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  • 3 years ago
00:02And it's not just what we eat, it's how much we eat
00:07During the 20th century, the global population almost quadrupled, which is amazing, you know. Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of the world,
00:18However, per capita consumption increases by about 20 times in the same period.
00:25This is what drives the growth of food production in the 20th century
00:30They supply the modern system with more food than we need at any time in the past, and we embrace open minds and open mouths.
00:38obesity is an important health problem in the united states . Nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight.
00:47We produce too much food in this country. I mean, the food industry produced comfort, but it went out of the ordinary because what they did
00:57It's creating a system that encourages us to eat a lot more often
01:02And the wrong kinds of foods.
01:05The system was created to produce salty sweet food and a container of fat for a simple reason: to make money.
01:15We are not saying that the directors of some soft drink companies hope that there will be a obesity epidemic in childhood, as some imagine
01:25They have a fiduciary responsibility to the company's shareholders for quarterly profits.
01:33Products such as fruits and vegetables are perishable because they spoil, I mean, they are not profitable, and there is no profit margin in their production, and we do not put the name of the brand on them.
01:45The system was created to support the most profitable food, unfortunately
01:49The margins of profit and health are always contradictory. Actually
01:54The evolutionary drive itself of the calories-rich foods that helped us evolve
02:00She's threatening our lives right now. The reason we care about nutrition is that studying the global burden of disease,
02:07It is the largest study of human risk factors for disease in history.
02:11And I found that the first cause of death in the U.S. was our diet, and the first cause of disability in the U.S
02:20It was our diet.
02:22The food choices we make determine our health.
02:28We have tremendous power in controlling health, fate and longevity. The vast majority of premature deaths and incapacitation can be prevented through adequate sanitary and other lifestyle changes. It just takes that kind of information to get out there. People do not make the best decision because they want to be in good health
02:49Food processing has shaped the way we ate food in the last century, but it also contributes
02:56In many of the biggest environmental challenges that deputies have.