• 4 years ago
First broadcast 16th October 1977.

Vronsky rides in the steeplechase at Tsarskoe Selo and Karenin, watching Anna's reaction, is convinced of her infidelity. He decides to bring her to heel.

Anna: Nicola Pagett
Vronsky: Stuart Wilson
Karenin: Eric Porter
Doctor: Alec Linstead
Sludin: Hugh Ross
Annushka: Marilyn Le Conte
Igor: Grahame Wickersham
Seriozha: Paul Spurrier
Cord: Bunny May
Petritsky: David Gwilllm
Betsy: Sheila Gish
General: Frank Middlemass
Stiva: Davyd Harries
Colonel: James Kerry
General Serpuhovskoy: Gary Watson

