Come Back | يجو عائدين

  • 3 years ago
A Sudanese song that reflects alienation.. and that the parents want those who are far away from them to return.. He remembers them with longing, nostalgia, and memories that passed through life and years. He did not see them.. He sings to them that they will return soon.. and they have been waiting for them with love, welcome, longing and memories since their death. Oh God, return everyone who is away from his home to a family.. and return him happy, safe and Ghanem, and he will never leave them.. It is enough for the soul to separate from the body. All our days are with those we love and close to them..Oh God, never take anyone away from his home, his loved ones, his family, and those whom he loved and loved, Lord.. Thank you.. the artist Loli Muhammad, the creative in my country.. and the delicate artist, Osama Jambo.. that reflects the other from my country in a neater, better and more beautiful way. Good luck.. all the creative youth of the country.. and lovers of our great Sudan always and forever..

اغنية سودانية تعكس الغربة .. وان الاهل يريدون رجوع اولئك الذين هم بعاد عنهم .. ويتذكرهم بالشوق والحنين والزكريات التى مرت خلال العمر والسنين .ولم يراءهم .. فيغني لهم بانهم سيعودون فى القريب .. وهم فى انتظارهم بكل حب وترحاب وشوق وزكريات منذ رحيهم .. اللهم ارجع كل مبتعد عن داره لاهلة .. وارجعة وهو سعيد سالم وغانم ولا يفارقهم ابدا .. يكفي فراق الروح للجسد فذاك هو الفراق الذي ما بعده رجوع .. لذلك فراقين على المراء مننا شئ لا يطاق .. ولا يتحملة احد .. جعل الله ايامنا كله مع من نحب وبقربهم .. اللهم لا تبعد احد من داره ابدا واحبته واهلة ومن احبهم واحببه يارب .. شكراً .. الفنانة لولي محمد المبدعة فى بلادي .. والفنان المرهف اسامة جامبو .. ذلك ما يعكس للاخر من بلادي بصورة ارتب وافضل واجمل .. موفقين .. كل شباب الوطن المبديعين .. ومحبين لسوداننا الكبير دوما وابدا ..


