...حسن روحاني كانت أكثر متجهة نحو الغرب نحو...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Hassan Rohani was more heading towards the West towards reviving the nuclear agreement, and therefore
00:07started the dialogue with the Western countries with five plus one
00:12in 2013 when President Hassan Rohani won in the first round and ended with the Vienna talks.
00:20Therefore, these eight years for President Hassan Rohani were between
00:242013 and 2021, all of which were aimed at the negotiations with five plus one.
00:32the government of President Ibrahim Major says that the government will
00:37is not a recruit for these negotiations. Therefore, when you say that it wants to open up to
00:45The internal situation is opening the Asian countries to these countries
00:50the fifteen surrounding Iran. It says that it wants to expand its relations, and it does not start or end with the nuclear negotiations, in the sense that
01:00that if the nuclear negotiations succeeded and the nuclear agreement was revived
01:05therefore, if the nuclear agreement is not revived, Iran has other options that it wants to make
01:13in order to run with it
01:17new pages of cooperation and relations, whether in the political, economic or other fields, especially with what you mentioned with China,
01:26because Iran believes that or so I think during
01:30The first months of Ibrahim's main government will be signed with China. also
01:38I will move to my guest from Riyadh, Dr. Abdul Aziz. We are close to the end of this episode for a short time, but there is a rotation between the conservatives and the moderates in power in Iran. My question is
01:49What are the limits of openness or even reform before the Supreme Leader's authority?
01:55Certainly, the Supreme Leader has a high authority. Therefore, when he chose and supported President Ibrahim
02:00the authority. He wants to implement an agenda, but the question is: Can President Ibrahim, my president, implement the promises and hopes that it raises?
02:09There is a new international coalition, and it is
02:12Australia, Japan, South Korea and India in the face of China and China are forced to go to Iran and Pakistan in order to match this influence.
02:22the repercussions for it in the region is the question
02:24will it change the reality of politics and will it open up to the countries as it wanted? I do not think that China and Russia, China and Russia
02:34has two interests with Iran economically and in the interest of
02:37the confrontation with the United States in the so-called former cold war, which was known
02:43in this aspect, but this conflict will continue to exist. I don't think it's
02:47Iran cannot get rid of all what it wants in a day and night, and achieve the goals that Ibrahim, my president, proposed in his plan, but
02:56the repercussions that this is what concerns us in the region.