...الموقع الإلكتروني اقتصاد الشرق مع بلومبي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The East Economy website with Bloomberg now and these app stores.
00:28Former Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir
00:31a new arrest warrant was issued years after an international arrest warrant was issued in khartoum to hand them over to the criminal court in the hague .
00:42fighting for them our viewers as well
00:45The political decision, regardless of any need, is the ruler in the Sudanese state.
01:04Tomorrow at five o'clock Saudi time on the east
01:14A decision that raises the alarm for the refugees in Germany and those who are waiting for their arrival there
01:21Even in
01:30The problem is not to make money available to Lebanon, but it is the problem with corruption, and the fact that Lebanon is incapable of reform
01:41Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:44Iran does not have a military program in this context with the testimony of the agency
01:51Extreme over
01:56like the one
02:01Saudi time on the east
02:07An integrated world in which we are aware of the economic maneuvers. God
02:17Welcome to the program
02:19The economic returns that will result from the tripartite cooperation are due to the strengthening of the Arab role in the diaspora,
02:28All these big names in the world of technology, what are these people's agendas? sometimes convince them there of collusion to buy more influence, exploitation of minerals on the United States of America, revolutions currently in the hands of China, and
02:46The British returned to the Asian continent today from the gate of Japan, and any message that this nationalism wants
02:56six o'clock saudi time
02:58on the east