United States Reaches Biden’s 70% COVID-19 Vaccination Goal

  • 3 years ago
United States
Reaches Biden’s, 70% COVID-19
Vaccination Goal.
CDC data shows that 70 percent of adults in the United States
have received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine. .
This means that the country has finally achieved a
country-wide goal set by President Joe Biden, which was
initially supposed to be met by the Fourth of July. .
Although a month late, the vaccination victory is
nevertheless a significant achievement for the U.S. .
Federal health officials view the 70 percent milestone
as a crucial step towards achieving herd immunity. .
Herd immunity occurs when enough people in a
population (the herd) are immune to an infectious disease,
therefore making the spread of said disease less likely. .
As a result, the entire community, including those who
are not immune to the disease, become protected. .
Unfortunately, family physician Dr. Natasha Bhuyan
believes nationwide immunity does not properly take local
communities with lower vaccination rates into account. .
Even if America reaches 70% or 75%, if we
continue to have ZIP codes and neighborhoods
at 40 or 50%, they will continue to be at risk of
having outbreaks and being hot spots, Dr. Natasha Bhuyan, via CNBC.
The United States is averaging about 660,000
vaccinations per day according to the CDC.
This is a significant drop from
peak levels in mid-April, when
more than three million shots
were being given daily. .
Overall, 20 states and the District of Columbia
have surpassed the 70 percent milestone. .
On the other hand, 12 states have not yet
achieved a 60 percent vaccination rate.
Mississippi has the lowest vaccination rate,
with only 50 percent of adults in the state having
received at least one dose of a vaccine.


