• 4 years ago
安吉它是一个典型的山区县,Anji is a typical mountainous county,
七山一水两分田。seven mountains, one water, two fields.
上世纪八九十年代的时候,In the 1980s and 1990s,
也是浙江省的一个贫困县。it is a poor county in Zhejiang Province.
当时为了发展经济,At that time, in order to develop the economy,
县里面也引进了一些造纸厂、水泥厂、化工厂等一些高污染、高能耗的企业,the county had introduced some paper mills, cement plants, chemical plants and other enterprises with high pollution and high energy consumption,
那么经济得到了一定的发展,the economy has developed to a certain extent,
但是环境也随之遭到了破坏。but the environment has also been destroyed.
在1998年,In 1998,
国务院太湖治理的零点行动当中,the State Council took Zero Action to harness the environment of Taihu Lake,
安吉就收到了黄牌警告。Anji got a yellow card.
在零点行动之后,After the Zero Action,
安吉也是痛定思痛,Anji learned from this experience,
下定决心关停了许多的高污染、高能耗的企业。determined to shut down many enterprises with high pollution and high energy consumption.
2000年的时候,In 2000,
就确立了生态立县的发展之路。Anji had established the development road of ecological county.


