• 3 years ago
Artist Bio:
"Jane & The Boy are a duo who work remotely between the US and the UK. Their style could be described as Indie Pop infused with Singer-Songwriter bops." - Artlist

My stock video sources:
Artgrid - https://rb.gy/y9kal1
Filmpac: https://rb.gy/zu5zab
Storyblocks - https://videoblocks.go2cloud.org/SHHR
Envato Elements - https://elements.envato.com/

Where I license the music:
Artlist - https://rb.gy/l8u9pc
Audiosocket - https://rb.gy/mkipln
Filmpac: https://rb.gy/zu5zab
Soundstripe - https://rb.gy/yikh7j
Musicbed - http://www.musicbed.com

NOTE: This video was created using legally licensed music and was not commissioned by the artist.
