...المتحدة الاميركية والمملكة المتحدة في عم...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the United States of America and the United Kingdom in making a deal.
00:05but the conditions that he put that were set for days
00:10President Karami changed the existing conditions, which were clarified by President Biden.
00:16Therefore, the agreement is on the table and it is discussed and they came according to
00:21God willing, and it is expected that you will find the light in the year 2020.
00:28As for Britain's exit from the European Union
00:32The main reason for her departure, which is the deputy, was prepared by the freedom to accuse the trade deals and agreements with the various countries of the world
00:42And with different conglomerates.
00:45Of course, there are countries in their hands in the European Union, and there is no doubt that the European Union regrets its establishment and is affected now
00:54a big impact from Britain's exit from the European Union.
00:58For the deals, the report was made clear
01:02I mean, agreements were started before, even England came out of the European Union
01:08But she started to see the light
01:10Of course, after the exit of the Union, allow me to ask Dr. John Kerry, France will head the European Union in the first half of the year
01:20two thousand twenty two starting from January. How
01:23Will it? France leads to the European Union on the future of the relationship with Britain in light of this
01:30The extraordinary escalation
01:36We do not know yet, but the French rulers repeated that
01:43they are putting forward reforms and developments in this exceptional period.
01:53Knowing that it would be useful for Chairman Macro to
02:00Be as dynamic as possible
02:06Because he'll be in the last corridor before the presidential election.
02:12And we've seen in the past few months that
02:17with some internal setbacks, and they are known,
02:22I mean, the scenes and the treatment of the epidemic.
02:27He has taken refuge in the international arena
02:33He's using French influence internally. Of course
02:41not only internationally,
02:44this incident with Australia destabilizes this policy, and perhaps
02:52It contributes to resentment and anger
02:58The French.