Do you feel left out and awkward while others socialize in a group? Are you conscious while dining in a group that you might commit some mistake? Does being in a group of people make you feel anxious while you secretly crave being a part of a group and being accepted by them? If the answer to these questions is yes, chances are you have social anxiety. The good news is that overcoming social anxiety is very much possible since the only thing that brings anxiety is - your thoughts. You can reprogram your thoughts through affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that rewire the subconscious mind to think and believe in a particular way. This process is so powerful that it can reshape one's reality. You can repeat these affirmations or play them as you do your chores, begin your day, or go to sleep. What you attract is in your thoughts. Your journey to overcoming social anxiety begins now. Believe and Manifest!