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  • 3 years ago
00:00And that's unusual.
00:02Newcomers to swim pass through a fixed platform before learning actual swimming techniques
00:11Like a breaststroke or a back or a crawl.
00:14It starts with self-rescue skills
00:20Once you overcome the fear of cold water. They close their heads for the first time and then they open their eyes.
00:30Then the kids try
00:33Find something at the bottom of the pool first at the water surface and then at the bottom.
00:41Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:43Here, the foot contact is lost to the ground and the first sense of depth is formed.
00:53Then it's known that the body floats on the surface of the water without help. It's basically important
01:01Because it removes the fear of drowning.
01:05Your body is like a ball, you have air in your body, and that's why you can float in the water like a ball. Now try exactly that.
01:14Try to float
01:16The easiest way is to float on your back. Look at the ceiling, just like that.
01:23But children learn not only to swim, but also adults One in four Germans and two French
01:31There's trouble with water boarding.
01:34There are almost no differences between infants or adults when it comes to learning how to swim.
01:41The only differences in the experiences that one has collected in advance.
01:45You always have to lose your fears first and then continue to adjust.
01:52Last year, more than 5,000 French children participated in the process of learning how to swim. First step
02:00to lose your fears and become safe. After the tournament, half the kids get their first swimming medal, and most importantly
02:10They enter his fear of water
02:13And they're learning how to get back to the mainland safe.
02:17Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:19Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
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