塞拉多是巴西广阔的热带稀树草原生态区, 特别是在戈亚斯州, 巴西大片草原的核心区域——被称为塞拉多——覆盖了大约四分之一的陆地表面, 是巴西最大的草原之一. 塞拉多是巴西大草原中受威胁最严重和最多样化的地区, 拥有世界 5% 的生物多样性和 30% 的巴西动植物物种, 占地 200 万平方公里(772,204 平方英里), 接近巴西的四分之一和一半欧洲的大小. 但仅仅在 20 年前, 除了最常见或标志性的物种之外, 人们对其野生动物知之甚少. 很少有动物学家曾经去过那里, 而那些去过那里的动物学家主要关注画廊森林, 而忽略了占生物群落 61% 的稀树草原.
Brazil Vast Tropical Grasslands:--
The Cerrado is a vast tropical savanna ecoregion of Brazil, particularly in the states of Goiás, the core areas of the massive grasslands of Brazil---known as the cerrados---which cover roughly a quarter of its land surface and are among the most threatened and diverse regions in the brazilian savannah, Cerrado, is home to 5% of the world biodiversity and 30% of brazilian species of plants and animals, covering two million square kilometers (772,204 square miles), nearly a quarter of Brazil and half the size of Europe. But a mere 20 years ago, little was known about its wildlife beyond the most common or iconic species. Very few zoologists had ever even been there, and those who had, focused primarily on gallery forests, ignoring the savanna that makes up 61% of the biome.
塞拉多是巴西广阔的热带稀树草原生态区, 特别是在戈亚斯州, 巴西大片草原的核心区域——被称为塞拉多——覆盖了大约四分之一的陆地表面, 是巴西最大的草原之一. 塞拉多是巴西大草原中受威胁最严重和最多样化的地区, 拥有世界 5% 的生物多样性和 30% 的巴西动植物物种, 占地 200 万平方公里(772,204 平方英里), 接近巴西的四分之一和一半欧洲的大小. 但仅仅在 20 年前, 除了最常见或标志性的物种之外, 人们对其野生动物知之甚少. 很少有动物学家曾经去过那里, 而那些去过那里的动物学家主要关注画廊森林, 而忽略了占生物群落 61% 的稀树草原.
Brazil Vast Tropical Grasslands:--
The Cerrado is a vast tropical savanna ecoregion of Brazil, particularly in the states of Goiás, the core areas of the massive grasslands of Brazil---known as the cerrados---which cover roughly a quarter of its land surface and are among the most threatened and diverse regions in the brazilian savannah, Cerrado, is home to 5% of the world biodiversity and 30% of brazilian species of plants and animals, covering two million square kilometers (772,204 square miles), nearly a quarter of Brazil and half the size of Europe. But a mere 20 years ago, little was known about its wildlife beyond the most common or iconic species. Very few zoologists had ever even been there, and those who had, focused primarily on gallery forests, ignoring the savanna that makes up 61% of the biome.