Review: The Meg

  • 3 years ago
Jonas Taylor merupakan seorang mantan anggota pasukan khusus Amerika yang pernah punya pengalaman mengerikan ketika berada di laut. Keahliannya sebagai Kapten Angkatan Laut terbuang sia-sia ketika dirinya bertemu dengan sosok makhluk buas dari dasar laut.
Namun, kini, Jonas harus kembali ke laut. Menyelamatkan ilmuwan bernama Suyin yang sedang melakukan penelitian bersama timnya.

Five years ago, oceanographer diver and Navy Captain Jonas Taylor faced an unknown danger in the unexplored recesses of the Mariana Trench that forced him to abort his mission and leave half his crew behind. Although the tragic incident saw him fired from service, what ultimately cost him his career, his marriage, and all forms of honor were his unsupported and unbelievable claims about what caused it - the attack on his ship by a giant 70 feet high sea. creature. , believed to be extinct for over a million years. But when a submarine sinks and deforms at the bottom of the ocean - carrying his ex-wife among the team - he's the one who gets the call. Whether it's a redemption shot or a suicide mission, Jonas must face his fears and risk his own life and the lives of all those trapped below.
