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  • 3 years ago
00:00That's why I started a vegan trend after that. Low-fat plant cultivation is the only way to eat that has been proven to recognize coronary artery disease. We know that heart disease is the primary killer of women and men in most developed countries of the world. The third reason is the environment.
00:22The revolution in veganism began, and it is no longer limited to a select few. This is Victoria Moran, the writer and vegetarian
00:32Thirty years ago.
00:35Everyone here is not a celebrity, and we don't all look like we're nominated to be fashionable. We're not hippies either
00:43Or loud rockers.
00:46We're all kinds of people.
00:49how many health teachers , vegetarian coaches and authors ? I defend a lifestyle characterized by high levels of vegetables, raw food and energy.
00:59That means we have a lot of pretty colored food.
01:03We know that antioxidants have these great plant chemicals that are supposed to get rid of degenerative disease. honorably
01:12It's found in the colors of fruits and vegetables that must look like your shopping cart and your Christmas tree class
01:19Mostly green with some other bright colors. So you must have a lot of raw food and a lot of fruit and beans.
01:29The pulses are amazing, and it is exciting that dark leafy vegetables have a high nutritional value, as they have the equivalent of cow meat in every silk evening of protein.
01:40Evidence of the importance of the plant diet goes back decades. The study was named China by the New York Times
01:49From the great prize of epidemiology
01:52Because it was the biggest view of human nutrition ever. It took me 20 years, and I started in the lab at Cornell
02:00With a doctor at Colin Campbell
02:03The result of China's study, which researchers didn't even expect, was that the more animal food consumed, the more disease became.
02:12As plant foods are consumed, health improves And based on this scientific evidence,
02:19Dr. Campbell put up a golden rule to eat.
02:23A formula, in fact, is a complete food system based on plants by Dr. Colin Campbell, which means a food system that depends entirely on the whole foods of the plant kingdom, the vegetables and fruits, the whole grains, the beans, and the seeds.
02:41The benefits of this diet are evident in some famous areas
02:45The world's population lives in places like Greece, Costa Rica, Sardinia and Japan in rural China.
02:52A lot of people are 70 years old
02:56They have the same perfect blood pressure as average pressure.