...ينضم إلينا عبر الأقمار الصناعية السيد مع...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Joining us via satellite is Mr. Maan Al-Jubouri, former adviser to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and an expert in strategic affairs. Welcome with us Mr. Ma'an.
00:09We would like to understand from you, first of all, the extent of the infiltration of the mobilization in Iraq.
00:14influence the political decision.
00:19Good evening to you, madam and to our viewers. Yes, the popular mobilization is an active force now on the political and military levels
00:28for the enjoyment of
00:32a balance in the military circle first, and this gave it a dimension and momentum
00:40to be on the political level as well
00:44because most of the parties are now the window
00:49the ruling party in Iraq has these armed factions that are forming from them
00:56the popular mobilization. Therefore, it constitutes an effective political and military security force.
01:03Of course, this also reflects on the economic situation on
01:08in the extent of its control and influence in the state's policy, since, as we mentioned
01:17he has a wide spectrum
01:19from supporters of a wide spectrum of active leaders and Iranian support. This is very important
01:28as you mentioned in the introduction and the report
01:32The Iranian support formed a great dimension for the popular mobilization, especially that we know that Iran
01:40And she's got it all over me
01:44came inside Iraq and has wide influence. This also gives more momentum in
01:53To have him
01:55The decision to have control
02:00In the course of things and a force to be reckoned with in reality.
02:06It seems that over the years, the mobilization's capabilities have grown completely, and its role in Iraq has increased.
02:15And here I ask you, did the newcomers succeed in containing the policy of containment that
02:21He was trying to follow her with the crowd, or he failed in this mission
02:27He tried to create balanced relationships. It is not possible, frankly, to limit the role of the mobilization. It can't be
02:36As we know, it is a year and a half of the year.
02:43Mr. Al-Kazmi officially announced in more than one forum that
02:50does not want to create new crises for the already tense Iraqi situation
02:56And even his policy and his program.