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  • 3 years ago
00:00That's something. I think there is doubt, there is a different society that grew up in Afghanistan over the past 20 years. There
00:08Different culture. there were also groups of pineapples that Afghanistan also
00:13the sword of women from villages and ethnic groups, and some Iraqi women do not find that
00:21Don't be comfortable under the Taliban. Therefore, it is normal to be there
00:27a large wave of asylum from Afghanistan, and this wave has been going on for more than forty years. Even after the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, there was a wave of asylum,
00:37But what is different now is that the previous trend of identities that was to Pakistan or to the neighboring countries, but now the Afghans have become
00:46are looking forward to resorting to Europe, to countries like Germany, to
00:51rich to countries that provide them with stability and acceptance, and to turn from refugees to citizens.
00:57Europe here is a good example of that. Therefore, I think that there is a large wave of asylum that will head in the wave
01:06The German has, for example, a murder
01:08inside, there is providing the possibility of forty thousand refugees or receiving them as well. There is another policy, German and European. I think so, too
01:16distribution of financial aid to the neighboring countries
01:20help it to absorb these refugees and keep them in the Afghan ocean. What about this policy, too? Can it work with your discretion
01:32Of course, the policy is with the German government, and the German government announced today that it will provide about five hundred million euros
01:39to the neighboring countries of Afghanistan so that they can absorb the refugees
01:43the establishment of a reception for Shiites and in a year, and when they were allowed to go to Europe.
01:49But this is a matter of many things. First, the surrounding countries
01:53In Afghanistan, is it really a desire to receive Afghan refugees? Is it economically able to withstand their presence? Is it enough? is the amount of fifty million
02:03Euro distributed to four or five countries? Is it enough to absorb millions of hundreds of thousands if we do not transfer millions of Afghans? These are questions that are still open
02:11And we'll see how it develops in the future. But I assure you that
02:15There's a crime generation for the Afghans trying to get to Europe. I mean, it's not enough. I mean, he moves to the neighboring countries
02:23He's not gonna get what he wants. There are refugees, there are young people
02:27Afghan refugees were the second nationality to receive asylum in Germany after nationality. Syria during the first wave
02:34that the crisis had not started at that time, but
02:39Afghans must have a desire to emigrate from their country. There is, as I said, a different society that grew up in 20 years. The last commander
02:47They want to change their lives in a radical way, and that's why they're not done
02:50to stay in the neighboring countries of Afghanistan. Yes, it is better to look at the issue from the angle of security concerns because there are many fears