Pentagon expects attacks at Kabul airport to continue, says 12 service members killed and 15 injured

  • 3 years ago
The Pentagon’s General McKenzie just held a briefing on today’s attacks at the Kabul airport and said 12 service members were killed and 15 injured in the attack at the Abbey gate:

He explained that the ISIS members opened fire on civilians and US military after the suicide bombing. The way he said it, it’s 12 dead right now at this moment. I expect that number could go up over the next few hours.

In this next video, McKenzie says that they expect these attacks to continue and then says something pretty stunning:

"The threat from ISIS is extremely real. We've been talking about it for several days. We saw it manifest in the last few hours with an actual attack. We believe it is their desire to continue those attacks and we expect those attacks to continue." -- Gen. McKenzie

McKenzie says they are doing everything they can to be prepared for these attacks and adds “and that includes reaching out to the Taliban who are actually providing the outer security around the airfield to make sure they know what we expect them to do to protect us. And we will continue to coordinate with them as they go forward.”

The Taliban protect us? Seriously? I don’t necessarily blame McKenzie for this, I blame Joe Biden who refuses to allow our military to leave the airport. This is why the blood of these 12 service members are on his hands, for putting our military, US citizens and our Afghan allies in this terrible predicament.


