...اما ملعب يوهان كرويف أرينا في أمستردام ب...

  • 3 years ago
00:00As for the Johan Creef Arena stadium in Amsterdam in the Netherlands compared with the Parkin stadium in Copenhagen. In Denmark, it went
00:09Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:23On the one hand, we have a unique stadium with a smart and covered stadium. in the solar panels
00:31Is a global reference in sustainable development.
00:34We are in a state of constant change in the world, and we must see where the world is going
00:41We must adapt to that and expect. On the other hand, we have runways and a retractable roof in a completely typical playground
00:51He can host football games and concerts with office spaces as well. I think it's great to be on a multi-purpose playground. The variety of events that take place here is remarkable.
01:05and copenhagen used two stadiums in northern europe .
01:30K, let's begin our journey on the North Sea, where Amsterdam is located
01:37with a population of more than eight hundred thousand people,
01:41It was built entirely on marshes in the 17th century and is famous for its historic status and the canal zone
01:48It is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
01:52In such a very dense area, it was simply not possible to build the stadium,
02:00Therefore, the eyes turned to a less densely populated area in the southwest of the city next to a neighborhood on the front.
02:09This is where Arena Stadium stands with its own
02:21The name of one of the greatest football players in history and the winner of the Golden Ball Award is three times in the 1970s.
02:30Champion of. For. Dutch, all of them
02:32The stadium is now the home of the Club Negras Amsterdam, the most successful club in the country, which is also one of the greatest European clubs
02:42after winning the European Champions League four times.
02:49Hank Mark, the stadium manager, was one of the architects involved in selecting the site and design of the stadium in the '90s
