...استخدام المبدأ الاساسي لمحطة الطاقة النو...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the use of the basic principle of the nuclear power station is still applied until today
00:08There's uranium in the reactor fuel rods.
00:15Uranium atoms have a neutral charge to absorb nitro nut and then dissolve an atom. And the power is released
00:27What's so special about it. When the uranium atoms decompose, two to three new particles are released. These electrons can
00:36To divide into more of a species
00:38A chain reaction generates more energy. And it's not small, with an average production of a medium-sized nuclear power plant
00:47one thousand two hundred card
00:49Two hundred wind turbines.
00:52But nuclear fission has an important condition.
00:55The fast Newt Ronald is associated with uranium atoms only if they are kept by water.
01:02So the fuel rods in the water basins are deep
01:11Nuclear fission energy is released mainly in the form of heat. The reactor must be cooled down so it does not melt into the fuel rods.
01:21This operation is being carried out in most German reactors
01:25The same water that slows down electrons is used to be pumped through the reactor under high pressure.
01:32The initial circle is shown here in red
01:36In the so-called steam generator, the hot water meets the secondary circuit shown here in blue and is also cooled in helping tasks.
01:46The resulting steam is fed into the turbines
01:48Which in turn drives the generator to produce electricity in the third circle shown here in yellow. The steam is being justified again
01:57Cooling water is released into the environment.
02:00Nuclear fission energy is first converted to water vapour and then to electricity in turbines.
02:06All nuclear power plants in the world depend on this basic principle
02:13Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:16Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:26Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:42That happiness prolongs violence
02:52We are watching the documentary program which