• 4 years ago


01:38That's 32 head buffeted straight to the packing house.
01:41$420, there's your receipt.
01:44Wait a minute, I can't pay that kind of money.
01:46You've doubled the rate.
01:47What's the idea?
01:49You'll pay it and like it, that's the idea.
01:51Let's go, Drake.
01:52You ain't going any place now that I'm talking about.
01:54You didn't even send me a notice.
01:55There's a notice right behind you, Puffington.
01:57Read it.
02:22They loaded my stock and when I told them the rate
02:23was too high, they slugged me.
02:26Right now?
02:27Yes, sir.
02:28But the grab must talk anyway.
02:30What are we going to do about it, Mr. Barbese?
02:32Do about it?
02:33Well, I don't know.
02:34I'll have to think about it.
02:36You know, a man can't make a decision like that
02:38in just a second, Clem.
02:39What do you want me to do?
02:45Oh, now, wait a minute, Clem.
02:46Hold on.
02:47Now, stop it, stop it.
02:48Be calm, Clem, be calm.
02:49That's the thing.
02:50That's the thing.
02:51Be calm.
02:52We'll handle everything right here.
02:53My foreman is here.
02:54Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:55Right away.
02:56I'll call you back.
02:59Poor old Buffington.
03:00Lambert's bunch just gave him a going over
03:02and took all his cattle at their own rates, too.
03:04What do you think of that?
03:05I think it's a foul ball deal, Mr. Barabese.
03:07Here you are, president of the Cattlemen's Association,
03:09sitting by while those gorillas crush one of our men.
03:11And you ask him to be calm.
03:13Well, you're getting excited.
03:14You bet I am.
03:15And I'm for going after that gang.
03:16We'll at least get Clem's stock back.
03:18How about it, Gabby?
03:19Me, I'm raring for a ruckus, too.
03:22And baby makes three.
03:24Come on, boys.
03:25Now wait, Roy.
03:26I can't be a party to violence.
03:28We've got to show Lambert we're not afraid of him.
03:30All you've got to do is stay out of it.
03:35I see.
03:36Well, that has merit, Roy.
03:38You take the vows, and I'll take the chances.
03:40Yeah, I'll take you.
03:42Yeah, but on the other hand, Roy!
03:46Hey, Roy!
03:47I got him grinning.
03:48He took a bucket of paste and a set of store T-shirts.
03:51And he ain't fierce no more.
03:52Well, come on, bro.
03:53We'll get you a couple more hits for your collection.
03:57Smoke and look.
03:58Be at him.
04:12Look, we got company.
04:18You better let Lambert handle this.
04:19Head for town.
04:20Yeah, and we'd better step on it.
04:44I want to speak to you, Bronson.
04:45What do you want?
04:46What's wrong with you?
04:47Hello, Lambert.
04:48Just about everything.
04:49Your men, your methods.
04:50Ah, they ganged me.
04:51All I did was load that herd.
04:53And beat up an old man.
04:54I never laid a hand on him.
04:55Shut up, Cully.
04:56You don't have to apologize to these guys.
04:58They're out of line anyhow.
04:59Not as much as those new freight rates of yours, Lambert.
05:02Too high for you, huh, Rogers?
05:04Since when have you been running things for the cattlemen?
05:06I don't know.
05:07I don't know.
05:08I don't know.
05:09I don't know.
05:10I don't know.
05:11I don't know.
05:12I don't know.
05:13I don't know.
05:14I don't know.
05:15When you said you were running things for the cattlemen,
05:16I always thought you were Baraby's father.
05:18I am.
05:19If you'd rather speak to Baraby, here he is now.
05:28Who got hurt?
05:29Nobody on our side.
05:30Here's your chance to get things settled with Lambert.
05:33It's all settled.
05:35The price stays.
05:36Go ahead and tell him, Mr. Baraby.
05:37Oh, confound it, Roy.
05:38I don't know what to do.
05:40Hey, Lambert!
05:41Now look here.
05:42We can both compromise on this.
05:44You're a reasonable man, Lambert.
05:46Not me.
05:47Why can't you be?
05:48We've all got to make a living.
05:49Why not give us a fair shake?
05:51Now look, why don't you stop kidding yourself, Baraby?
05:54I've got you a cattleman by the ears.
05:56Either you do it my way,
05:57or you walk your stock a hundred miles to the packing house.
05:59Walk? Why, that's impossible.
06:01We couldn't do that.
06:02Roy! Oh, Roy.
06:03He's right.
06:04Now you're getting smart.
06:05Oh, he's bluffing.
06:06Why don't you let me handle this, Mr. Baraby?
06:08Why don't you birds make up your minds?
06:09Yeah, why don't we?
06:11Oh, Roy.
06:12I listened to you once before.
06:14Now, Lambert's got us on the spot.
06:16There's no use trying to antagonize him.
06:18Look here, Lambert.
06:19Let's discuss this.
06:20Discuss nothing.
06:22Here's the freight contract.
06:23Now, do you want to sign it or don't you?
06:26Yes, give it to me.
06:27I'm so sick of this whole confounded mess.
06:30Where's the pen?
06:32I'll get you one.
06:34You want us to unrode glim stock, Roy?
06:36Oh, forget it, Gabby.
06:37Lambert's sure crowding his luck.
06:41Say, probe, what is that song?
06:43Well, let me see.
06:49Hop, Goblin, Dobbin.
06:54How am I getting her, Roy?
06:55Be quiet.
06:57Say, that's Steamboat River Robin.
06:59Which gives me an idea.
07:01I've got to stop Baraby.
07:07Don't sign that.
07:08Excuse us, will you, Lambert?
07:10I want to talk to you, Mr. Baraby.
07:12Now, Roy, I'm just doing business with Mr. Lambert here.
07:15It's very important.
07:16It's our freight contract.
07:17We don't need that contract.
07:18But I do wish you all the right.
07:24Mr. Baraby, we've got a river right at our back door.
07:26Why not use it?
07:27A steamboat service direct to the packing house.
07:29Well, those boats can carry 500 head.
07:31It's big, all right.
07:33Maybe it's too big.
07:34I'd have to take it over.
07:36Well, listen, think what it'd mean to the ranchers around here.
07:38A new square deal and the end of Lambert's truck monopoly.
07:40Of course it's big.
07:41But it's our one big chance.
07:42All you've got to do is to convince the Popan steam packet line to send a boat up here.
07:47That's right.
07:48He does run that line, doesn't he?
07:50Oh, it'll never work, Roy.
07:52Not with Silas Popan.
07:53He's crazy.
07:54Forget the whole thing.
07:55No, I won't.
07:56And you're not giving up so easy either.
07:57You want to be a big man, don't you?
07:59I am big.
08:00Bigger, I mean.
08:01Somebody of real importance.
08:02A man they'll remember around here and respect.
08:04Can't you see this thing working, Mr. Baraby?
08:07Well, it's a nice thought.
08:09But I doubt...
08:11And all your idea, too.
08:12Think that over.
08:14Well, it's got possibilities.
08:16Why don't you leave town right now?
08:18If you don't, you'll always be sorry.
08:20I'll bet you've got Popan's soul within a half an hour.
08:22I'll do it.
08:23Yes, sir, I certainly will.
08:25Now you're talking like a hero.
08:26Now, Roy, one thing more.
08:28If this thing works, you won't forget it was my idea.
08:30You don't mind, do you?
08:32Not a bit.
08:35Hear that?
08:37Of course I heard it.
08:39What's eating you?
08:41That paddle boat is going to ruin the trucking business, Ross.
08:43Will you shut up, Cully?
08:45You're getting me rattled.
08:47All right, give me one happy thought.
08:49Just one.
08:51What's the use of kidding yourself, Ross?
08:53I'm not.
08:54They're kidding themselves.
08:56You think I'm going to sit still and let them ring down the curtain on our gravy train?
08:59Not much.
09:01I'm full of angles, Cully.
09:04Before I'm through with that old Popan,
09:06he'll leave this town with that paddle wheel wrapped around his neck.
09:10Just give me one answer, how.
09:12I'll give you a punch right in the nose if you don't quit asking me how, how, how.
09:16Something will turn up.
09:18Always does.
09:22What's the matter with you?
09:24I was kind of rushed, Mr. Lambert.
09:26I got a rush wire for Rogers.
09:28I'm sorry if I hurt you, Mr. Lambert.
09:30Well, let me have it.
09:31I'll save you a trip.
09:33I have to see Rogers myself.
09:34Well, I don't know.
09:35I ain't supposed to.
09:38Forget it.
09:53Told you something would turn up.
09:55Get a load of that.
10:03This is our lucky day.
10:17He done had a nightmare, Miss Popan.
10:19Them calling phones done fixed him.
10:21I was afraid of that.
10:24A massacre!
10:33Wake up! Wake up!
10:36Mary Lou, they're off the stage.
10:38It was just a dream now.
10:39You're all right now.
10:40Oh, I don't know about that.
10:41Barbie, I think this West is a mighty dangerous country.
10:44Dangerous, but it isn't.
10:45I swear.
10:46You imagine these things.
10:47Well, then why is it every time I shut my eyes, I see bloodshed?
10:51And me always getting the worst of it from Indians and road agents.
10:54Dad, don't be ridiculous.
10:56For Pete's sake, is he serious?
10:58Now listen.
10:59Oh, Barbie, go eat.
11:00Give me a glass of water.
11:03Mr. Barbie, I'll handle him.
11:04Too cold.
11:05Here, stop humoring me.
11:06Mary Lou, where are we now?
11:08Well, we're just coming into Cherokee City.
11:13My teeth, my teeth.
11:30Are those your men?
11:32Yes, yes, of course.
11:33It's a welcome, Colonel.
11:34A welcome by Gasparino.
11:36Jeep, jingle, doodler, clap, rap, western, ragtime music.
11:40All right, all right, all right.
11:42I'll fix it, but calm down.
11:44Go away, go away.
11:45Rango, shut that window.
11:48Yippee, yippee, yippee, yip, yippee, yip.
12:05Roy, for mercy's sake, what is all this?
12:08Didn't you get my wire?
12:09What wire?
12:10What are you talking about, Mr. Barbie?
12:13He loves hymns, but he hates cowboys.
12:15Now, confound it, Roy.
12:17Where's that wire?
12:18Well, I don't know, but we don't sing hymns.
12:20Then don't sing at all.
12:21You and your ideas.
12:22Just when I was getting Silas Pope an all-soul.
12:25Where are you going?
12:26I'm going to meet Mr. Pope.
12:27Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
12:28You'll only make it worse.
12:29Now, listen.
12:30I'll fix everything, Mr. Baraby.
12:31Yeah, that's what you always say.
12:33Yes, and I'll take the blame for the boy singing, too.
12:34Oh, you will?
12:35Why, sure.
12:36It wasn't your fault.
12:37It wasn't anybody's fault, and I'll tell him so.
12:39It was a mistake.
12:40Yeah, but can you convince him it is?
12:43An ice pack, Rangel.
12:46Are you ready?
12:47Now, you be sure to tell him I made it for a special.
12:51Yes, yes, yes.
12:53What is it now?
12:57Welcome to the West, Silas Popan, in behalf of the-
13:00Go away, go away.
13:01Get it.
13:02Get it.
13:03You get it.
13:04Ah, ah, ah.
13:05Mr. Popan, this is just for you.
13:09Help! Save me!
13:10Save me!
13:11Mary Lou!
13:16Rangel, somebody, anybody, save me!
13:19It's dead.
13:20Rangel, come on.
13:22It was just this close.
13:24Me and Ruth and Gull with a knife in his teeth.
13:27I love you.
13:28First row.
13:29No, no, no.
13:30Go away now.
13:31Please, go away.
13:32He bites me.
13:34I catch the knife, but I'm stabbed.
13:37And the knife starts popping away.
13:40All over the Macy.
13:42The coyote howls.
13:45Mary Lou!
13:47Save me, save me.
13:49Help, help!
13:51Save, save, but not too soon.
13:53What's going on here?
13:54Now, now, be calm.
13:55You're all right now.
13:56I guess I better apologize for the boys here, Mr. Popan.
13:59Who are you?
14:00My name's Rogers.
14:02He's my foreman, Mr. Popan.
14:03Now, for Pete's sake, let him explain this.
14:05Well, I don't like him.
14:06He looks to me like a road agent.
14:08Well, the boys meant well.
14:09They just didn't know any better.
14:10If they've disturbed you, I-
14:11Upset me?
14:12Well, they did worse than that.
14:13Now, you get out of here.
14:15Go on, now.
14:16Get out of here.
14:17Take that stuff tape along there with you, too.
14:18Does he mean me or the buffalo head?
14:19Same thing.
14:20Now, go on.
14:21Scatter along there, you rascals.
14:22Get out.
14:23Well, don't he want my buffalo head?
14:24I made him myself.
14:25Some other time, Frog.
14:26Now, beat it.
14:27Come on, get out.
14:28Mr. Baraby, I'm sick and tired of your villainy.
14:31And I'm thoroughly convinced that this place is lawless and full of rogues.
14:34But it's not.
14:35It's peaceful.
14:36What are you talking about, Doodle?
14:37Say, you can't slam a door in my face.
14:39Come back here, Popan, and talk sense.
14:43I beg your pardon.
14:44May I get past?
14:45Not until I talk to you, Miss Popan.
14:47I've got to get something straight here.
14:48Why are you people so nervous?
14:49I'm not nervous.
14:50But I'm liable to be if you don't let me pass.
14:52Oh, just a minute.
14:53You don't really think the West is wild, do you?
14:55Not this wild.
14:56But my father does.
14:57And you certainly haven't helped matters any with this last performance.
15:00You see, Mr. Rogers, he didn't want to come here in the first place.
15:04I did.
15:05Well, I'm sure glad to hear that.
15:06I was beginning to think you southerners couldn't take it.
15:08But you've changed my mind, Miss Popan.
15:10Do you think you could change your father's?
15:13I usually do.
15:15I've got an idea you'd like here.
15:17We have a lot to offer.
15:18Adventure, thrills.
15:19Romance, Mr. Rogers?
15:21Sure, we got that too, I guess.
15:23Will you talk to him?
15:24I'll try.
15:25If you'll let me pass.
15:27Gee, that's fine.
15:28I'll get the carriage and meet you on the docks.
15:30All right.
15:32How much traveling gear does this Popan need?
15:34Are we through yet?
15:35Just about, I guess.
15:38Hey, Frost, what did you do with that old buffalo's head?
15:40I got her in here.
15:41What do you want me to do with it?
15:43Gabby, I want you to hear this too.
15:44You boys have got to think up some nice way to apologize
15:46and swear yourself with Popan.
15:48We got it all figured out.
15:50Bean frogs planted a picnic for him.
15:52Gee, that's a good idea.
15:53Yeah, we're going to take him down a dead man's gush.
15:56You remember where the Redskins massacred the miners?
15:58Say, you know, there's still some blood on the old mineshaft.
16:00And Gabby knows the whole story, don't you, Gabby?
16:03You're a damn tootin'.
16:04Well, that's fine.
16:05No, you don't.
16:06What's the matter with you boys?
16:07You just got through scaring them half silly with that stuff.
16:10I'll watch them, Roy.
16:12The first time they sound off,
16:13bingo, we'll be stuffing something
16:15beside ducks and buffaloes.
16:20All right, folks, get started.
16:21This is probably Popan now.
16:24Come on, hurry along.
16:25Hurry along, Mary Lou.
16:26Hey, have a smoke, Colonel.
16:27Thank you, sir.
16:29Well, Colonel, you're just going to love Cherokee City.
16:32Look her over.
16:33See all the nice people, all the fine buildings, huh?
16:37Like it better now, huh?
16:39Like it?
16:40It's a nice hole.
16:42You know where I'm from?
16:43The air is permeated with the odor of sweet flowers.
16:45Honeysuckle, night-blooming jasmine, magnolias.
16:47But here?
16:49You got nothing but steep weed and cattle.
16:51The whole place smells to me like a cheap steak dinner.
16:54A la carte.
17:00I've been torpedoed.
17:01Now, calm, everybody.
17:04Don't get excited.
17:05Be calm, Colonel.
17:07There's nothing to get excited about.
17:08It's all right.
17:10Who's Roy?
17:11What does it say?
17:19Oh, Lord.
17:21That's all right, Colonel.
17:22Everything's OK.
17:30All right, men.
17:31Get ready.
17:32Here they come.
17:33And make it good.
17:34And make it loud.
17:36Mary Lou?
17:37I know we never should have come to this dreadful town.
17:41Somebody was playing a joke with that arrow.
17:42I'll guarantee the Cherokee City is the peacefulest town this side of the Pecos.
17:52Hold his teeth.
17:53And his bloodshed.
17:54Come on, boys.
17:55Let's clean out that saloon.
17:56Roger, you explain this.
17:57Believe me, Mr. Popin, this isn't real.
17:59It's a practical joke, and I'll prove it to you.
18:05Mary Lou, am I all right?
18:06Am I shot?
18:07Am I bleeding?
18:08No, Dad.
18:09You're all right.
18:11Mary Lou!
18:20Mary Lou!
18:21Mary Lou!
18:22It's a massacre!
18:38Hold it, Rogers.
18:39Wait a minute, Rogers!
18:40Can't you take a joke, Rodgers?
18:50Sure I can, can you?
18:51Let me down!
18:53Pull me up!
18:54Let me down!
18:56This is no joke no more!
18:58This is no joke no more, cut him loose!
19:07Hold on, Hanson!
19:12Hold on!
19:15Somebody come get me!
19:22Get back, all of you!
19:25Get back, all of you!
19:35Get back, all of you!
19:46Hold on, Hanson!
20:07Can't see!
20:08Can't see a thing blind!
20:10That's what I am, stone blind!
20:11Mary Lou!
20:12Get your head, Dad, you're all right!
20:14Oh, am I?
20:15You, you black hearted young assassin, you let me out of this meet!
20:19I'm going to fly them horses and I'm going to have you humped!
20:22You're going to sit down, Mr. Pope, and there's nothing wrong with you that a bath won't fix.
20:25Very funny, Mr. Rodgers.
20:27If this is a sample of what the West has to offer...
20:29Come on!
20:32Where are you taking us?
20:33To the ranch.
20:34I won't go!
20:36Stop this thing!
20:37Stop it, I say!
20:38You better be quiet or you'll scare the horses again.
20:44You like your coffee?
20:46Get out!
20:47Get out of here and stay out!
20:48Now see here, Pope, you must be calm.
20:50Calm and sensible, it's the only way.
20:52Calm? You don't even know the meaning of the word.
20:54What's calm about this place?
20:56Rogues plotting, Indians shooting arrows, nothing but a pack of liars.
20:59Apparently you're a liar too.
21:01Confounded, I explained that once.
21:04You talk too much.
21:05The deal's off.
21:06I want to tell you I'm through.
21:07You done, Roy?
21:08You bet I'm done.
21:10Well, what's that?
21:11Pope won't listen, Roy.
21:12He says he's through with us.
21:13Now what are you going to do?
21:14I'm going to thank him from the bottom of my heart.
21:18Rango, I told you to lock that door.
21:20I'm not doing business any further with these people.
21:22Mary Lou, you tell him.
21:23Never mind, Mary Lou.
21:24It's my turn now.
21:26I heard you sounding off.
21:27And hearing what you said about calling off the deal suits me fine.
21:29Why, you young puppy, what is this impudence?
21:32You said you didn't like us.
21:33Well, we don't like you either.
21:34Easy now, Roy.
21:35Let's not lose our temper.
21:36Why not?
21:37You're a mental basket case, Pope,
21:38and a bad-tempered collection of bad habits.
21:40When you talk, your voice sounds like a burning break.
21:43And as for you, you're just a chip off the old block
21:45with something extra added, and I don't mean charm.
21:47Why, by gadflies, sir, that calls for a duel.
21:50A duel?
21:51Uh-uh, but first you're going to get a sharp letter from my lawyers.
21:53Culpepper beats you and Culpepper.
21:55You had me all sold that you could take it.
21:57Well, I'm taking it.
21:58Go on.
21:59You wanted thrills, romance, and adventure.
22:01Well, you got some of it this afternoon, and what happens?
22:03You quit.
22:04Is that all, Mr. Rogers?
22:06Yes, that's all.
22:07We're taking in the welcome.
22:09Now, hold on, Roy.
22:10Let's talk this over.
22:11Ballaby, there's nothing to talk about.
22:12I'm getting out of this place.
22:13Can you sail in the morning?
22:14You bet we can, and we'll confound you, sir.
22:16That's fine.
22:17I'll have the boys take your baggage down now.
22:19But, Roy, where are you going?
22:20I've got a little business to settle with Lambert.
22:26Yes, of course.
22:28All his fault.
22:31Mr. Ballaby, may I speak to you a moment?
22:34You're head of the Cattlemen's Association, are you not?
22:36Well, unofficially, yes.
22:38Why do you ask, Miss Poulton?
22:40Well, I've got an idea.
22:56You're kind of asking for it, ain't you, Rogers?
22:58You better keep out of this, Bronson.
22:59I'm looking for Lambert.
23:00You're looking for trouble, and that goes for your horse, too.
23:02Get him out of there.
23:06Don't drink that.
23:07They wash your dirty clothes in there.
23:09Who does?
23:10You did this afternoon, only you had them on at the time, remember?
23:13Spit it out, Trigger.
23:14It's nasty.
23:24Hello, Lambert.
23:25I thought I'd drop in and thank you personally for...
23:27What for?
23:28For sticking your nose into my business this afternoon.
23:30Where's that telegram?
23:33What kind of a gag is it?
23:35It's no gag. Where is it?
23:37You better beat it, honey.
23:38This guy is crazy.
24:29Boys, look out!
24:36You better give me that gun before you kill somebody.
24:38Come on.
24:39What do you mean?
24:41Here's a telegram I didn't get.
24:42I just took it away from Lambert.
24:44You might read it over in your spare time.
24:46It explains the reception you got this afternoon.
24:50Well, is that all you've got to say?
24:53I'm sorry, Trigger.
24:55Well, is that all you've got to say?
24:58What do you want me to say?
24:59I thanked you, didn't I?
25:01Well, who's got the bad manners now?
25:03You had an awful lot to say about how I let you down.
25:06I meant to apologize and tell you that if you still wanted the boat, you could have it.
25:10I even told Baraby to round up the cattle from the other ranches.
25:13I wanted to keep our bargain.
25:15I thought you might appreciate it.
25:17But I was wrong, and I'm sorry I tried.
25:20Well, I didn't understand what you were trying to tell me.
25:22Goodbye, Mr. Rogers.
25:24Wait a minute. I'll take you up on that deal.
25:29I bet he will, too.
25:31Heard what she said to me.
25:33About the cattle? Sure.
25:35But what's the angle?
25:37There's a couple of angles.
25:39Come on. I'll tell you about them.
25:47Hello? Yeah.
25:49Hopping onto it.
25:51Bull on fire?
25:52Hold on. You hold on. Me tell him.
25:55Come back here, you rascal.
25:57Whose boat's on fire?
25:59Hello? My name is Pulpin.
26:01Well, go on. Go on. Talk. Stick your facts.
26:08None of my affair, Mr. Pulpin, but it's your boat.
26:10Just thought you'd like to know.
26:12Got a head start.
26:14Rogers and his bunch, yeah.
26:16Having a drunken spree and kicked over a lantern, I guess.
26:19And your daughter's down there, too.
26:23Hey, you better get some help down there.
26:25Lots of help.
26:27That'll do it. He'll have that whole gang down there fighting that fire.
26:30Bring the boys. We have an appointment at the ranch.
26:33Boat on fire!
26:35Yeah, yeah, yeah!
26:37Roy! What next?
26:39Hallelujah! Burning like crazy!
26:41Quit chasing me, will you? You told me that once.
26:44Roy! Boys, the boat's on fire.
26:46We need every hand we can get.
26:48No time to spare. Now get out of here.
26:50Don't spare the leather.
27:00Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Where are you going?
27:02My boat's on fire.
27:03I know that, Pulpin. We're going to put it out.
27:05Yes, I know, but what about me?
27:07There's a horse in the barn. Take that.
27:09Where's the barn?
27:14Boy, what a job we're stuffing.
27:16How you doing, Frog?
27:18I just finished sewing on the tail.
27:20I bet you we're going to win a prize with that.
27:22Sew me the stocking iron, will you, pal?
27:24You'll have to eat it yourself. Hand me that needle and thread.
27:29I'm starting to sew my whiskers into his withers.
27:32Quit rocking the reins!
27:38Rango, where's that horse?
27:40It's right over that block.
27:41Well, come on. Come on. Give me your leg up.
27:43Come on, Rango.
27:47Why, Rango, get up, miserable, lazy critter.
27:49Why don't you go? Get up. Come on. Get up. Get up.
27:51Get up, miserable, lazy critter. Move it! Move it!
27:53Move it!
28:17Holy mackerel! Look, a horse on fire!
28:23Poor critter. We'd better put him out of his misery.
28:34That did it for him.
28:40I can't stand to see a poor, dumb beast suffer. Can you, Cully?
28:43Makes me sick.
28:45All right, I guess it's all right, boys. Go get that chattel, Drake.
28:48All right.
28:53Nice figuring, Ross.
28:55No smus in your head, Cully.
28:57No fuss, no bother, no rushing around, dodging ranch hands or bullets.
29:02You sure you've got everything straight?
29:04I'll take care of my end.
29:06Okay, I'll meet you beneath the falls.
29:18Somebody, please!
29:20Sassafras and shootin' irons.
29:22They're rustling in the herd.
29:24Don't bump me. I'll fall apart like a roast.
29:26Where are Tarnation's all them hands?
29:28Down at the boat, putting out the fire.
29:30Who's that?
29:32Just me, Mr. Hoss. Cowboy be down at the boat, fighting the fire.
29:34Don't you smell the smoke?
29:36That ain't smoke. That's me.
29:38Come on, Frog. We gotta tell Roy about the rustlers.
29:40Help me here, will ya?
29:43Help! Help, Rangel!
29:45Pull me out! Rangel!
29:47Somebody, save me!
29:49That's Kevin Carter! Why is he?
29:51I'm in the well! I'm in the well!
29:54Rangel! Pull me out! Rangel!
29:57That's enough water, boys. Turn it off.
30:05Rustlers! They stole our herd! We've been rustled!
30:07Where's Roy Rogers?
30:09What's the matter?
30:11They cleaned out our corral.
30:13Took every darn head.
30:15Going west, down the range.
30:17Rustlers? They can't do that to us.
30:21Roy, what are we gonna do?
30:23We can get them back if we don't stand here talking all night.
30:25Come on, boys.
30:29Captain Prentice!
30:31Captain Prentice! Oh, Miss Popey.
30:33Your poppy's in the drinking well. I almost forgot.
30:35In the well? Rangel, what happened?
30:37Wild horse threw him. Broke in half and come down here.
30:39I tried. I tried.
30:41Mr. Baraby, we've got to save him. Rangel, come quick.
30:43Yes, ma'am. I'm coming.
30:45Captain Prentice, you've got to get up steam dipping like that.
30:47That's the colonel's orders.
30:49Wait a minute. I've got something to say about this.
30:51Come on, you two. Now what the devil is this?
30:53Gabby, this is all your fault.
30:55Oh, he's true. Half of it's Frog's.
30:57Oh, shut up. Get in there.
30:59Hey, wait for me!
31:09Hey, don't pull me out!
31:11Somebody save me! Save me!
31:21Save me! Save me!
31:23Get me out of here!
31:25Help! Somebody save me!
31:39Somebody save me!
31:41Help! Help!
31:43Pull me out!
31:45Oh, baby!
31:47Pull me out!
31:49Hang on, dear!
31:55Unhand me!
31:57Unhand me, you scoundrel!
32:01You're going to pay for this!
32:05Oh, boy!
32:07I lost my teeth!
32:09Well, don't stand there
32:11laughing like a little baboon.
32:13Don't you see I lost my teeth?
32:15What's he saying?
32:17My teeth! My teeth!
32:19Your teeth, old man? How could you?
32:21Suffering goon, Batsy. Lost his choppers.
32:23Come on, Frog. Let's go over here.
32:31But he's going to pay for this.
32:33Down to the range. Look.
32:39Well, that's a hot one.
32:41Come on. We got to work fast.
32:43Send some of the boys to me. You stay with the cattle.
32:45All right.
32:49Go on back
32:51and help Bronson.
33:03Stay undercover
33:05and don't shoot until I do.
33:33Hide your horses.
33:35This is getting too warm.
33:41Hold your fire.
34:03Hold your fire.
34:33What happened back there?
34:35Blanchard. Bronson's got them boxed up in the canyon.
34:37Okay. Stay with the cattle.
34:39All right.
35:03Bronson, never mind.
35:05Cattle brackets out.
35:07Come on.
35:31You couldn't have come this way. There's a fall.
35:33Must have turned off somewhere back there.
35:35Let's go back and take another look.
35:41That's called taking the bait hook, line, and sinker.
35:57Looks like they covered the trail, Roy.
35:59Too dark to look for tracks anyway.
36:03Might as well split up, boys.
36:05We'll get fresh horses and start again at daylight.
36:07Come on, fellas. Let's head for home.
36:21Nolan, Pat, look.
36:29Hey, the boat's shoving off.
36:31That was a general idea, only they didn't.
36:33Where's that leave us?
36:35Up the creek without the cattle.
36:37Hey, I just thought of something. It ain't going back.
36:39It'd be heading that way if it was going home.
36:41You're right.
36:43Ahoy there, Southern Bill. Onboard the riverboat.
36:45On shore. Who is it?
36:47It's Roy Rogers. Is that you, Captain Prentiss?
36:49We want to talk to you.
36:51All right. I'll bring her in close to the bank.
36:53Come on, boys.
36:55You're a little off your course, aren't you, Captain?
36:57What kind of navigation do you call that?
37:01Don't even use a compass.
37:03Did you ever watch a woman driver?
37:05Well, this was her idea, Rogers.
37:07Mary Lou. She did it, boys.
37:09I didn't know you took orders from her. That's mutiny, isn't it?
37:11Worse than that is piracy.
37:13The old man wanted to steam back,
37:15but it seems she made you a promise to ship cattle on this boat.
37:19Well, in order to keep that promise,
37:21she had to hide the boat. I hope you're satisfied, Rogers.
37:23I sure am. Thanks a lot.
37:25But we ain't got no cattle.
37:27Where are you going to hide it?
37:29Downstream about three miles in the cove.
37:31We'll meet you down there.
37:33Good luck, and watch out for the sandbars.
37:36Oh, my children
37:45Oh, my children
37:57Oh, my children
38:09Did you hear that ray?
38:22Oh, my children
38:28We go to sing when tomorrow comes
38:31We go to sing when tomorrow comes
38:34Who's going to help me sing tomorrow morning?
38:38Who's going to help me bring the new day's dawn?
38:43Who's going to help me shout and sing Hallelujah?
38:47Who's gonna help me sing tomorrow mornin'?
38:51Maybe clouds fill the sky,
38:55maybe tears fill your eyes,
39:00but your spirits will rise
39:04if you sing.
39:05Who's gonna sing when tomorrow comes?
39:07Who's gonna help me sing tomorrow mornin'?
39:10Who's gonna help you sing tomorrow mornin'?
39:12Who's gonna help me bring the new day's dawn?
39:14Who's gonna help you bring the new day's dawn?
39:16Who's gonna help me shout and sing hallelujah?
39:20Who's gonna help me sing tomorrow?
39:22We're gonna help you sing.
39:24Yes, every time I feel a spirit song
39:28moving in my heart a while away.
39:31Yes, every time I feel a spirit song
39:35moving in my heart a while away.
39:39This is my happy day.
39:45Oh, my children, did you hear him pray?
39:54Happy day.
39:57Happy day.
40:05I found them. I mean, I know where they are.
40:07Who? What are you talking about?
40:09The cattle. They're at Bonita Falls.
40:11Bonita Falls? Well, I never heard of that place.
40:13You must have. Roy, think.
40:15I am thinking. The only falls I know of around here
40:17are Canyon Falls, and we've already looked there.
40:19You sure about this? I'm positive.
40:21Dad was at the ranch when the cattle were stolen.
40:23He was? Yes.
40:24Boys, that'll cinch your case against Lambert.
40:26But it won't. I'm trying to tell you he didn't see them.
40:28He only heard them.
40:30Oh, I haven't time to explain now, but the cattle are at Bonita Falls.
40:33Well, somebody's mixed up someplace.
40:35It might be a lead, though.
40:37We'd better have a talk with your father and get this straight.
40:39All right, boys, back to the ranch and make it fast.
40:41Meet us back there, will you? Yes, right away.
40:43And Mary Lou, remind me to apologize all over again.
40:46You're doing swell. Oh, thanks.
40:49Goodbye now. Bye.
40:59Who was that? I don't know. Some dame.
41:01She kept on going anyway.
41:03Now, come on.
41:11Let's go.
41:33I'm freezing to death.
41:35There'll be my teeth, my teeth.
41:37Be calm, Pope, and we'll find your teeth.
41:39Let me a maul putter.
41:41What's he saying? He say he got the Benz.
41:43Get him a pole motor machine, quick.
41:46Don't leave me. Don't leave me.
41:48Will you stop that confounded braying?
41:50The rustlers have gone.
41:53It's Roy.
42:00Hey, Roy. Hey, Roy.
42:02Hey, Roy. Look. We found these choppers, Roy.
42:10Mr. Barrett, what's this about Bonita Falls?
42:12There's no such place. Roy, I know that,
42:14but Mr. Popen insists there is.
42:16I told him. By Lasperino,
42:18don't you long be a liar.
42:20Those rattles are Bonita Falls.
42:22Bonita Falls. No, sir.
42:24You have drowned it, sir. He's got lost his teeth.
42:26Mr. Popen, you're all mixed up.
42:28It couldn't have been Bonita Falls.
42:30What did they say? Bonita Falls.
42:32Bonita Falls. Hey, Roy, we got him.
42:34Look, Mr. Popen, you're charmed too.
42:37Do you want to put him in, or shall I get you a monkey wrench?
42:39My teeth, my teeth, give him the teeth.
42:43My teeth.
42:44By Gad, by Wrangel, they work.
42:46Well, glory be to heaven, colonel.
42:48Glory be.
42:49Mr. Popen, listen to me.
42:50You listen to me. I've been trying to tell you folks
42:52all evening where those dumb animals went.
42:54They're Bonita Falls.
42:56Bonita Falls. He means under us.
42:58Well, doodle and cacophony at last.
43:00You got it.
43:01Don't anybody around here understand?
43:03Rangel, where's my toothbrush?
43:05In the bathroom, colonel.
43:06Roy, wait.
43:07It's just struck me.
43:08Fine, George, that's it.
43:10Those falls.
43:11There's a cave underneath and a tunnel.
43:12And if I remember right, it leads out into a swamp.
43:15Used to play around there when I was a kid.
43:17Well, that sounds more like it.
43:18What are we waiting for?
43:19Yeah, what?
43:33Quite a sight, isn't it?
43:59Seating up?
44:01Yes, thank you.
44:02Oh, now don't rush off.
44:04You think I'm going to let you run back
44:05and spin yards to the ranchers?
44:07You got a big eye for that.
44:09Did I?
44:10Just a waterfall.
44:11You saw plenty.
44:13She'll jam us up, Roy.
44:14Why, just as well face it.
44:16Oh, I wish you hadn't walked in here.
44:18It's a tough spot for you.
44:20For me, too.
44:21And only we can get out.
44:23Oh, meaning I can't, huh, Mr. Lambert?
44:26I'm afraid so.
44:27I don't like it any better than you do.
44:29I've got no choice now.
44:31Come on, let's show her the rest of it.
44:37Maybe nothing.
44:38That's it.
44:39Come on, let's go.
45:00Come on.
45:03What do you make of it, Roy?
45:04She couldn't have gone far.
45:06Say, I don't like the looks of it.
45:08Come on.
45:10They're right on us.
45:39Don't fumble this job, Cully.
45:59They've cut us off, Mr. Berube.
46:00Well, there's another way around the cliff.
46:02All right, you boys stay here.
46:04Clash nice and fast through that cave in
46:05and keep digging till you open her up.
46:07Dig in, boys.
46:08Dig for your life.
46:10I'll keep watch.
46:14Hey, Brock!
46:22We've got some blocks in there, all right,
46:23but how are we going to get out?
46:24We'll take a trail.
46:31Storm making up, Lambert.
46:33All right, the rest of you get started.
46:35We'll meet you on top of the cliff.
46:37All right.
46:38Come on.
47:06Keep them busy.
47:20You all right?
47:48I think so, Roy.
47:49Stay down.
47:50Right this way.
48:20Come on, boys.
48:41Well, folks, the boat's about loaded.
49:11Step down, sir.
49:12My hand.
49:13And mine.
49:17Steaks and steers.
49:19I, Jasper, knew you were going to have my boat
49:21smelling like a slaughterhouse.
49:22I'll turn on the fans and sprinkle lily water.
49:25Why did I ever sign that fool contract?
49:27But we're partners now in the beef business.
49:29Think of the profits, man.
49:31You know what this will make you?
49:32A vegetarian.
49:34Mary Lou, come along.
49:35Come along, come along, come along.
49:36Oh, I'll be with you in a minute.
49:38Well, Mary Lou, that's our first shipload.
49:40It's a big moment, isn't it?
49:41Oh, there'll be more.
49:43Moments, I mean.
49:45Oh, Roy, I certainly hate to leave.
49:51There it goes.
49:52Say, he'll certainly have to hurry, won't he?
49:55I don't get it.
49:56Well, I've only been kidnapped once.
49:58I'm still waiting for the young man.
49:59Well, that guy, he's decided not to kidnap you.
50:02Changed his mind.
50:05Because you're kidnapping him.
50:06He's going on the boat all the way to the packing house.
50:11I tell you, those cattle are going to smell out my boat.
50:13Drag him, drag him.
50:14I recall my pappy once had a goat.
50:16Yeah, yeah.
50:26An Indian living on my boat.
50:27Save me, Ranko.
50:28Silas Popin.
50:29Silas Popin.
50:30Your boat is packed with beef.
50:32Put all those ballywags and pranksters.
50:34Get on the bus.
50:35Meet this Indian chief.
50:36Silas Popin, cattle roping, cowboys making camps.
50:41Silas Popin, big heart open.
50:44Please forgive us, scabs.
50:47How is he taking it?
50:48Let's look and see.
51:05Throwing smoke from a canton stone.
51:08Here comes a river robin.
51:12Sound the band, hear the voices say.
51:16The crew of a river robin.
51:20Hear her whistle.
51:24Her name won't be long.
51:28Hear those riders.
51:32Hear the boat along.
51:35Up and down, spin a wheel for us.
51:39Here comes a river robin.
51:42I know a river boat, the fairest queen of boats.
51:47Hear the note from her whistle's throat.
51:50And when she rounds the bend of every journey's end,
51:54the folks all jump with joy.
51:58Throwing smoke from a canton stone.
52:02Here comes a river robin.
52:06Round the bend, hear the voices say.
52:09The crew of a river robin.
52:13Hear her whistle.
52:17Her name won't be long.
52:21Hear those riders.
52:25Shove in the boat along.
52:29Up and down, see her wheels go round.
52:33Here comes a river robin.
52:36Here comes a river robin.
53:06Here comes a river robin.