...الدول من دون استثناء ، وأيضا ترحب بأي نو...

  • 3 years ago
00:00countries without exception, and also welcome any kind of assistance to the Afghan economy regardless of its source.
00:09So there's openness to dealing with the world. But it seems that the world is not yet ready to deal with the movement.
00:16All forces in the world view Afghanistan from a different angle.
00:24I think that stability means that the countries neighboring Afghanistan and in the region, including China
00:32I'm very interested in making sure it's not a mess. There is no instability, and that a government is being formed in Kabul that can
00:44to secure a level of peace and security in the country. This also applies to Russia and other countries in the region. As for other countries, they feel
00:54due to disputes due to confrontations. not
01:01if there is instability in Afghanistan. But as for the army or politics, as we said
01:08Russia, China and other countries are trying to achieve
01:14in return for investing in Afghanistan in the future. China is not interested in all economic matters in Afghanistan.
01:23Of course she's worried about the situation in her west.
01:30But the United States and many others feel that if there is a government
01:37recognized and there is a system that works well and perhaps they would like to participate.
01:43There's not necessarily a break. There may be some collective cooperative efforts to help Afghanistan.
01:51Each country can achieve its own interests
01:58a way that allows the Afghan government to balance these interests. In the past, the government was able to
02:06to resolve this balance between the interests of the regional and international powers.
02:11From now on, I also think we should learn these lessons
02:17We must balance the geopolitical and economic interests of different countries.
02:22Very briefly, Mr Selfridge. He's going to hold out again. What about the neighbors? the countries of the ring, Iran
02:27And also Tajikistan and Pakistan. Is she eager to reap the fruits today economically?
02:38Of course, the most important for all this international stability
02:44and the possibility that there will be economic ties and economic blood in the region. I think that these are the main motives of all countries in the neighborhood
02:54Oh, good. I go back to Mr. Piano to ask also what the aspirations of the neighbours are.