• 4 years ago
2002年, 中国又有石破天惊之作, 中国工程师和工人展开全球数一数二的庞大建筑工程, 坐落在汪洋大海中深水港, 这是中国有史以来最大的基础设施. 这里即将成为中国历史上第一大深水港, 码头岸将长达20公里, 有50个船位, 离岸超过30公里, 由全球第二大跨海大桥衔接大陆本土, 这里有巨大的起重机, 最尖端的控制系统和全神贯注的工作人员, 早已刷新了装卸巨大货柜船的世界纪录, 在全球最大的进出口贸易中争夺霸主地位. 码头上配备了全球功率最强大的起重机, 高科技的拖车和全球货柜港最先进的控制系统, 加上几位业界一流的货柜港营运人员, 从这艘大船驶进码头的那一刻起, 他们必须在20个小时之内卸下将近3千个货柜. 这是一个充满美好前景的建筑方案, 用短短数年就打造出这座港口, 未来将成为全球第一大货柜港. 大家都因这项成就而骄傲, 然而航运公司已经着手设计更大的货柜船, 这些超大船只将需要更长的码头, 更大的起重机和更深的海水, 这座历史上第一大的货柜港, 将来恐怕还要再进行扩建工程.
Monster Project Tour:--
In 2002, China had another stunning project. Chinese engineers and workers started one of the world’s largest construction mega structure. It is located in a deep water port in the vast ocean, which is the largest infrastructure in China’s history. This is about to become the largest deep water harbor in Chinese history. The port and the pier will be 20 kilometers long, with 50 ship piers, and more than 30 kilometers offshore. It is connected to the mainland by the world’s second largest sea crossing bridge. There are huge cranes, cutting-edge control systems and dedicated staff. It set the world record for loading and unloading huge container ships, and is competing for hegemony in the world's largest import and export trade. The terminal is equipped with the world's most powerful crane, high-tech trailers and the world's most advanced control system for container ports, plus experienced port operators, from the moment the ship entered the terminal, they had to unload nearly 3,000 containers within 20 hours. This is a promising construction plan. This port was built in just a few years, and it will become the world’s largest container port in the future. Everyone is proud of this achievement, but shipping companies have begun to design larger container ships, which will require longer Wharf, larger cranes and deeper water, from this largest container port in history, I am afraid that there will be further expansion projects in the future.


