Wild Indian Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Decades after covering up his classmate's murder, Michael (Michael Greyeyes) has moved on from his reservation and fractured past. When a man who shares his violent secret seeks vengeance, Michael goes to great lengths to protect his new life with his wife (Kate Bosworth) and boss (Jesse Eisenberg) from the demons of his past.
directed by Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr.
starring Michael Greyeyes, Chaske Spencer, Kate Bosworth, Jesse Eisenberg, Lisa Gromarty, Scott Haze, Phoenix Wilson, Julian Gopal
release date September 3, 2021 (in theaters and on VOD)
directed by Lyle Mitchell Corbine Jr.
starring Michael Greyeyes, Chaske Spencer, Kate Bosworth, Jesse Eisenberg, Lisa Gromarty, Scott Haze, Phoenix Wilson, Julian Gopal
release date September 3, 2021 (in theaters and on VOD)
Short film