have much to do.
00:33:10Andago, this is so hard, my girl.
00:33:13But no woman ever had it easy in Lilliput, or in marriage.
00:33:17Old Monk Flemnap is putting pressure on your poor father.
00:33:20Saputra is gone. Can't you agree to marry Skyresh?
00:33:24I'd rather drown than give my hand to that vile leech. His true love is power.
00:33:30My true love is Saputra.
00:33:32May Buddha give you wisdom to accept that fate is not always kind to the dreams of women.
00:33:41We'll hang on a little while longer, my girl.
00:33:44Flemnap and his little lackey be cursed.
00:33:47You will marry Saputra and no one else.
00:33:52Your Majesty, our army is in top form.
00:33:55If Gulliver is instructed to destroy their navy, their ground troops will be absolutely no match for us.
00:34:02They may even surrender immediately.
00:34:04Our true victory will come when both the kingdoms live in peace.
00:34:08I have made a decision to go to war, and it is final.
00:34:13Don't waste your time with tired words. We must march.
00:34:17Oh, mighty Emperor, our stars are not yet favorable until two full moons have passed.
00:34:23We must not act in haste, or our victory could be compromised.
00:34:28Bad things keep happening since the giant's arrival.
00:34:32Let us send him back to his country, where he will do us no more damage.
00:34:38I have consulted the auguries, both obvious and arcane.
00:34:43They all say that if we use him to fight, our whole kingdom will perish.
00:34:49Let us not take a chance, my lord.
00:34:51Just to be safe, we will plan our attack for two moons from now.
00:34:57With Gulliver.
00:35:02Skyrish! I want an order decreed that for the next two moons...
00:35:06Two moons. The giant known as Gulliver may not come into the city without being summoned by royal decree.
00:35:13He will not leave his cave unless...
00:35:15Now that's going too far. I've pledged peace with your emperor.
00:35:19Silence! After two moons have passed, he will help in the destruction of Blefescu, our sworn enemy.
00:35:32You can't seriously expect me to fight your war.
00:35:36You promised our emperor a favor.
00:35:40Remember, disobedience carries the penalty of death on the island of Lilliput.
00:35:47After that, will he be given a ship and set free?
00:35:50On our victory, our wedding...
00:35:54I mean, his ship will be ready, and he will be free.
00:35:59His ship will be ready, and he will be set free.
00:36:22Good morning, Mr. Gulliver.
00:36:25What are you looking at?
00:36:26It's a picture of my family.
00:36:27I know how it feels to be away from family. I can't wait to see my son, Suputra.
00:36:32Suputra. Suputra. Where have I heard that name before?
00:36:39Oh, I remember. That girl, Tamayana, has been asking me about someone named Suputra.
00:36:44Is it your son she's mooning after?
00:36:47You people are so little, and yet your problems are as big as any in my kingdom.
00:36:53The problem is that the emperor is being manipulated.
00:36:56Flimnep has convinced him that astrology will predict and find a solution to all his problems.
00:37:02Now we of Lilliput wear low heels, and people of Lefescu wear high heels.
00:37:10That's ridiculous. Can't we just get them together in the same room?
00:37:15Oh, it's too late. I've already tried.
00:37:17But why should I get into this war mess? This is none of my concern.
00:37:22You promised the emperor a favor.
00:37:24A favor? Not my life.
00:37:27From what I've seen of your technology, one of your gunboats could mortally wound me.
00:37:32Even kill me. Leave me floating in your harbor like a giant whale.
00:37:36One can never tell what is a blessing.
00:37:39You're a doctor in your world, right? End some suffering while you're here.
00:37:44Cleanse an infected organ. Close a festering wound.
00:37:54Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
00:38:24ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
00:38:54ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
00:39:54Thank you so much.
00:40:09Can we meet somewhere?
00:40:12I'd like to see the place in Lilliput where I could hide.
00:40:20Maybe I'll come and see you in the cave.
00:40:23If that's alright by you.
00:40:53Hey giant, being outside of the temple is directly disregarding the orders of the emperor.
00:41:04Go back or you will go on report.
00:41:07You know the consequences of disobeying the emperor.
00:41:10Yes my lord, but it was suggested I could be useful while I was...
00:41:13Please leave now.
00:41:14Hey, put me down, put me down.
00:41:22Thank you, Gulliver.
00:41:23It's my pleasure.
00:41:24I'll see you very soon, old man.
00:41:34You pin-brained university reject!
00:41:36You had better think of something to get rid of that giant quick, or Suputra will find
00:41:43his way back and claim Tamayana.
00:41:46I'm thinking hard, but it's just so vexing, so hard to explain.
00:41:53The emperor of Blefescu will not accept failure.
00:41:59Neither will I.
00:42:00There are no books to consult about this problem.
00:42:03I'll think of something, my lord, I will.
00:42:05Sir, the baranacha dance is about to start.
00:42:07In a minute, in a minute.
00:42:09What is this dance?
00:42:12Somehow I convinced our emperor that this particular dance will bring good luck to the kingdom.
00:42:20You are just brilliant, sir.
00:42:26Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:42:41Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:11Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:42Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:44Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:46Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:48Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:50Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:52Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:54Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:56Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:43:58Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:44:00Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:44:02Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:44:04Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:44:06Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:44:08Sangasama, please bring on the musicians.
00:44:10Tсh, tch, tch...
00:44:12Mr. Gulliver, why don't you show us some of your military tactics?
00:44:40Yes, why not?
00:44:44All right. For starters, someone try to cross this.
00:45:02Well, how about your efficient horsemen?
00:45:06Keep your eyes on the course. This is my only opportunity for a promotion. I'm counting on you, my friend.
00:45:14I think we must have a wedding at the stables, or else our poor police chief won't survive another race.
00:45:37Thank you very much, Mr. Gulliver.
00:45:39My pleasure, your highness.
00:45:45O'Reilly is dead and O'Malley don't know it. O'Malley is dead and O'Reilly don't know it.
00:45:49They're both of them dead in the very same bed. Neither one knows that the other one's dead.
00:45:55Am I disturbing you?
00:45:59What can I do for you, little lady?
00:46:01Help me find my Saputra and bring him back from wherever he is.
00:46:05Do you know anything about where he was headed?
00:46:08They say he escaped to sea to save himself from Flimnap.
00:46:12I could spend a million years searching for him.
00:46:15I don't know where he is.
00:46:17I don't know where he is.
00:46:19I don't know where he is.
00:46:21I don't know where he is.
00:46:23I don't know where he is.
00:46:25I could spend a million years searching the sea and still not find him.
00:46:29Assuming I'm alive after tomorrow.
00:46:32Why was Flimnap after him, anyway?
00:46:35Saputra had invented a formula for making strong, decoratively explosive devices.
00:46:39Flimnap wanted the formula to adapt the invention for destruction.
00:46:43I also believe he was jealous of my Saputra's inventiveness.
00:46:47And your whole country believes in this old monk?
00:46:51I just know Flimnap kidnapped him and took him far away.
00:46:54I'll look for him on my way back.
00:46:57I'll try my best.
00:46:58Promise me.
00:47:00Promise me that you will find him.
00:47:02You haven't even told me what he looks like.
00:47:05Well, he's tall and he's handsome.
00:47:08And, well, he's not as tall as you.
00:47:10But he's tall and he's just so good looking and...
00:47:17My lord, the forces of Blefescu are stronger than the ones in Lilliput.
00:47:22We can definitely win if we find a way to kill Gulliver.
00:47:28Why don't we try poison?
00:47:30Our poison would do nothing.
00:47:32What about Saputra's explosives?
00:47:35He was able to launch streamers and confetti thousands of feet in the air.
00:47:40He even made some specially packed chemical dust burst into stars in the air.
00:47:45Surely such a thing could be used to ignite a giant.
00:47:49That fool just sees his explosives as toys, amusements.
00:47:54He even talks about them as art.
00:47:56He refuses to talk to anyone about how to make them now.
00:48:00There is no one who cannot be persuaded.
00:48:04Flimnap is a charlatan.
00:48:06A magician with a few tricks playing the wizard.
00:48:09His tricks and prestige as the Emperor's wonder worker are being threatened by your physical presence.
00:48:17You tell me stories of a charismatic madman inciting mob violence and expect me to be calm.
00:48:24My friend, do not worry so much.
00:48:29You are nearly unstoppable in this place.
00:48:32Or else you will all perish under the burden of this one man colony.
00:48:36I'll give Ridge Ressel the peace he so craves.
00:48:43Take this poison shooter and kill Ridge Ressel as he leaves the cave.
00:48:50Leave the shooter right inside the entrance.
00:48:53Everyone will think that Gulliver killed him in some fit of anger.
00:48:56Next, I'll have this news conveyed to his son, Suputra.
00:49:01Where exactly is Suputra?
00:49:03In the northern isle of Blefescu.
00:49:06The temple of Welderbloom has a well-appointed basement.
00:49:11I'll soon be marrying your lover.
00:49:13We'll send news of Ridge Ressel's death to Suputra.
00:49:17He will surely want to take revenge on Gulliver.
00:49:21He will then use his explosives to kill the giant and any Lilliputians that happen to be around.
00:49:28Then we can hang Suputra for murder.
00:49:31For once, Skyresh.
00:49:33Your brain has worked.
00:49:41Flimnap is hiding my son somewhere. I know it.
00:49:45Tamayana has so much faith in me.
00:49:49I could not keep from promising to find Suputra.
00:49:52Now I don't know where to start.
00:49:54You shouldn't leave this cave.
00:49:56If the Emperor learns you have, without a doubt he will order your death.
00:50:00Goodbye, Gulliver.
00:50:28What are you doing?
00:50:30What are you doing here?
00:50:32Go back. Please, go back.
00:50:34Don't get involved in this.
00:50:36You think I'm not involved in this already?
00:50:38You think I'm gonna spare you?
00:50:52Look, I love you.
00:50:55Marry me, and I'll release Suputra.
00:50:58So you know where he is!
00:51:00Suputra? Oh, you lying, scheming, spineless little man!
00:51:15Tamayana, are you alright?
00:51:17This... this Skyresh claims he knows something about Suputra.
00:51:23Look, I don't want to hurt you.
00:51:26All you have to do is tell me where Suputra is.
00:51:30Suputra is on his way to kill you.
00:51:32Me? I don't even know him.
00:51:35Why would he want to kill me?
00:51:37None of that now, for God's sakes!
00:51:40Where is Suputra?
00:51:43He's on Blefescu's northern island, in the basement cells of Temple Welgebloom.
00:51:50I'll go and get him.
00:51:51I'm coming with you.
00:51:52No! No! It's too dangerous a place, even for a giant.
00:52:01We will bring back Suputra with the army.
00:52:04Your High Holiness, news from Lilliput.
00:52:07The giant has murdered an innocent official named Redressal.
00:52:17I... I...
00:52:19I... I...
00:52:20I... I...
00:52:21I... I...
00:52:22I... I...
00:52:23I... I...
00:52:24I... I...
00:52:25I... I...
00:52:26I... I...
00:52:27I... I...
00:52:28I... I...
00:52:29I... I...
00:52:33Suputra, your hour has arrived.
00:52:37Only you have the means to save both the kingdoms from this evil giant.
00:52:46What can I do against a giant?
00:52:49Your explosives, Suputra.
00:52:52Even a giant cannot stand against your powerful explosives.
00:52:57We will help you.
00:52:59The army and navy are at your disposal.
00:53:02You must avenge the death of your father.
00:53:08I'm going to need these things for the explosives.
00:53:12Tell the Emperor of Blefescu we are ready to go to war.
00:53:26To the castle! Move!
00:53:56Majesty! Majesty!
00:54:10Blefescu attacks by sea!
00:54:12What? Blefescu attacking us?
00:54:14Blefescu attacks by sea!
00:54:17By land or by sea?
00:54:18By sea!
00:54:19Inform Hergo our army and navy must be deployed. Hurry!
00:54:23Right away, Majesty.
00:54:26Get down from the horse!
00:54:28Hurry up!
00:54:29Now I can use them.
00:54:54Mr. Gulliver!
00:54:57Mr. Gulliver!
00:54:59Mr. Gulliver!
00:55:02Mr. Gulliver!
00:55:04How does one wake a giant?
00:55:06Mr. Gulliver, I command you, wake!
00:55:10Wake up!
00:55:12Mr. Gulliver!
00:55:26The Blefescuans are attacking!
00:55:28Get ready to fight!
00:55:29Almost burnt my nose!
00:55:32Your shipbuilders had better be fast.
00:55:34I command you, get ready!
00:55:43You must go and destroy Blefescu's navy.
00:55:46In the meantime, our army will be ready on the border.
00:55:58I must be dreaming. Can't be what it looks like.
00:56:29Hold down the fort. I must inform the commander.
00:56:41I've never seen anything like this before, sir.
00:56:43A giant swimming in the ocean!
00:56:59The Blefescuans are attacking!
00:57:02The Blefescuans are attacking!
00:57:27Well goes the knack!
00:57:32Not those poisoned arrows again.
00:57:57All this, still this demon stands.
00:58:02Get Sepultura and his explosives.
00:58:05Yes, sir.
00:58:24Tell him to kill the Emperor of Blefescu.
00:58:28Kill the Emperor of Blefescu!
00:58:30And wipe out the rest of those traitors!
00:58:35Your Majesty, I promised you a favor.
00:58:38To fight for you and protect Lilliput.
00:58:41But I do not want to kill innocent people.
00:58:47Please reconsider what you're asking.
00:58:50Are you refusing to obey my orders?
00:59:00You could put it that way, your highness.
00:59:03Commander Hergo, kill Gulliver at once!
00:59:34I feel so bad for you.
00:59:37Is there anything I can do for you?
00:59:40If I die, please inform my family.
00:59:48Leave this place.
00:59:49These heartless people don't deserve your loyalty.
00:59:52And they will kill you.
00:59:54Leave to Blefescu before they immobilize you.
01:00:04And I'm coming with you.
01:00:19Let us put an end to this curse and free Lilliput!
01:00:24Hergo Finak!
01:00:26What now?
01:00:27Let me try something I saw a monk from China do once.
01:00:30I hope I get to see Sepultura before I...
01:00:34I'm sorry.
01:00:36I'm sorry.
01:00:38I'm sorry.
01:00:40I'm sorry.
01:00:42I'm sorry.
01:00:43I'm sorry.
01:00:44I'm sorry.
01:00:45I'm sorry.
01:00:46I'm sorry.
01:00:47I'm sorry.
01:00:48I'm sorry.
01:00:49I'm sorry.
01:00:50I'm sorry.
01:00:51I'm sorry.
01:00:52I'm sorry.
01:00:53I'm sorry.
01:00:54I'm sorry.
01:00:55I'm sorry.
01:00:56I'm sorry.
01:00:57I'm sorry.
01:00:58I'm sorry.
01:00:59I'm sorry.
01:01:00I'm sorry.
01:01:01I'm sorry.
01:01:03I'm sorry.
01:01:05I'm sorry.
01:01:17I can see Sepultura!
01:01:19With his explosives.
01:01:21Let me down, Gulliver!
01:01:22Put me down now!
01:01:23You'll get killed in this chaos!
01:01:25I'll lose track of you!
01:01:26Sepultura is right over there.
01:01:28You're about to be shot!
01:01:33Just listen to me!
01:01:34You can die in this chaos!
01:01:37Tamayana, don't!
01:01:38The giant returns.
01:01:40Kill him now.
01:01:41Just as he killed your father.
01:01:44How better to test the most powerful explosives ever made.
01:01:50Sepultura, don't!
01:01:52Tamayana, what are you doing here?
01:01:54Don't listen to her!
01:01:56Get away from here, girl.
01:01:58You might get hurt.
01:01:59He lies.
01:02:00Red Russell is alive.
01:02:02Your father is alive.
01:02:04Flimnap set this up to find the secret behind your invention.
01:02:08Take this lunatic away!
01:02:11Hurry up and arm the explosives!
01:02:13You will not do this with my help.
01:02:28I am more powerful than your explosives.
01:02:32I am more powerful than your explosives.
01:02:37I am more powerful than your explosives.
01:02:39I am more powerful than your explosives.
01:02:49This is finished.
01:02:50All of you vexing fools are finished.
01:03:01We better use the explosives.
01:03:15Hey, giant.
01:03:16Wanna play a little of hoodie and catch?
01:03:32How could I have listened to this evil, evil character?
01:03:44Release me, you vexing turd!
01:04:02There you go.
01:04:07Somebody go call your emperor.
01:04:10I'd like to see this settled once and for all.
01:04:15Inform the emperor.
01:04:18I missed you.
01:04:20We feared for your life.
01:04:23I'm happy to see you too, dad.
01:04:32I'm happy to see you too, dad.
01:04:46Don't try to blame each other.
01:04:48This idiot is behind all your misunderstandings.
01:04:52Oh, come on.
01:04:54Someone say something.
01:04:55Release me!
01:04:58I don't care how you break your eggs.
01:05:00But please, find some way to live with each other in peace while you argue about it.
01:05:07This is not going to be easy, I guess.
01:05:16Since neither of you is willing, let me do the honor.
01:05:29I can't hug four you guys.
01:05:39I am sorry.
01:05:41I never meant for these things to escalate.
01:05:44Once it started, I...
01:05:45Enough, Galbasto.
01:05:47We both slipped into craziness.
01:05:50We were duped by the same fool.
01:05:53Let's remember what our people truly need.
01:05:56A life pursued in peace.
01:06:06One last little thing.
01:06:09You guys have to decide what to do with him.
01:06:12My part's over.
01:06:18Oh, fuck.
01:06:21Let me be.
01:06:35Well then.
01:06:40Goodbye, Gulliver.
01:06:42Thank you so much for everything.
01:06:45Goodbye, Gulliver.
01:06:46I'll never forget you.
01:06:52Time to go home.
01:07:16To be continued...
01:07:46To be continued...
01:08:16To be continued...
01:08:46To be continued...
01:09:16To be continued...
01:09:46To be continued...
01:10:16To be continued...
01:10:21To be continued...
01:10:26To be continued...
01:10:31To be continued...
01:10:36To be continued...
01:10:42To be continued...
01:10:53To be continued...
01:11:01To be continued...
01:11:41Thanks for watching.
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