...التجربة أو ربما تجربة سيئة عندما وصلت ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the experience or perhaps a bad experience when it reached
00:04the authority for the first time, and now it has a clearer idea about the country, the region and the world
00:11also the internal problems
00:16If the movement has an understanding of all these issues, and this time when it arrived, it might not
00:23we received a peaceful reaction from the Afghan society and there was no war as happened
00:31the previous time. Therefore
00:34It has full sovereignty over the entire country and the economy.
00:41afghanistan is an agricultural country
00:45and 85% of the population work in agriculture and they need
00:55It's powered up
00:59which started to arrive, but the previous government did not accomplish these acts. If
01:08Those who want to help Afghanistan must focus on
01:13this field and the agricultural sector to increase production .
01:21dealing with the societal problems in their opinion
01:25good for the relationship with the world. They want a purely Islamic state
01:36They want peaceful relations with all the nations of the world. And I've already
01:45to reassure the countries
01:47the neighboring countries and the countries of the world that the movement will not allow
01:54any country using Afghan territory in operations against neighboring countries or other countries.
02:00So the movement has a clear diplomatic line
02:07She wants to have good relationships and she wants to focus more on the economy and agriculture.
02:14In addition, in addition to focusing on agriculture, emphasis should be placed on manufacturing
02:23and on the institutions that are new. I think the movement is capable of dealing with all these things
02:29so that you can ask for the help of the Afghans who are outside the country
02:38I can reassure them and ensure working conditions for them and for them to be of good help. Mr. Walid Safi, I finished exactly when I wanted to take the floor because
02:49We must make a difference between our guests. Go to Washington now. Ask our guest from there
02:57about this speech and this press conference.