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  • 3 years ago
00:00Certainly, I think that the United States will put in other places, such as Syria or the Middle East in general,
00:07But if there is another opinion that says that the United States
00:11It got rid of the burden of Afghanistan after twenty years and preceded this salvation. This exit was preceded by an understanding with the Taliban during the past years.
00:20and the Taliban leadership was present in the
00:23in Qatar, and it changed politically and there was an understanding with it. Therefore, there is a kind of understanding on some specifics,
00:32But the situation, whether Washington lost in Afghanistan or intellectual, came out
00:40In both cases, the new leaders of Afghanistan seem closer to the Russians than the Americans. How does that affect the equation? No, I just
00:51I don't think we have a winner, she got rid of the burden of a war that is more than twenty years old, I mean, it is not winning and losing,
00:59But it seems the Biden administration does not want to continue in that place,
01:03It seems that it is certain that the regime that it created in Afghanistan is fragile and weak in front of the Taliban, so it decided to go to an understanding with the Taliban and replace
01:12In this place, but this isn't this
01:14I mean, and this is a point of view adopted by some people, which they do not consider a victory for America, but it is not considered a defeat, but what is considered a defeat and a humiliating exit for the Americans,
01:24Certainly, I think that the United States
01:26will weaken its presence in other arenas such as Syria, Libya, and other files, but in my opinion, I do not think that
01:35The United States will weaken the world
01:38After what happened in Afghanistan, it is clear that the United States has specific goals that work in Syria, worked in the era of Obama and then in the era of
01:47Trump and then in a time,
01:49In a long time, the meaning of the US policy in Syria is based on letting Syria face its fate in a fundamental way, and maintaining the US interests in Syria
01:58directly, I mean, rules or a group of interests
02:02and understanding with Russia on that, and let Russia trade to maintain its interests, but the Americans did not decide
02:09to abandon or change the form of the political regime in Syria.
02:12We saw them in Iraq when there was an American decision to change the regime in Iraq. The United States came and occupied Iraq and changed the reality completely.
02:21But in Syria, despite the presence of US forces in Syria and despite their presence
02:25in countries surrounding the region, but the US decision is not to intervene militarily in Syria. There is no American decision
02:33to intervene militarily, as happened in Iraq, or in other words, otherwise, it would not have reached an understanding with Russia
02:38which supports the regime and is the main party that maintained its presence through the Syrian regime, of course, in addition to Iran in Syria. The United States
02:48has a vision to deal with Syria,
02:50is not a new issue today, especially in Afghanistan. As I said a long time ago, Obama mentioned since 2013 when the understanding on chemical weapons